Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists


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Climate alarmists bury good news and exaggerate bad news.

For example, over the past 30 years there has been a 14% increase in the Earth's green vegetation. Deserts are getting smaller and forests are getting lusher. Seventy percent of this "Earth Greening" stems from the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This increased vegetation means more food for insects and deer, for elephants and mice, for fish and whales. It means higher yields for farmers.

The connection between increased carbon dioxide and increased plant growth is a perfect example of "negative feedback" in that added vegetation from Earth Greening takes CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is now at a 56-year high (for this time of year). The population of polar bears is increasing and is currently estimated to be over 30,000. You won't learn that from Al Gore.

Unlike the earth's climate, Earth Greening was an easily predictable outcome of the CO2 increase. Life itself is carbon based. Commercial Greenhouses pump in additional CO2 to stimulate plant growth.

The alarmists' hysterical hostility toward carbon dioxide shows their ignorance and tunnel vision. They are willfully blind to anything beneficial deriving from CO2, a compound essential to life itself. When someone doesn't tell the whole truth, he's lying.
It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.
White lib science expert disagrees. :palm:

It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.

White libs prefer glaciation ...

It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.
We have always had thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes that is called weather. :laugh:
We have always had thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes that is called weather. :laugh:

Weather changes according to changes in climate. Today's devastating events are as a result of climate change, The current climate change is as a result of global warming.
You could assist in reducing global warming by reducing your farting frequency and keeping your fool mouth shut, Lame.

Haw, haw.............................haw/
It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.

You have absolutely no scientific historical evidence to support your claims about hurricanes or mud slides, etc..
It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.

No citation to backup your claim? Bitch
You have absolutely no scientific historical evidence to support your claims about hurricanes or mud slides, etc..

Yeah but you know what the weather nuts do have? They have "feelings". They "feel" like things are really bad and we all know that "feelings" change biology and ecology too it seems.
You have absolutely no scientific historical evidence to support your claims about hurricanes or mud slides, etc..

No- I let the mudslides and hurricanes do the talking. Perhaps you'd like to deny that they have increased in frequency and intensity Speech is free, even for Deniers. Currently.
No- I let the mudslides and hurricanes do the talking. Perhaps you'd like to deny that they have increased in frequency and intensity Speech is free, even for Deniers. Currently.

Show evidence that they have bitch. Your opinion is a pile of dog shit.