Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

No- I let the mudslides and hurricanes do the talking. Perhaps you'd like to deny that they have increased in frequency and intensity Speech is free, even for Deniers. Currently.

I only ask that you prove provide scientific historical evidence that hurricanes and mud slides have increased since 1780 when CO2 became "catastrophic" according to Greta and Al. Can you do that for all of us? A link is unacceptable. Post the relevant quotes or charts here for all to see.
It's unbelievable that anybody could be led to believe that an increased growth of trees somewhere offsets the carnage of thunderous extended deluges, mud slides, floods, massive hurricanes, etc., etc.somewhere else.
Bad news REALLY sux for Deniers.

What if they are Russian trees moonie? Anyone who cannot understand the connection between a strong, vibrant root system and one that has been destroyed by fire leaving the ground bare because the government in CA is too stupid to understand how the Indians for hundreds of years mitigated the effects of mudslides through controlled burns. Your buddy Newsone should have contacted the tribes and let them manage the forest floors instead of hiring based on diversity and inclusion.
Get woke, go broke. Hug a Jew today dummie.
I only ask that you prove provide scientific historical evidence that hurricanes and mud slides have increased since 1780 when CO2 became "catastrophic" according to Greta and Al. Can you do that for all of us? A link is unacceptable. Post the relevant quotes or charts here for all to see.

No- my layman's knowledge of global warming and climate change is drawn from the publications of the experts in the field whose conclusions are repeated in the media links I provide. So are yours , I dare say.
LyingFish AKA
What if they are Russian trees moonie? Anyone who cannot understand the connection between a strong, vibrant root system and one that has been destroyed by fire leaving the ground bare because the government in CA is too stupid to understand how the Indians for hundreds of years mitigated the effects of mudslides through controlled burns. Your buddy Newsone should have contacted the tribes and let them manage the forest floors instead of hiring based on diversity and inclusion.
Get woke, go broke. Hug a Jew today dummie.

Weirdo Jew-hating s.o.b.
No- my layman's knowledge of global warming and climate change is drawn from the publications of the experts in the field whose conclusions are repeated in the media links I provide. So are yours , I dare say.

I looked at all the scientific evidence first, then came to a conclusion.

Of course you nave no scientific historical data on mudslides since 1780. You and your sources are just making shit up.
I looked at all the scientific evidence first, then came to a conclusion.

Of course you nave no scientific historical data on mudslides since 1780. You and your sources are just making shit up.

No- the respected media don't invent the science. The media report it.
Climate alarmists bury good news and exaggerate bad news.

For example, over the past 30 years there has been a 14% increase in the Earth's green vegetation. Deserts are getting smaller and forests are getting lusher. Seventy percent of this "Earth Greening" stems from the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This increased vegetation means more food for insects and deer, for elephants and mice, for fish and whales. It means higher yields for farmers.

The connection between increased carbon dioxide and increased plant growth is a perfect example of "negative feedback" in that added vegetation from Earth Greening takes CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is now at a 56-year high (for this time of year). The population of polar bears is increasing and is currently estimated to be over 30,000. You won't learn that from Al Gore.

Unlike the earth's climate, Earth Greening was an easily predictable outcome of the CO2 increase. Life itself is carbon based. Commercial Greenhouses pump in additional CO2 to stimulate plant growth.

The alarmists' hysterical hostility toward carbon dioxide shows their ignorance and tunnel vision. They are willfully blind to anything beneficial deriving from CO2, a compound essential to life itself. When someone doesn't tell the whole truth, he's lying.

Its only a cult if the people believe what they increasingly looks like the people who are driving it, which might well be the our enemies the Chinese first, are riding a lie to power.
No- the respected media don't invent the science. The media report it.

The media is lying to you, and you are lying. You have no scientific historical mud slide data back to 1780. You made that shit up.
The media is lying to you, and you are lying. You have no scientific historical mud slide data back to 1780. You made that shit up.

I'm bored with being polite to you, you ignorant poseur. You actually appear to know fuck all about anything expect how to be seriously stupid .

Haw, haw........................................haw.
New UN report: Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius requires deep decarbonization across all sectors

The synthesis report provides policymakers with the most up-to-date knowledge on climate change, including impacts and future risks along with strategies to mitigate those risks. It is based on the content of the Sixth Assessment Report, which includes three working group assessment reports and three special reports published between 2018 and 2022, with most of the work completed during the height of the pandemic.

Or you can follow the trail of ripe horseshit dolloped by the likes of Bigdoggie and the tatt boy.

Haw, haw................................haw.
Your racism isn't relevant.

If only you could prove I'm a racist. Oh that's right I forget for you leftists calling an asshole who happens to be black an asshole is racist. Or is it a case that I'm a racist because you "feel" that I'm racist? Fucking retards
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If only you could prove I'm a racist. Oh that's right I forget for you leftists calling an asshole who happens to be black an asshole is racist. Or is it a case that I'm a racist because you "feel" that I'm racist? Fucking retards

You one-eyed poseurs can't think beyond juvenile partisan garbage. You're a simpleton.
You one-eyed poseurs can't think beyond juvenile partisan garbage. You're a simpleton.

So that response means I'm right in the money. You leftists toss out labels because you're all intellectually lazy retards.
So that response means I'm right in the money. You leftists toss out labels because you're all intellectually lazy retards.

Oh, the irony

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..............................haw, haw, haw.................................haw, haw...........................haw.
I'm bored with being polite to you, you ignorant poseur. You actually appear to know fuck all about anything expect how to be seriously stupid .

Haw, haw........................................haw.

I ask you a couple questions about mud slide and hurricane data ... and you explode in an emotional outburst. You claim you are just "repeating" the "science". Well Parrot, post the data here for all to see.

Or are you just making shit up? :dunno:
I ask you a couple questions about mud slide and hurricane data ... and you explode in an emotional outburst. You claim you are just "repeating" the "science". Well Parrot, post the data here for all to see.

Or are you just making shit up? :dunno:

Read again, dumbass;

I'm bored with being polite to you, you ignorant poseur. You actually appear to know fuck all about anything expect how to be seriously stupid .

#30 Now fuck off.
Here is a real climate scientist stating that global warming is not dangerous and only Working Group 1 of the IPCC has any semblance of validity and deals with actual science. How can anybody justify the obscene practice of allowing reports to be criticised and amended by politicians, activists and career civil servants? Yet that's exactly what happens with the Summary for Policy Makers. Here is the bullshit concocted by the IPCC to justify this practice.

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is a summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports intended to aid policymakers. The form is approved line by line by governments: "Negotiations occur over wording to ensure accuracy, balance, clarity of message, and relevance to understanding and policy."

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Fucking moronic corporate trolls! Put the word "libs" in front of it and the damned fools would gladly sign their own death warrants. Here's a reality check for the objective reader:

From 2018

Ask the Experts: Does Rising CO2 Benefit Plants?


From 2021

“Crops grow faster and bigger under higher CO2,” said Jonas Jägermeyr, the coordinator for the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison project under AgMIP at GISS. “But the protein and micronutrient content is proportionally lower.”