Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

What's obvious is that you have no concept of causation.

You worship Gaia
There are floods
Therefore floods are the result of peasants having air conditioning

The syllogism simply doesn't work.

Floods, droughts, earthquakes, tornados, all have been around for millions of years.

What your church has to do is PROVE that having a middle class with individual liberty is the CAUSE of these. Further, you have to prove that enslaving the majority in abject poverty will "fix" the climate - when you can't even define what the "correct" climate should be.

Maybe you can convince your fellow Russians - but here in America the Gaia Cult is losing ground - rapidly.

You write self-gratifying nonsense. The facts of anthopogenic global warming are all around you- yes, you- in your truth-insulated coffin.
Please...I don't know the first thing about cars. But congrats on getting a doctorate in this field.


A video game?

CyberPunk 2077 is better - and far more believable.

No, but it explains why some ancient civilizations collapsed.


Talk about eviscerating your own argument.

So the climate changes naturally? Unless you're claiming the Mayans had SUV's.. IS that your claim?

Otherwise the silly little link by the folks behind the most absurd tabloid idiocy that wasn't legitimate enough for the National Enquirer - the History Channel, defeated your argument.

Funny. I suspect you'll sing a different tune when multidecadal droughts become the norm in certain areas collapsing agricultural infrastructure. But you are too busy with shipping and receiving and trucking to pay attention to how accessible food is.

Is that before or after Jesus returns?


So, basically if I don't obey your church the world will end and it will be my fault.

Your con is not nearly as original as you think it is. I'll take my chances angering the volcano god rather than submitting to your shamans.
What exactly is your picture supposed to be, Ivan?

Cambodians walking on rice paddies - this proves what? That you're an idiot?

Have some more climate refugee pics, oaf.



So the climate changes naturally? Unless you're claiming the Mayans had SUV's.. IS that your claim?

Are you REALLY this stupid? It must be EXCEPTIONALLY easy to get a "doctorate" in shipping and receiving.

YES climate changes naturally. That's how we know that the CURRENT CHANGES cannot be explained by the natural forcings we know about.

God, it's like you know NOTHING about this topic.

So what do the scientists working in your area of shipping and receiving say about climate change?

I have nothing to do with shipping and receiving.

You have no idea what a logistician does - even after I provided links.

This is why you fall for the Church of Gaia and the immaculate global warming....

Oh, but your church can't call it "global warming" anymore, can you? Warming has been so fully debunked that you have to retreat to "climate change," since the climate has been in a state of constant change for 4.7 billion years, you figure you won't be as exposed by that name.

I've got to admit, this "mega drought" that a year ago your church demanded would last a thousand years here in California hasn't worked out for you - it's fucking raining AGAIN today..

Yet ANOTHER failed prophecy from the AGW church.

50 years, and never got even one right yet....
And even less to do with climate science.

You failed to appreciate that I don't care. :)

Yet, you repeatedly bring it up...

What you care about is blowing smoke to distract from the utter failure of your church to get anything right - ever.

The issue is that you don't grasp the purpose of your church. Ivan is here pimping your church, not because he believes the idiocy he pukes out - but because he thinks that Americans are stupid enough to commit economic and cultural suicide over it - which of course is what your church demands.

Ivan hates America, he wants us to self-destruct. It appears your church agrees with his views.
Imbecile! Your solution is NOT to diminish the pollutants or the deforestation/urbanization, but to increase artificial fertilizer as a constant band-aid?

For your education:

Environmental Implications of Excess Fertilizer and Manure on Water Quality
(NM1281, Reviewed August 2022) depletion,through runoff and soil erosion.

And either you're just too willfully ignorant or a bad liar. From my link: "...On top of all that, Moore points out increased CO2 also benefits weeds that compete with farm plants.

" .... Rising CO2’s effect on crops could also harm human health. “We know unequivocally that when you grow food at elevated CO2 levels in fields, it becomes less nutritious,” notes Samuel Myers, principal research scientist in environmental health at Harvard University. “[Food crops] lose significant amounts of iron and zinc—and grains [also] lose protein.” Myers and other researchers have found atmospheric CO2 levels predicted for mid-century—around 550 parts per million—could make food crops lose enough of those key nutrients to cause a protein deficiency in an estimated 150 million people and a zinc deficit in an additional 150 million to 200 million. (Both of those figures are in addition to the number of people who already have such a shortfall.) A total of 1.4 billion women of child-bearing age and young children who live in countries with a high prevalence of anemia would lose more than 3.8 percent of their dietary iron at such CO2 levels, according to Meyers."

Anyone with a rational, objective mind who can read carefully comprehensively can easily see through your repetitive, myopic drivel. In addition, that you can't resist throwing in your obsessive racism as some sort of validation for your ignorance just confirms the erroneous basis of your screed.

You're the perfect Big Dumb Dog mascot for corporate flunkies, MAGA mooks and racist rabble. Carry on.

So you are PRO fertilizer. Good for you. :thumbsup:
So you are PRO fertilizer. Good for you. :thumbsup:

:rolleyes: As the reader can see in the chronology of the posts, the Big Dumb MAGA Dog just babbles like an insipidly stubborn, petulant child when faced with logic and facts he cannot refute. When I reduce these clowns to this point, I just dump them on the ignore list for a month or so...they follow my posts and threads like bitches in heat seeking attention. Sad.