GOP true feelings coming out?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
It took you THIS LONG to bring out Brown (6 years old now)....and had you done your research properly, you'd have noted that a fellow Dem had called for her resignation, which prompted her public apology.

Has the same been done via the GOP with the current situation I mentioned?


Between you and me, Brown and all those on both sides of the political fence that make these mind fart revelations get away too easy with the apologies.

But it seems the GOP is currently not in an apologizing mood.

As a typical neocon, Damo, you see a nut on the ground and ignore the oak that overshadows you. Carry on, chuckles.

LOL. Again, I'm not arguing in "defense" of these people I am pointing out that even in the D Party individuals are not the party, even if TCL wants desperately to believe it is so. Sitting around attempting "gotcha" is stupid, there are zillions of examples of this in both parties, individuals are not the party even when they say something that TCL thinks is "outrageous"...

:palm: You're so full of shit, Damo... you don't even have the stones to just flat out admit you were wrong.

This isn't just about "got'cha"...this is about the GOP continually displaying an attitude of acceptance of the slanderous and vile crap that "intellectuals" like Sowell put. The Teabaggers are another example. THE GOP DOES NOT COME OUT AND FLAT OUT CONDEMN THIS's a lot of hemming and hawing on their part...BS'ing about free speech while ignoring the content and intent.

And clowns like you just chuckle away to avoid dealing with that simple fact. Pathetic.
idiot neocon/libertarians now believe enforcing the border is socialism. That's how batshit crazy they have gone.

RStringfield is not a Libertarian. Maybe in someways, but not a true Jeffersonian. You know this though. You just use him to make yourself look good, and try to make Libertarians look bad.
:palm: You're so full of shit, Damo... you don't even have the stones to just flat out admit you were wrong.

This isn't just about "got'cha"...this is about the GOP continually displaying an attitude of acceptance of the slanderous and vile crap that "intellectuals" like Sowell put. The Teabaggers are another example. THE GOP DOES NOT COME OUT AND FLAT OUT CONDEMN THIS's a lot of hemming and hawing on their part...BS'ing about free speech while ignoring the content and intent.

And clowns like you just chuckle away to avoid dealing with that simple fact. Pathetic.
Wrong? Do you believe that people in your political party are perfect in this respect? BS is the assumption of perfection in any group of humans.

Not only is this "gotcha" its sad "gotcha" that even the simplest of human beings can figure out.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're so full of shit, Damo... you don't even have the stones to just flat out admit you were wrong.

This isn't just about "got'cha"...this is about the GOP continually displaying an attitude of acceptance of the slanderous and vile crap that "intellectuals" like Sowell put. The Teabaggers are another example. THE GOP DOES NOT COME OUT AND FLAT OUT CONDEMN THIS's a lot of hemming and hawing on their part...BS'ing about free speech while ignoring the content and intent.

And clowns like you just chuckle away to avoid dealing with that simple fact. Pathetic.

Wrong? Do you believe that people in your political party are perfect in this respect? BS is the assumption of perfection in any group of humans.

:palm: Do you think this little smokescreen of yours works? C'mon Damo, get your ass in gear! The issue here was not about perfection, it was about who's recent record for repudiating vile assertions and statements by it's members was better. In the exchange, I proved that in this instance the Dems won out over the GOP. Deal with it.

Oh, and by the way...I'm an Independent. Pershaps you missed my sentence early in this exchange when I said that BOTH party members get off too easy when they get caught doing this nonsense.

Not only is this "gotcha" its sad "gotcha" that even the simplest of human beings can figure out.

You're simple if you think you can bullshit your way past the chronology of the posts that shows YOU making a statement and logically, factually being proven wrong.

Bottom line: it seems the GOP's true feelings are coming out....and lame apologists/defenders like yourself just emphasize that point.
The chronology of the posts thing-a-ma-bobbi again? :palm:

No stupid, it's Southy playing dumb instead of just conceding a point...unless he's actually that dumb.

Tell me bunky, do you just park your Loyal End at any post where you perceive a slam fest against me, or do you actually engage an 8th of the brain God gave you and READ the thread before you make this silly posts of yours? Just curious.
You're simple if you think you can bullshit your way past the chronology of the posts that shows YOU making a statement and logically, factually being proven wrong.

Bottom line: it seems the GOP's true feelings are coming out....and lame apologists/defenders like yourself just emphasize that point.
"Recent records"...


This whole fricking thread was a sad "gotcha" and a pretense that individuals speak for a party. It's just weak.

If such were the case then my examples previous are valid, since you attempt to dismiss them the reality is it isn't valid. It's just a weak childlike simple "attack" that missed its mark.

As I said before, I care little what these people said, it isn't important because it isn't "what the GOP feels", it's what some individuals may feel (or may not, we've learned a ton about context lately).
Why don't you grow up and deal with what's exposed in the opening post of this thread instead of throwing out these lame ass 3rd dimensional neocon dodges?


You keep ranting that no one will address the crap from your far left blogs....????

You're so fuckin' imagine anyone but a braindead liberal democrat would ever care what websites like "thinkprogress" or "politicalcorrection" have to say about ANY issue....

Are you really that fuckin' stupid?
You keep posting shit from far left blogs and expect someone to respond to their left wing opinions and if they were stating facts and not far left puke.....?

Ain't gonna happen peckerhead....just ain't gonna happen...
"Recent records"...


This whole fricking thread was a sad "gotcha" and a pretense that individuals speak for a party. It's just weak.

If such were the case then my examples previous are valid, since you attempt to dismiss them the reality is it isn't valid. It's just a weak childlike simple "attack" that missed its mark.

As I said before, I care little what these people said, it isn't important because it isn't "what the GOP feels", it's what some individuals may feel (or may not, we've learned a ton about context lately).

Grow the fuck up, Damo. All you're doing is just parroting the same disproven BULLSHIT you started with. YOU CANNOT LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY PROVE ME WRONG HERE. So instead, you just keep whining about your opinion as if it takes precedent over the facts. Your examples were taken to task via documentation that supports my assertions and disproves your contentions. That you try to ignore it, deny it is irrelevent.

But do continue to bray like a stubborn ass, Damo. Because as the chronology of the posts shows, the facts will always be your undoing. I leave you to have the last, predictable word.
SILLY SISSY... What, you pissed your pants? You've got a childhood hangup about your sister's name? You're regressing to kindergarten? Well, at least you got the spelling right. Get some therapy, man.

You keep ranting that no one will address the crap from your far left blogs....????

No genius, I'm pointing out that intellectual cowards like yourself avoid information that contradicts there mindset by just criticizing the source. Unlike you, I can read what is offered and go point for point and explain why an article is incorrect or factually biased. Seems you either don't have the stones or brains to do likewise.

You're so fuckin' imagine anyone but a braindead liberal democrat would ever care what websites like "thinkprogress" or "politicalcorrection" have to say about ANY issue....

Translation: our intellectually impotent Bravo can't refute the information provided, so he just bluffs and blusters. Seems Bravo is our little neocon monkey who sees no evil. :D

Are you really that fuckin' stupid?
You keep posting shit from far left blogs and expect someone to respond to their left wing opinions and if they were stating facts and not far left puke.....?

You're repeating yourself, bunky. And since I'll take pity on you and NOT embarass you twice, just read the above responses and apply them here.

Ain't gonna happen peckerhead....just ain't gonna happen...

Wow....Bravo nearly burst a blood vessel to tell us that he refuses to read anything from sources he deems "liberal". As I always suspected, our willfully ignorant Bravo is just full of it. He must have been a hoot on the "Debating team" of his high school. "Bravo" indeed.
Grow the fuck up, Damo. All you're doing is just parroting the same disproven BULLSHIT you started with. YOU CANNOT LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY PROVE ME WRONG HERE. So instead, you just keep whining about your opinion as if it takes precedent over the facts. Your examples were taken to task via documentation that supports my assertions and disproves your contentions. That you try to ignore it, deny it is irrelevent.

But do continue to bray like a stubborn ass, Damo. Because as the chronology of the posts shows, the facts will always be your undoing. I leave you to have the last, predictable word.
I am pointing out that there is no individual that speaks for the entire party. Even the Chairman is criticized for what he says.

Reality is at odds with your "feelings" on this issue. You played "gotcha" and lost. It's sad really. The "chronology of the posts" show that you are even at odds with people on your own side. I wonder if you'll remember this next time somebody like Jessie Jackson says something stupid and apologize... my guess is you'll be saying that one man doesn't speak for the "feelings" of an entire party.

Thankfully, nobody really cares other than to mock you. Because you are humorous.
Isn't it telling folks, how certain Southy and the Loyal End resort to the smug race baiting tactics when they can't logically or factually prove the opening post wrong here?