Grandpa McCain gets a girlfriend

I'm all for doing the "ridicule Superfreak's hackish idiocy" thing in shifts, if you guys want to split it up. I should be free for the 3:15-3:30 slot (eastern time).
You were giggling like a little school girl over stories that Al Gore's house wasn't 100% Green, and that John Edwards got paid to give a speech about poverty.

And you continue to scream that this story of the perception of improprieity and possible corruption isn't merited, and totally unworthy of news coverage or discussion.

Laughable. You're a partisan hack. Don't ever come on here and try to display your "independent" credentials. You're married to defending McCain, the iraq war and the GOP.

"Mr. McCain, 71, and the lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship. But to his advisers, even the appearance of a close bond with a lobbyist whose clients often had business before the Senate committee Mr. McCain led threatened the story of redemption and rectitude that defined his political identity."

and yes, this is totally without merit....

BOTH parties state that they did not have an affair. It was the "appearance" that his advisors were worried about and some apparently ASSUMED he was having an affair. AGAIN, which BOTH deny.

As for the allegations of his granting favors for her clients... he released the letters to the FCC ... so everyone can read them and see that what he did was try to cut the red tape after two years without a vote. The FCC rebuked him for that.

The "Keating five" bullshit being brought back up is also laughable. The Senate ethics committee already found that while he exercised poor judgement that he had done nothing improper.
I'm all for doing the "ridicule Superfreak's hackish idiocy" thing in shifts, if you guys want to split it up. I should be free for the 3:15-3:30 slot (eastern time).

Sounds good. But at some point he’ll have to get a break. This McCain bomb has sent him charging over the edge. And I’ve read about cases of actual spontaneous combustion. People just go up in flames! It’s true, you can google it. And apparently, the poor dead bastards, were observed in a state of high agitation or anger shortly before they went “Poof!”.
I'm all for doing the "ridicule Superfreak's hackish idiocy" thing in shifts, if you guys want to split it up. I should be free for the 3:15-3:30 slot (eastern time).

Since your desire is to "discuss" this important issue... what is your take on...

""He and Mr. Davis also said Mr. McCain had frequently denied requests from Ms. Iseman and the companies she represented. In 2006, Mr. McCain sought to break up cable subscription packages, which some of her clients opposed. And his proposals for satellite distribution of local television programs fell short of her clients’ hopes.

The McCain aides said the senator sided with Ms. Iseman’s clients only when their positions hewed to his principles.

A champion of deregulation, Mr. McCain wrote letters in 1998 and 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission urging it to uphold marketing agreements allowing a television company to control two stations in the same city, a crucial issue for Glencairn Ltd., one of Ms. Iseman’s clients. He introduced a bill to create tax incentives for minority ownership of stations; Ms. Iseman represented several businesses seeking such a program. And he twice tried to advance legislation that would permit a company to control television stations in overlapping markets, an important issue for Paxson.

In late 1999, Ms. Iseman asked Mr. McCain’s staff to send a letter to the commission to help Paxson, now Ion Media Networks, on another matter. Mr. Paxson was impatient for F.C.C. approval of a television deal, and Ms. Iseman acknowledged in an e-mail message to The Times that she had sent to Mr. McCain’s staff information for drafting a letter urging a swift decision.

Mr. McCain complied. He sent two letters to the commission, drawing a rare rebuke for interference from its chairman. In an embarrassing turn for the campaign, news reports invoked the Keating scandal, once again raising questions about intervening for a patron.

Mr. McCain’s aides released all of his letters to the F.C.C. to dispel accusations of favoritism, and aides said the campaign had properly accounted for four trips on the Paxson plane. But the campaign did not report the flight with Ms. Iseman. Mr. McCain’s advisers say he was not required to disclose the flight, but ethics lawyers dispute that.

Recalling the Paxson episode in his memoir, Mr. McCain said he was merely trying to push along a slow-moving bureaucracy, but added that he was not surprised by the criticism given his history.

“Any hint that I might have acted to reward a supporter,” he wrote, “would be taken as an egregious act of hypocrisy.”

So lets see.....

1) He voted both for and against her clients

2) He was rebuked for the letters to the FCC, yet disclosed the letters to demonstrate that he had not asked for a positive ruling only that they make a ruling given that they had not done so for two years.

I await your intelligent response.
Sounds good. But at some point he’ll have to get a break. This McCain bomb has sent him charging over the edge. And I’ve read about cases of actual spontaneous combustion. People just go up in flames! It’s true, you can google it. And apparently, the poor dead bastards, were observed in a state of high agitation or anger shortly before they went “Poof!”.

I'm sure Damo will step in at some point; good thing, too. I'd hate to see poor SF explode like that, though I see the signs...
I'm sure Damo will step in at some point; good thing, too. I'd hate to see poor SF explode like that, though I see the signs...

LMAO... right... I am sooooo worked up right now.... :rant:

How about you clowns actually talk about this important McCain issue?

edit: Sorry Lorax... almost forgot.... the first line was sarcasm...
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Since your desire is to "discuss" this important issue... what is your take on...

""He and Mr. Davis also said Mr. McCain had frequently denied requests from Ms. Iseman and the companies she represented. In 2006, Mr. McCain sought to break up cable subscription packages, which some of her clients opposed. And his proposals for satellite distribution of local television programs fell short of her clients’ hopes.

The McCain aides said the senator sided with Ms. Iseman’s clients only when their positions hewed to his principles.

A champion of deregulation, Mr. McCain wrote letters in 1998 and 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission urging it to uphold marketing agreements allowing a television company to control two stations in the same city, a crucial issue for Glencairn Ltd., one of Ms. Iseman’s clients. He introduced a bill to create tax incentives for minority ownership of stations; Ms. Iseman represented several businesses seeking such a program. And he twice tried to advance legislation that would permit a company to control television stations in overlapping markets, an important issue for Paxson.

In late 1999, Ms. Iseman asked Mr. McCain’s staff to send a letter to the commission to help Paxson, now Ion Media Networks, on another matter. Mr. Paxson was impatient for F.C.C. approval of a television deal, and Ms. Iseman acknowledged in an e-mail message to The Times that she had sent to Mr. McCain’s staff information for drafting a letter urging a swift decision.

Mr. McCain complied. He sent two letters to the commission, drawing a rare rebuke for interference from its chairman. In an embarrassing turn for the campaign, news reports invoked the Keating scandal, once again raising questions about intervening for a patron.

Mr. McCain’s aides released all of his letters to the F.C.C. to dispel accusations of favoritism, and aides said the campaign had properly accounted for four trips on the Paxson plane. But the campaign did not report the flight with Ms. Iseman. Mr. McCain’s advisers say he was not required to disclose the flight, but ethics lawyers dispute that.

Recalling the Paxson episode in his memoir, Mr. McCain said he was merely trying to push along a slow-moving bureaucracy, but added that he was not surprised by the criticism given his history.

“Any hint that I might have acted to reward a supporter,” he wrote, “would be taken as an egregious act of hypocrisy.”

So lets see.....

1) He voted both for and against her clients

2) He was rebuked for the letters to the FCC, yet disclosed the letters to demonstrate that he had not asked for a positive ruling only that they make a ruling given that they had not done so for two years.

I await your intelligent response.

Don't twist the argument. I don't think there is anything conclusive on this yet, but the facts of the story as it has been presented so far are facts, and come directly from people who worked with McCain. You're saying that the mere idea of an improper relationship between McCain and a LOBBYIST is not newsworthy, and that it doesn't matter because it's 8 years old, anyway, and that it's innuendo even though his aides were concerned enough to warn both he & the lobbyist about it, and, hey, aren't you Dems supposed to not care about sex, since that's all you told the righties in the '90's?

If nothing else comes out about this story, it won't last long, but that doesn't mean that an inappropriate relationship between a lobbyist & a Senator is a non-story, under any circumstances.

You're so predictable on this stuff. When it comes to Edwards, all he has to do is accept a fee & he's a flaming hypocrite, but when it comes to your own, you go into drone mode: must....defend....Republicans......must....defend....Republicans.....must.....
Link to the thread that you are referring to with regards to Gore.

Yes, it is funny that Edwards got paid more than most people make in a year to speak about poverty.

Aw... ya called me a partisan hack... coming from you that is truly funny. But again you should work on your rage.

I've never claimed to be anything but a Liberal partisan. An anti-Iraq war partisan. I'm proud that I've been right on virtually every issue over the last 8 years, from the Iraq War, to taxes, to the stagnating middle class. Issues you have consistently been wrong on. I'm not a Democratic Party hack. You'd be hard pressed to name one liberal poster who's put up more posts critizing the policies and conduct of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton.

So, I don't know where you've been. I've never claimed to be anything but what I am.

In contrast, you've invested considerable effort to portary yourself as some sort of above-it-all "indepedent", observer of issues and facts. When, in fact, you voted for Bush twice, you support the Iraq War, and you try to divert criticism from Bush and the GOP every chance you get. You're a GOP hack. And if you'd just drop your claims to being some sort of moderate above it all independent, you'd be mocked a lot less for it.
Don't twist the argument. I don't think there is anything conclusive on this yet, but the facts of the story as it has been presented so far are facts, and come directly from people who worked with McCain. You're saying that the mere idea of an improper relationship between McCain and a LOBBYIST is not newsworthy, and that it doesn't matter because it's 8 years old, anyway, and that it's innuendo even though his aides were concerned enough to warn both he & the lobbyist about it, and, hey, aren't you Dems supposed to not care about sex, since that's all you told the righties in the '90's?

If nothing else comes out about this story, it won't last long, but that doesn't mean that an inappropriate relationship between a lobbyist & a Senator is a non-story, under any circumstances.

You're so predictable on this stuff. When it comes to Edwards, all he has to do is accept a fee & he's a flaming hypocrite, but when it comes to your own, you go into drone mode: must....defend....Republicans......must....defend....Republicans.....must.....

The FACTs of the story are as I just laid out.

1) Both parties deny having an affair

2) NO evidence of his acting in favor of the companies the lobbyist represents have been given

3) The FCC letters were released so that everyone who wants can read exactly what was written... full disclosure by a politician.... what an evil bastard that McCain is.

4) The Keating reference is ancient news that the Senate Ethics committee already addressed.

Your response....

Well, it is ongoing and nothing is conclusive yet....


"Well the left is going to continue to act like this is a story despite all evidence to the contrary just so we can try to make it look like a lobbyist had an effect on McCains voting record"

Refresh my memory again.... which one of us is acting the part of a partisan hack?
Our political messaging during that time period centered around taking on the special interests and placing the nation’s interests before either personal or special interest,” Mr. Weaver continued. “Ms. Iseman’s involvement in the campaign, it was felt by us, could undermine that effort.”

Mr. Weaver added that the brief conversation was only about “her conduct and what she allegedly had told people, which made its way back to us.” He declined to elaborate.

It is not clear what effect the warnings had; the associates said their concerns receded in the heat of the campaign.

Ms. Iseman acknowledged meeting with Mr. Weaver, but disputed his account.

“I never discussed with him alleged things I had ‘told people,’ that had made their way ‘back to’ him,” she wrote in an e-mail message. She said she never received special treatment from Mr. McCain’s office."

So lets see...

Weaver said the involvement of a lobbyist in the campaign could damage the campaign. Ok... that is a no-shit statment. So what did they do? They had a meeting to get McCain to disassociate himself with her. Ok... again, good idea.

So where is Weaver stating that McCain did anything to favor her or the companies that she represented? Where does he or anyone state that McCain had an affair with her?

See? That's NEWS superfreak. Everybit, if not more, newsworthy as the tidbit that Al Gore's house wasn't using enough green energy.

A candidate who prides himself as the "principled maverick", yet his own staff has to protect himself....from...himself.

Yes, his campaign asked her to back off. Why didn't McCain himself ask her to back off? And what was this "conduct" and "things she told people" all about? What was going on between her and John McCain, PRIOR to his staff having to save him from himself?

See, those are legitimate question, that a functioning press in a Democracy ask. And the fact that the story was corroborated by multiple sources, in addition to this Weaver dude, is standard professional journalism. It's every bit as good, if not better, than the journalistic standards at Fox News.
Oh, that's good. I'm glad both parties deny having the affair; that's always reassuring.

Read the story again, hack. They are reporting on what happened, and what McCain's aides did at that time. It's not a non-story; much smaller stories have been given equal if not more coverage...have you been paying attention at all during the last week?

If a reporter hears from a political aide that the staff had to warn both the candidate and another party about their relationship, that's a story. Welcome to the post '90's American landscape that you & yours have wrought.
I've never claimed to be anything but a Liberal partisan. An anti-Iraq war partisan. I'm proud that I've been right on virtually every issue over the last 8 years, from the Iraq War, to taxes, to the stagnating middle class. Issues you have consistently been wrong on. I'm not a Democratic Party hack. You'd be hard pressed to name one liberal poster who's put up more posts critizing the policies and conduct of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or Bill Clinton.

So, I don't know where you've been. I've never claimed to be anything but what I am.

In contrast, you've invested considerable effort to portary yourself as some sort of above-it-all "indepedent", observer of issues and facts. When, in fact, you voted for Bush twice, you support the Iraq War, and you try to divert criticism from Bush and the GOP every chance you get. You're a GOP hack. And if you'd just drop your claims to being some sort of moderate above it all independent, you'd be mocked a lot less for it.

I take it your lack of a link means you know you are full of shit with regards to your claims about Gore???

As for my positions.... I have always stated that I am conservative on economics. Social issues it depends on the issue. The reason I am not a Rep is because they have abandoned economic conservatism and they tend to be too far to the right on social issues.
You know, I think that you guys are being too hard on McCain, and I don’t think there’s anything here, but…I just feel overwhelmed from McCain scandal fatigue.

I don’t think I could tolerate another four more years of bimbo eruptions and he said she said sex scandals.

I will probably have to vote for Huckabee now.
You know, I think that you guys are being too hard on McCain, and I don’t think there’s anything here, but…I just feel overwhelmed from McCain scandal fatigue.

I don’t think I could tolerate another four more years of bimbo eruptions and he said she said sex scandals.

I will probably have to vote for Huckabee now.

See? That's NEWS superfreak. Everybit, if not more, newsworthy as the tidbit that Al Gore's house wasn't using enough green energy.

A candidate who prides himself as the "principled maverick", yet his own staff has to protect himself....from...himself.

Yes, his campaign asked her to back off. Why didn't McCain himself ask her to back off? And what was this "conduct" and "things she told people" all about? What was going on between her and John McCain, PRIOR to his staff having to save him from himself?

See, those are legitimate question, that a functioning press in a Democracy ask. And the fact that the story was corroborated by multiple sources, in addition to this Weaver dude, is standard professional journalism. It's every bit as good, if not better, than the journalistic standards at Fox News.

But McCain said he didn't have sex with that woman, and he's known for telling the truth, so I believe it. Most people, if they're having an affair, if no one asks them about it, they'll try and get away with it, but if someone becomes suspicious and asks, they'll admit to it. Very few cases will you see someone denying it if it's true.
Oh, that's good. I'm glad both parties deny having the affair; that's always reassuring.

Read the story again, hack. They are reporting on what happened, and what McCain's aides did at that time. It's not a non-story; much smaller stories have been given equal if not more coverage...have you been paying attention at all during the last week?

If a reporter hears from a political aide that the staff had to warn both the candidate and another party about their relationship, that's a story. Welcome to the post '90's American landscape that you & yours have wrought.

Ok hack.... AGAIN.... the aides warned that it LOOKED like there was more to the relationship than there was. That the APPEARANCE of a lobbyist in McCains presence so much LOOKED BAD.

Yet here we have the hacks on the left ......

"Grampa McCain has a girlfriend"

"McCain is having an affair"

"McCain favored the lobbyist by writing a letter to the FCC"

All of which is what? Come on Lorax... you know the words.... bull shit.

Yes, this is a deliberate smear job by the left. A feeble attempt to try to play the gotcha game. A "swiftboating" of McCain.

All of which you cried foul when done to Clinton and Kerry and now you say....

"Well the Reps did it too"
You know, I think that you guys are being too hard on McCain, and I don’t think there’s anything here, but…I just feel overwhelmed from McCain scandal fatigue.

I don’t think I could tolerate another four more years of bimbo eruptions and he said she said sex scandals.

I will probably have to vote for Huckabee now.

ahh.... the difference my dear little bitter twit is that BOTH parties said it did not happen. When BOTH say the same thing.... it isn't "he said, she said"... it is "they agree nothing happened".
But McCain said he didn't have sex with that woman, and he's known for telling the truth, so I believe it. Most people, if they're having an affair, if no one asks them about it, they'll try and get away with it, but if someone becomes suspicious and asks, they'll admit to it. Very few cases will you see someone denying it if it's true.

True, most people will freely admit to having an affair if confronted. More likely, they're going to freely admit doing legislative favors for a lobbyist friend when some liberal rag like the NY times has a story on it.

That's one thing I've learned from Damo. If you ask John McCain if he wants to invade iran, he'll tell you straight up one way or the other. Because, if you can't google a direct quote from mccain, saying that he has every intention of invading iraq, than one cannot possibly hold the opinion that McCain wants to attack iran.
Oh, that's good. I'm glad both parties deny having the affair; that's always reassuring.

Read the story again, hack. They are reporting on what happened, and what McCain's aides did at that time. It's not a non-story; much smaller stories have been given equal if not more coverage...have you been paying attention at all during the last week?

If a reporter hears from a political aide that the staff had to warn both the candidate and another party about their relationship, that's a story. Welcome to the post '90's American landscape that you & yours have wrought.

Oh you mean because of the Bill Clinton years?

But, ever since we impeached him and almost got him out of office, I thought we all agreed we weren’t going to do that anymore…at least until there was another democrat in office?

Didn’t we “all agree” that we would go back to the pre-clinton years in handling sex scandals (don’t ask don’t tell), as long as there was a republican in office? I’m confused? The deal we “all agreed” to seems to have fallen through?

I guess you just can’t trust a liberal.