Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

LOGISTICS??? As in SHipping and Receiving? Seriously? Wow.
Logistics is not shipping and receiving. Try to learn English at least.
So you know NOTHING about climate or earth science. Got it.
No such thing. There is no branch in science called 'climate' or 'earth'. Buzzword fallacies. Discard of science.
Inversion fallacy. YOU brought it up.
So, you know...clearly you don't really understand how language works.
You are describing yourself. Try to at least learn English.
Either way your degree is meaningless in this discussion. Sorry to break it to you.
He already said this. You are simply agreeing to his statement.
ANY claim of a degree or other credential is completely meaningless on blind forums such as this.

Nevertheless, he has shown a greater understand of science then you ever have.
You simply deny science.
You simply deny mathematics.

Now you are reduced to insults and belittlement.
Not as much as you may wish for them to be.

In no small part due to isostatic rebound.


You can not support that statement with any scientific evidence. Even your principle is flawed.

And you wonder why so many of us here don't trust Al Gorians. :dunno:
You can not support that statement with any scientific evidence. Even your principle is flawed.

And you wonder why so many of us here don't trust Al Gorians. :dunno:

LOL. You don't believe in isostatic rebound? LOL. Take a geology class. Or don' probably couldn't hack it.
Democrats despise the poor and uneducated.

Democrats despise a lot:

* they despise the children they constantly use as pawns.
* they despise anyone that isn't 'white' and constantly use them as pawns.
* they despise the poor and constantly use them as pawns and try to keep them poor.
* they despise science.
* they despise mathematics.
* they despise more than half the country's population.
* they despise Christians.
* they despise the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
* they despise a republic as a form of government.
* they despise anyone making a profit.
* they despise capitalism.
* they despise anyone more successful than they are.
* they despise guns.
* they despise freedom of speech (only note the examples of censorship and huge ignore lists right here on JPP).
* they despise renewable fuels like oil products and natural gas, even though their use saved the whales (we don't need them for blubber anymore!).
* they despise rednecks, farmers, ranchers, well drillers, truckers, railroad workers, mechanics, welders, gardeners, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, asphalters and pavers, heavy equipment operators, pipe fitters, road workers, machinists, painters, sheetrock workers, roofers, warehouse workers, mailmen and other postal workers, airport workers, etc.
* they despise the 'flyover' States, which produces so much food they feed the world.
* they despise liberty.
LOL. You don't believe in isostatic rebound? LOL. Take a geology class. Or don' probably couldn't hack it.

I never said that. You have given up ... because you know you have lost. You keep dodging the question of evidence. You have folded like a limp pajama boy. :dunno:
No- I let the mudslides and hurricanes do the talking. Perhaps you'd like to deny that they have increased in frequency and intensity Speech is free, even for Deniers. Currently.

He already did deny they've increased in frequency and intensity. So have I. You have no data.
Climate alarmists bury good news and exaggerate bad news.

For example, over the past 30 years there has been a 14% increase in the Earth's green vegetation. Deserts are getting smaller and forests are getting lusher. Seventy percent of this "Earth Greening" stems from the increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This increased vegetation means more food for insects and deer, for elephants and mice, for fish and whales. It means higher yields for farmers.

The connection between increased carbon dioxide and increased plant growth is a perfect example of "negative feedback" in that added vegetation from Earth Greening takes CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Snow cover in the northern hemisphere is now at a 56-year high (for this time of year). The population of polar bears is increasing and is currently estimated to be over 30,000. You won't learn that from Al Gore.

Unlike the earth's climate, Earth Greening was an easily predictable outcome of the CO2 increase. Life itself is carbon based. Commercial Greenhouses pump in additional CO2 to stimulate plant growth.

The alarmists' hysterical hostility toward carbon dioxide shows their ignorance and tunnel vision. They are willfully blind to anything beneficial deriving from CO2, a compound essential to life itself. When someone doesn't tell the whole truth, he's lying.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Imbecile! Your solution is NOT to diminish the pollutants or the deforestation/urbanization, but to increase artificial fertilizer as a constant band-aid?

For your education:

Environmental Implications of Excess Fertilizer and Manure on Water Quality
(NM1281, Reviewed August 2022) erosion.

And either you're just too willfully ignorant or a bad liar. From my link: "...On top of all that, Moore points out increased CO2 also benefits weeds that compete with farm plants.

" .... Rising CO2’s effect on crops could also harm human health. “We know unequivocally that when you grow food at elevated CO2 levels in fields, it becomes less nutritious,” notes Samuel Myers, principal research scientist in environmental health at Harvard University. “[Food crops] lose significant amounts of iron and zinc—and grains [also] lose protein.” Myers and other researchers have found atmospheric CO2 levels predicted for mid-century—around 550 parts per million—could make food crops lose enough of those key nutrients to cause a protein deficiency in an estimated 150 million people and a zinc deficit in an additional 150 million to 200 million. (Both of those figures are in addition to the number of people who already have such a shortfall.) A total of 1.4 billion women of child-bearing age and young children who live in countries with a high prevalence of anemia would lose more than 3.8 percent of their dietary iron at such CO2 levels, according to Meyers."

Anyone with a rational, objective mind who can read carefully comprehensively can easily see through your repetitive, myopic drivel. In addition, that you can't resist throwing in your obsessive racism as some sort of validation for your ignorance just confirms the erroneous basis of your screed.

You're the perfect Big Dumb Dog mascot for corporate flunkies, MAGA mooks and racist rabble. Carry on.

Farmers have tuned their current artificial fertilization practices to current CO2 levels. Of course they should increase fertilization if necessary.

The predictions are pure speculation based on a few poor experiments based on a lack of additional fertilization.

3.8% drop in iron. That's less than 1/25. You are grasping at straws.

Why Al Gorians think a Greenhouse Earth would be a desert or an ice ball is beyond absurd. The Earth has become 14% greener. That's not going to cause starvation. Banning fertilizer as you wish to do, will cause starvation.

Why do you delude yourself into thinking that your personal supposition and conjecture is on par (if not a substitute) for documented facts and the logic derived from them? No one but the clown you see in the mirror and your equally willful ignorant brethren buy into that clap trap of yours.

All you do is just say, "no big deal, just increase what is currently being done". Unfortunately, that's just the mark of insanity.....repetition despite the same results believing it will magically change for the better.

Now, be a good Big Dumb Dog and regurgitate your blather while ignoring all the pertinent information to the contrary. It's pathetic, but strangely entertaining.
God! I love it when you groan me!

It's a way that I know, and everyone else knows, that what I said, has got your panties all up in your ass crack!

It's actually hilarious! :laugh:
I would have thanked you except you talked shit about Sweden. Don't do that.

It's partly in the Arctic and it's to the east of the UK. The scientophobic dumbass denies it. For persistently trolling me........he will eat humble pie.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
Why do you delude yourself into thinking that your personal supposition and conjecture is on par (if not a substitute) for documented facts and the logic derived from them? No one but the clown you see in the mirror and your equally willful ignorant brethren buy into that clap trap of yours.

All you do is just say, "no big deal, just increase what is currently being done". Unfortunately, that's just the mark of insanity.....repetition despite the same results believing it will magically change for the better.

Now, be a good Big Dumb Dog and regurgitate your blather while ignoring all the pertinent information to the contrary. It's pathetic, but strangely entertaining.

Your solution is to ban fertilizer. :palm: