Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

Weather changes according to changes in climate. Today's devastating events are as a result of climate change, The current climate change is as a result of global warming.
You could assist in reducing global warming by reducing your farting frequency and keeping your fool mouth shut, Lame.

Haw, haw.............................haw/

No they aren't you stupid cunt
Here is a real climate scientist stating that global warming is not dangerous and only Working Group 1 of the IPCC has any semblance of validity and deals with actual science. How can anybody justify the obscene practice of allowing reports to be criticised and amended by politicians, activists and career civil servants? Yet that's exactly what happens with the Summary for Policy Makers. Here is the bullshit concocted by the IPCC to justify this practice.

The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is a summary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports intended to aid policymakers. The form is approved line by line by governments: "Negotiations occur over wording to ensure accuracy, balance, clarity of message, and relevance to understanding and policy."

What other area of science would allow politicians, activists and assorted gravy train scumbags to amend scientific reports?
So complete has become the case for anthropogenic global warming and accompanying climatic disruption that the only poor souls still presenting themselves as 'authoritative Deniers' are emotional cripples drunk on the taste of defeat which feeds their masochism.
In other terms- ' potty-mouthing morons of the swamp '

Haw, haw..................................haw.
Ah so because you quoted your dumb cunt self, it's magically true? Go back to fucking your mom to stay in the basement.

So complete has become the case for anthropogenic global warming and accompanying climatic disruption that the only poor souls still presenting themselves as 'authoritative Deniers' are emotional cripples drunk on the taste of defeat which feeds their masochism.
In other terms- ' potty-mouthing morons of the swamp '

Haw, haw..................................haw.
So complete has become the case for anthropogenic global warming and accompanying climatic disruption that the only poor souls still presenting themselves as 'authoritative Deniers' are emotional cripples drunk on the taste of defeat which feeds their masochism.
In other terms- ' potty-mouthing morons of the swamp '

Haw, haw..................................haw.

The authoritarian swamp creatures, you know, the same people Trump had labeled as such, and Trump went after, happen to all be Democrats, as
those currently populating this current administration. These people aren't authoritative deniers, rather, they're authoritarian nut cases that seize
on the American taxpayer to fund any and all of their radical beliefs that this global warming nonsense is somehow going to end life as we know it
on our planet. Have you bought your EV yet, and thrown your gas stove out, and killed your share of farting cows, warned al gore & john kerry to
stop flying those carbon emitting jets, and contributed mucho $$ dinero to this Democrat attempt to make normal people believe the planet will
dissolve in some 5 years or so unless we give trillions more to an already record breaking spending administration?
The authoritarian swamp creatures, you know, the same people Trump had labeled as such, and Trump went after, happen to all be Democrats, as
those currently populating this current administration. These people aren't authoritative deniers, rather, they're authoritarian nut cases that seize
on the American taxpayer to fund any and all of their radical beliefs that this global warming nonsense is somehow going to end life as we know it
on our planet. Have you bought your EV yet, and thrown your gas stove out, and killed your share of farting cows, warned al gore & john kerry to
stop flying those carbon emitting jets, and contributed mucho $$ dinero to this Democrat attempt to make normal people believe the planet will
dissolve in some 5 years or so unless we give trillions more to an already record breaking spending administration?

I have converted my oven to a 4x4 hydrogen go-cart with corked cows as haulage back-up in case of capitalist hydrogen-market cornering.

I admit that my contributions are not as absurd as yours- but I'm working on it.
Climate alarmists bury good news and exaggerate bad news.

For example, over the past 30 years there has been a 14% increase in the Earth's green vegetation. Deserts are getting smaller and forests are getting lusher. Seventy percent of this "Earth Greening" stems from the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


[h=1]Deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon Has Reached a Record High. What’s Being Done?[/h]


[h=1]Deforestation of Brazil’s Amazon Has Reached a Record High. What’s Being Done?[/h]

What are white libs doing about it? ... China now emits more than twice as much carbon as the U.S., what are white libs doing about it?

Nothing. Political activists have hijacked the environmental movement of the early 70's.

It is now purely an anti U.S., anti-capitalist, anti-corporation, and anti technology political movement that has nothing to do with environmentalism.
Fucking moronic corporate trolls! Put the word "libs" in front of it and the damned fools would gladly sign their own death warrants. Here's a reality check for the objective reader:

From 2018

Ask the Experts: Does Rising CO2 Benefit Plants?


From 2021

“Crops grow faster and bigger under higher CO2,” said Jonas Jägermeyr, the coordinator for the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison project under AgMIP at GISS. “But the protein and micronutrient content is proportionally lower.”

"With sufficient water and other nutrients, crop yields can increase significantly."

The studies are few, old, extremely limited and lacking details. They did not increase fertilization to account for additional growth. They do not specify the percentage of nutrient reduction there supposedly was.
I know You have no scientific evidence to support your claims about mud slides and hurricanes.

I know that you ignore any evidence that you wish didn't exist- on any subject at all.

Fuck off. You are a boor.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Fucking moronic corporate trolls! Put the word "libs" in front of it and the damned fools would gladly sign their own death warrants. Here's a reality check for the objective reader:

From 2018

Ask the Experts: Does Rising CO2 Benefit Plants?

From 2021

“Crops grow faster and bigger under higher CO2,” said Jonas Jägermeyr, the coordinator for the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison project under AgMIP at GISS. “But the protein and micronutrient content is proportionally lower.”

"With sufficient water and other nutrients, crop yields can increase significantly."

The studies are few, old, extremely limited and lacking details. They did not increase fertilization to account for additional growth. They do not specify the percentage of nutrient reduction there supposedly was.

So FACTS don't register in that deficient MAGA mind of yours because they're 4 years old? :palm:

Also, your moot point quote does NOT address nor negate the following previous point: “Crops grow faster and bigger under higher CO2,” said Jonas Jägermeyr, the coordinator for the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison project under AgMIP at GISS. “But the protein and micronutrient content is proportionally lower.

Got that, genius? If not, then go back and READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE from where this quote comes from:

... Scientists have observed the CO2 fertilization effect in natural ecosystems, including in a series of trials conducted over the past couple decades in outdoor forest plots. In those experiments artificially doubling CO2 from pre-industrial levels increased trees’ productivity by around 23 percent, according to Norby, who was involved in the trials. For one of the experiments, however, that effect significantly diminished over time due to a nitrogen limitation. That suggests “we cannot assume the CO2 fertilization effect will persist indefinitely,” Norby says.

... Researchers do not yet know why higher atmospheric CO2 alters crops’ nutritional content. But, Myers says, “the bottom line is, we know that rising CO2 reduces the concentration of critical nutrients around the world,” adding that these kinds of nutritional deficiencies are already significant public health threats, and will only worsen as CO2 levels go up. “The problem with [the skeptics’] argument is that it’s as if you can cherry-pick the CO2 fertilization effect from the overall effect of adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere,” Myers says. But that is not how the world—or its climate—works.

And stop braying like a jackass about 4 year old FACTS are currently irrelevant. If that is your basic criteria for all your arguments, then you must dismiss any and everything you say, as it contains information that well exceeds 4 years.

THINK before you post, man!
What's really hilarious is how the radical Leftist, Greentard front ignores any other anthropogenic cause(s) in favor of CO2 because it fits the rest of their agenda of political and economic totalitarianism over nations.

For example, known to cause 10 to 20% of warming and easy to fix...

How Airplane Contrails Are Helping Make the Planet Warmer

Do airplane contrails add to climate change? Yes, and the problem is about to get worse.

Climate Effects of Contrails Confirmed

New maps show airplane contrails over the U.S. dropped steeply in 2020
The computer-vision technique behind these maps could help avoid contrail production, reducing aviation’s climate impact.


The science says contrails are a serious problem for atmospheric warming, yet the Greentards are saying nothing about it.