Good News Sucks for Climate Cultists

Why do you delude yourself into thinking that your personal supposition and conjecture is on par (if not a substitute) for documented facts and the logic derived from them? No one but the clown you see in the mirror and your equally willful ignorant brethren buy into that clap trap of yours.

All you do is just say, "no big deal, just increase what is currently being done". Unfortunately, that's just the mark of insanity.....repetition despite the same results believing it will magically change for the better.

Now, be a good Big Dumb Dog and regurgitate your blather while ignoring all the pertinent information to the contrary. It's pathetic, but strangely entertaining.

You are not using logic. Learn what 'fact' means. 'Fact' does NOT mean 'Universal Truth' or 'proof'.
You simply discard theories of science and you discard mathematics.
LOGISTICS??? As in SHipping and Receiving? Seriously? Wow.


The ignorance of the left.

{What is a logistician?
A logistician is a professional who supports the production process for a business or organization. They often use their analytic skill to evaluate the supply chain and make important business decisions to ensure it runs effectively. Their judgment and expertise help them make choices regarding acquisition, resource allocation and product distribution, as well as other stages that a company may integrate into their supply chain. Almost all industries require logistics professionals for efficient and effective operations, so a logistician might work for a diverse array of companies, businesses and organizations depending on their particular expertise.}

My expetise is lean.

So you know NOTHING about climate or earth science. Got it.

I know plenty about it.

I have found that scientology and climatology are religions that attract the most insufferable bores. Granted, scientology is a far more legitimate discipline than climatology - which is right below astrology as actual science.

Well, YOU DID BRING IT UP. So, you know...clearly you don't really understand how language works. Maybe you must have missed the class that day in Logistics School. It was probably between the classes on "Tracking shipments with the UPS app" and "Unboxing".

Either way your degree is meaningless in this discussion. Sorry to break it to you.

Sort of like climatologists check Weatherbug to make predictions of global weather patterns.

I'll give you a clue - warehousing is "logistics" the same way garbage men are engineering. You can call them "sanitation engineers," but it isn't what the field actually is.

Logisticians have improved manufacturing systems to the point that we produce 3 nanometer IC's in bulk.

What have climatologist EVER produced results in? "Results" in climatology isn't finding an ancient civilization, it isn't developing a life saving surgical technique, it isn't creating a new drug to cure the Wuhan Designer Virus®, nor is it designing manufacturing processes that reduce the labor and materials used to make products while increasing the quality and making them available to people across the globe, dramatically reducing poverty and improving lives.

No, "results" in climatology is writing a grant to get MORE taxpayer money while making failed predictions.

I know as a matter of fact that what I do makes life better for millions of people. What has climatology done other than build mansions for Pope Algore and the other fraudsters?

Serious question, Barack Obama claims to be a true believer in your church - yet has now built TWO opulent estates on the ocean, both in Martha's Vineyard and in Hawaii. Your church preaches that the oceans will rise 11 feet and flood the coast by the year 2000, uh, 20010, er 2015, um 2020, well 2030...

Why build his palaces where they will be underwater in just a few short years? Unless he doesn't actually believe the shit your church is selling?
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I appreciate how you carefree capitalists need to fantasize your way through your daily fog .

You couldn't answer, comrade.

What have you Russians done that shows your fealty to the church of Gaia and the immaculate global warming?

One might think you are pushing this shit because you want the West to destroy ourselves following the most privative and stupid religion since caveman days...

After all, what IS anthropogenic global warming anyway?

Let me explain;

10,000 years ago Og walked out of the cave, scratched his flea bites and looked out over the trees to the majestic mountains to the west. But Og was shocked to see that one of the mountains was billowing smoke. What could this mean? Og rushed to the village Shaman for answers.

The Shaman, Algore, looked up at the mountain and declared "the gods are angry with us." The smoke is the anger of the gods because we have too much food and too much ease in our lives. We must appease the gods, each villager must give the gods half of their food supplies - AND sacrifice their virgin daughters to the gods or they will not only kill the sinners - but wipe out the entire village. Og was very frightened - he was responsible not only for his own life, but the lives of everyone around him. He and the rest of the villagers brought food and their daughters to Algore to appease the gods. Algore gorged himself on the food and raped the daughters, living like a king. The mountain continued to smoke and Algore demanded more and more. The villagers did as they were told, lest the gods wipe them all out.

The volcano was real, it might indeed wipe out the village, but nothing the villagers did had any impact. The shaman had no power over the volcano, he had no contact with any gods, he just saw an opportunity to enrich himself.

And THIS is anthropogenic global warming - nothing but the oldest con there is - the volcano god.

The ignorance of the left.

{What is a logistician?
A logistician is a professional who supports the production process for a business or organization. They often use their analytic skill to evaluate the supply chain and make important business decisions to ensure it runs effectively. Their judgment and expertise help them make choices regarding acquisition, resource allocation and product distribution, as well as other stages that a company may integrate into their supply chain. Almost all industries require logistics professionals for efficient and effective operations, so a logistician might work for a diverse array of companies, businesses and organizations depending on their particular expertise.}

Cool. Still sounds like a doctorate in shipping and receiving or trucking.

My expetise is lean.

Yeah my company is loaded with Lean and Lean 6 Sigma experts. None of them have a doctorate in it though. Congrats.

Logisticians have improved manufacturing systems to the point that we produce 3 nanometer IC's in bulk.

And you got a DOCTORATE in this?
You couldn't answer, comrade.

What have you Russians done that shows your fealty to the church of Gaia and the immaculate global warming?

One might think you are pushing this shit because you want the West to destroy ourselves following the most privative and stupid religion since caveman days...

After all, what IS anthropogenic global warming anyway?

Let me explain;

10,000 years ago Og walked out of the cave, scratched his flea bites and looked out over the trees to the majestic mountains to the west. But Og was shocked to see that one of the mountains was billowing smoke. What could this mean? Og rushed to the village Shaman for answers.

The Shaman, Algore, looked up at the mountain and declared "the gods are angry with us." The smoke is the anger of the gods because we have too much food and too much ease in our lives. We must appease the gods, each villager must give the gods half of their food supplies - AND sacrifice their virgin daughters to the gods or they will not only kill the sinners - but wipe out the entire village. Og was very frightened - he was responsible not only for his own life, but the lives of everyone around him. He and the rest of the villagers brought food and their daughters to Algore to appease the gods. Algore gorged himself on the food and raped the daughters, living like a king. The mountain continued to smoke and Algore demanded more and more. The villagers did as they were told, lest the gods wipe them all out.

The volcano was real, it might indeed wipe out the village, but nothing the villagers did had any impact. The shaman had no power over the volcano, he had no contact with any gods, he just saw an opportunity to enrich himself.

And THIS is anthropogenic global warming - nothing but the oldest con there is - the volcano god.

Fit some fog-lights, Unsensored. You need to see the reality of anthropogenic global warming- before there's legislation to criminalize profiteering Deniers such as your fool self.

Cool. Still sounds like a doctorate in shipping and receiving or trucking.

Yeah my company is loaded with Lean and Lean 6 Sigma experts. None of them have a doctorate in it though. Congrats.

And you got a DOCTORATE in this?

My predecessor had a doctorate before she retired, whoever replaces me will have a doctorate. That you work in a 5 man auto-body repair shop doesn't change reality in larger companies.

BUT you ducked the key point..

What have climatologist EVER produced results in? "Results" in climatology isn't finding an ancient civilization, it isn't developing a life saving surgical technique, it isn't creating a new drug to cure the Wuhan Designer Virus®, nor is it designing manufacturing processes that reduce the labor and materials used to make products while increasing the quality and making them available to people across the globe, dramatically reducing poverty and improving lives.
Fit some fog-lights, Unsensored. You need to see the reality of anthropogenic global warming- before there's legislation to criminalize profiteering Deniers such as your fool self.

Say comrade, didn't the Egyptians write of floods 4,000 years ago?

You are such a clown.
Say comrade, didn't the Egyptians write of floods 4,000 years ago?

You are such a clown.

This might interest you, it's from a journal called Entropy.

Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Peter Stallinga

23. March 2023

Since the early 1990s the conventional assumption, aligned with modeling, has been that a molecule of human CO2 emission stays in the atmosphere – its residence time – for centuries. This fits the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) narrative. But empirical evidence contradicts these model-based assumptions. Residence time is closer to 5-10 years.
In Table 1 of a new study, Stallinga (2023) compiled a list of 36 published estimates of CO2 residence time spanning the decades 1957-1992. All of these scientists determined CO2’s atmospheric residence time is about 5 to 10 years or less.

Abstract: We study the concepts of residence time vs. adjustment time time for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The system is analyzed with a two-box first-order model. Using this model, we reach three important conclusions: (1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and can, thus, not be longer than about 5 years. (2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable. (3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has alreadybeen removed from the atmosphere.
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My predecessor had a doctorate before she retired, whoever replaces me will have a doctorate. That you work in a 5 man auto-body repair shop doesn't change reality in larger companies.

Please...I don't know the first thing about cars. But congrats on getting a doctorate in this field.

What have climatologist EVER produced results in?


"Results" in climatology isn't finding an ancient civilization,

No, but it explains why some ancient civilizations collapsed.

it isn't developing a life saving surgical technique, it isn't creating a new drug to cure the Wuhan Designer Virus®, nor is it designing manufacturing processes that reduce the labor and materials used to make products while increasing the quality and making them available to people across the globe, dramatically reducing poverty and improving lives.

Funny. I suspect you'll sing a different tune when multidecadal droughts become the norm in certain areas collapsing agricultural infrastructure. But you are too busy with shipping and receiving and trucking to pay attention to how accessible food is.
Which is the exact opposite of your previous claim. :dunno:

Al Gorians :palm:

Oh, I see where your confusion arises. The sea levels INCREASED after the last ice age due to melting of the continental ice sheets, but at the same time the rise was moderated by isostatic rebound. As the ice was melting and raising sea levels isostatic rebound was raising the continental plates up meaning the sea level rise would have been even higher without isostatic rebound. And once the ice sheets had melted (a long long time ago) the continental plates continued to rise (Isostatic rebound is a bit slower process).

Sea level rise is actually a more complex concept than you folks on your side think.
Oh, I see where your confusion arises. The sea levels INCREASED after the last ice age due to melting of the continental ice sheets, but at the same time the rise was moderated by isostatic rebound. As the ice was melting and raising sea levels isostatic rebound was raising the continental plates up meaning the sea level rise would have been even higher without isostatic rebound. And once the ice sheets had melted (a long long time ago) the continental plates continued to rise (Isostatic rebound is a bit slower process).

Sea level rise is actually a more complex concept than you folks on your side think.

Bullshit. You claimed sea level rise was due in no small part to isostatic rebound.

We don't measure the height of a mountain or land mass to determine sea level. You are a moron and a liar.

You don't understand ...

Milankovitch cycles
Icehouse periods
Isostatic rebound
or sea levels. :palm:

Stop pretending by using "big words" you don't even understand. You are a stupid puke that knows nothing.

Fucking Al Gorians :palm:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Why do you delude yourself into thinking that your personal supposition and conjecture is on par (if not a substitute) for documented facts and the logic derived from them? No one but the clown you see in the mirror and your equally willful ignorant brethren buy into that clap trap of yours.

All you do is just say, "no big deal, just increase what is currently being done". Unfortunately, that's just the mark of insanity.....repetition despite the same results believing it will magically change for the better.

Now, be a good Big Dumb Dog and regurgitate your blather while ignoring all the pertinent information to the contrary. It's pathetic, but strangely entertaining.

Your solution is to ban fertilizer. :palm:

Learn to read, ya Big Dumb Dog! Also, stop lying about what others write. I DARE you to name the post and copy&paste the EXACT sentence/paragraph where I state in no uncertain terms EXACTLY what you say here.

If you can't, that makes you just another piss poor lying MAGA troll.
This might interest you, it's from a journal called Entropy.

Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Peter Stallinga

23. March 2023

Since the early 1990s the conventional assumption, aligned with modeling, has been that a molecule of human CO2 emission stays in the atmosphere – its residence time – for centuries. This fits the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) narrative. But empirical evidence contradicts these model-based assumptions. Residence time is closer to 5-10 years.
In Table 1 of a new study, Stallinga (2023) compiled a list of 36 published estimates of CO2 residence time spanning the decades 1957-1992. All of these scientists determined CO2’s atmospheric residence time is about 5 to 10 years or less.

Abstract: We study the concepts of residence time vs. adjustment time time for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The system is analyzed with a two-box first-order model. Using this model, we reach three important conclusions: (1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and can, thus, not be longer than about 5 years. (2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable. (3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has alreadybeen removed from the atmosphere.

I'm in two minds about this, however I can see why climate alarmists are ignoring it.
It isn't me that's denying the obvious, addlepate.


What's obvious is that you have no concept of causation.

You worship Gaia
There are floods
Therefore floods are the result of peasants having air conditioning

The syllogism simply doesn't work.

Floods, droughts, earthquakes, tornados, all have been around for millions of years.

What your church has to do is PROVE that having a middle class with individual liberty is the CAUSE of these. Further, you have to prove that enslaving the majority in abject poverty will "fix" the climate - when you can't even define what the "correct" climate should be.

Maybe you can convince your fellow Russians - but here in America the Gaia Cult is losing ground - rapidly.
What's obvious is that you have no concept of causation.

You worship Gaia
There are floods
Therefore floods are the result of peasants having air conditioning

The syllogism simply doesn't work.

Floods, droughts, earthquakes, tornados, all have been around for millions of years.

What your church has to do is PROVE that having a middle class with individual liberty is the CAUSE of these. Further, you have to prove that enslaving the majority in abject poverty will "fix" the climate - when you can't even define what the "correct" climate should be.

Maybe you can convince your fellow Russians - but here in America the Gaia Cult is losing ground - rapidly.

So what do the scientists working in your area of shipping and receiving say about climate change?
They're a tad busy staying alive, maggot. Send 'em your half-assed Denier papers as sandal linings.

What exactly is your picture supposed to be, Ivan?

Cambodians walking on rice paddies - this proves what? That you're an idiot?