GOP Senator Admits Biden Probe Lacks ‘Hard Proof’ to Support Hype

What background in energy does Bagman have? Has he ever--EVER--practiced law of any sort? Investor? His LLC web took in money, but it didn't invest it. That's what his ex-business partner Devon Archer went to prison for. He was lying his ass off about business investments that never happened. Bagman has ZERO credentials other than being the son of the VP and now President to trade on. That would indicate that he's in the business of selling access and influence both of which are illegal, particularly when it's likely the person with the influence is in on the take, and certainly his immediate family members are.

Excellent points save for the last sentence. Your last sentence is essentially the cornerstone of the MAGA crusade against Biden via Hunter. Unfortunately, they can only keep repeating accusations & speculation but cannot come up with solid evidence for any conviction outside of a civil case...which this is not.
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Do explain why the various Biden family members got paid by these LLC's. What was their expertise or service that they provided in exchange for those large payments? Why would say a Chinese energy company give someone totally unqualified in anything to do with energy a six-figure check? Well?

This is easy. If that were true the Reds would have nailed them. Do you think they just let them go? Same when they investigated Hillary a dozen times. They were not being kind. They had nothing. They have nothing now. They would have sentenced Biden to the chair if they got him for jaywalking.
Is the truth really that hard for you to understand? Can you see that what you read is leading you astray?