Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

Climate alarmists bury good news and exaggerate bad news.

For example, over the past 30 years there has been a 14% increase in the Earth's green vegetation. Deserts are getting smaller and forests are getting lusher. Seventy percent of this "Earth Greening" stems from the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This increased vegetation means more food for insects and deer, for elephants and mice, for fish and whales. It means higher yields for farmers.

The connection between increased carbon dioxide and increased plant growth is a perfect example of "negative feedback" in that added vegetation from Earth Greening takes CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is now at a 56-year high (for this time of year). The population of polar bears is increasing and is currently estimated to be over 30,000. You won't learn that from Al Gore.

Unlike the earth's climate, Earth Greening was an easily predictable outcome of the CO2 increase. Life itself is carbon based. Commercial Greenhouses pump in additional CO2 to stimulate plant growth.

The alarmists' hysterical hostility toward carbon dioxide shows their ignorance and tunnel vision. They are willfully blind to anything beneficial deriving from CO2, a compound essential to life itself. When someone doesn't tell the whole truth, he's lying.
The writers of the article this coo coo is showing opinion isn't backed by anything except his Hate Nazi views on just about everything, His article from a wacko right wing source(America Thinker). That is comical. . This guy is to the right of Genghis Khan, writing in a trash heap magazine that is nothing but a joke. You want comical , just read other pieces this goofball has written. He is a perfect fit for the goofballs on the right, he is a q anon information source. This is the best that the domestic terrorist who wrote this can offer. Garbage in, garbage out!
The writers of the article this coo coo is showing opinion isn't backed by anything except his Hate Nazi views on just about everything, His article from a wacko right wing source(America Thinker). That is comical. . This guy is to the right of Genghis Khan, writing in a trash heap magazine that is nothing but a joke. You want comical , just read other pieces this goofball has written. He is a perfect fit for the goofballs on the right, he is a q anon information source. This is the best that the domestic terrorist who wrote this can offer. Garbage in, garbage out!

Good to know that you support the views and or radical actions taken by these whacked out climate alarmists. Tell us, have you knocked out your gas stove, killed any farting cows, gone totally EV by dumping your gas powered car or truck, joined in with algore & john kerry by claiming they only fly their polluting private jets so as to save America by attending these nonsensical global climate conferences, and are s you shaking in your boots over the AOC idea that the world will come to an end in a few years because of this global warming nonsense?
Yes, Unsensored- climate refugees.

Climate refugees flee the cold, uncensored.

Good to know that you support the views and or radical actions taken by these whacked out climate alarmists. Tell us, have you knocked out your gas stove, killed any farting cows, gone totally EV by dumping your gas powered car or truck, joined in with algore & john kerry by claiming they only fly their polluting private jets so as to save America by attending these nonsensical global climate conferences, and are s you shaking in your boots over the AOC idea that the world will come to an end in a few years because of this global warming nonsense?

Totally stupid, and that's the best he has.
The evidence for climate change is overwhelming. It's no longer a matter of ' is it happening or not'- so those that continue to deny it are those that have a vested interest in opposing preventative measures- like the fossil fuel companies that knew what they were doing to the planet years ago. That being so, the Deniers should be treated the same as the active polluters. Legislate against them. Bring them to account . It isn't ' freedom of speech ' to promote pumping our water, our air and our food full of toxins for the continuing profit of the capitalist assholes responsible for this.
You've boasted about your own destructive vested interests often enough, maggot. Now we need the legislation to take you out.