Good News About Baby Boomers

You said you don't make enough to itemize but you are in the top 10 percent.
My bad, your rich too

I make around $40k, my wife makes about $70k. Our house isn't an expensive one. Oh wait...we do get education credits because we are putting our youngest through college(our oldest already graduated from Penn State with a Forestry Degree)....forgot about that.....but our mortgage interest isn't enough to go over the standard deduction.

But once again....this isn't about me.
Rich people pay the majority of taxes. Working stiffs get bent on the low percentage after incentives!
Compare a country that is high tax on capital and let me know who's working stiffs are better off?
110,000 is upper middle not top ten
Rich people pay the majority of taxes. Working stiffs get bent on the low percentage after incentives!
Compare a country that is high tax on capital and let me know who's working stiffs are better off?
110,000 is upper middle not top ten're right.

"Working stiffs get bent"? Yeah, they do....because most of them don't have a pot to piss in and they still have to raise their families.

Explain to me why we have to subsidize big businesses who pay their employees jack? We supply food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies because the Conglomerate doesn't want to pay a decent wage. Now, back in the day when we had strong blue collar industries, it wasn't a big deal, because it was mostly teens looking for part time work that filled those jobs....but now that many of those jobs's huge.

We are subsidizing what they should be taking care of. So unless you're cool with people starving and homeless, perhaps you ought to think about who we are actually "bending" with our tax dollars.
We don't make enough, or have an expensive enough house to itemize...

But that's not the point, is it? The point is, the wealthy get deductions and loopholes that only they can take advantage of. And that still doesn't excuse the Tax Haven BS either.

This country gave them the Freedom to excel and live beyond most of our wildest dreams. To turn around and lobby for more and more, and throw the burden of their greed onto the employees of this country is spitting in the face of the nation. Where's THEIR patriotism? Where's their honor?

The 1st Amendment gives them the right to petition/bitch at Congress. It's not magical, unless you have some sort of Soviet hive mind which detests individual liberty.
The 1st Amendment gives them the right to petition/bitch at Congress. It's not magical, unless you have some sort of Soviet hive mind which detests individual liberty.

So....petitioning is the equivalent of tax evasion and buying off politicians? Oh riiiiigghht.....citizen's united.'re right.

"Working stiffs get bent"? Yeah, they do....because most of them don't have a pot to piss in and they still have to raise their families.

Explain to me why we have to subsidize big businesses who pay their employees jack? We supply food stamps, Medicaid, and housing subsidies because the Conglomerate doesn't want to pay a decent wage. Now, back in the day when we had strong blue collar industries, it wasn't a big deal, because it was mostly teens looking for part time work that filled those jobs....but now that many of those jobs's huge.

We are subsidizing what they should be taking care of. So unless you're cool with people starving and homeless, perhaps you ought to think about who we are actually "bending" with our tax dollars.

I detest having to cite Galbraith, but did you ever hear about his findings in How the Other Half Lives? All of the problems you blame on modern business existed in the 50s, minus government support structures which have since been created. The old sitcom family was largely a myth, as it took multiple income earners, then as now. Quit hiding in Neverland and grow the fuck up.
So....petitioning is the equivalent of tax evasion and buying off politicians? Oh riiiiigghht.....citizen's united.
You are such a dishonest, evil lying hack. If you want millions as you so clearly desire, despite your humble pie shtick, you should have fucking gone for it. I have been too lazy to spend the 1000 hours of tutoring necessary for me to learn enough math to survive the precalulus stats courses required in MBA programs, but lefties always give me such a motivation to become rich just so I can look down my nose at you and open some Swiss and Cayman accounts.
You are such a dishonest, evil lying hack. If you want millions as you so clearly desire, despite your humble pie shtick, you should have fucking gone for it. I have been too lazy to spend the 1000 hours of tutoring necessary for me to learn enough math to survive the precalulus stats courses required in MBA programs, but lefties always give me such a motivation to become rich just so I can look down my nose at you and open some Swiss and Cayman accounts.

I don't want millions. That's just it....that's what you don't get. I am fine... this isn't about me.
I detest having to cite Galbraith, but did you ever hear about his findings in How the Other Half Lives? All of the problems you blame on modern business existed in the 50s, minus government support structures which have since been created. The old sitcom family was largely a myth, as it took multiple income earners, then as now. Quit hiding in Neverland and grow the fuck up.

It's funny you didn't address any of the points in his post 3d. And evil, lying hack??? Oh my where is Mr. Demille for your closeup?
But your anger at those with more is hillarious!'s my concern with the hundreds of millions who can't make it without yours and my tax dollars subsidizing their employers so they don't have to pay enough to live on.....but....after seeing what selfish pricks you and 3d are...why am I not surprised that you guys would think it's about me?