
In this case - zero.

There is no other word for the rape of jurisprudence that happened in the banana republic of new york.

I'm really sorry your lord and savior got his hand caught in the porno pay off jar. Really, I am. Maybe if he'd stayed home with his WIFE and NEWBORN SON instead of going out and fucking sex workers and then trying to pay them off none of this would have happened.

Guess it's literally EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT Trump couldn't keep his weeee little pecker in his Depends.
Joe Biden had no part in this.


You repeating that lie will not change that fact.

The only one lying is you and your fellow Stalinists.

Also Trump hasn't been jailed.

Comrade Bragg wants him jailed. Presiding cunt Merchan has yet to rule. As Benny Thompson (D. - Guam gunna tip over) said, the goal is to move Trump to Rykers without SS protection so the party can kill him the way you did Epstein.
I'm really sorry your lord and savior got his hand caught in the porno pay off jar. Really, I am. Maybe if he'd stayed home with his WIFE and NEWBORN SON instead of going out and fucking sex workers and then trying to pay them off none of this would have happened.

Guess it's literally EVERYONE ELSE'S FAULT Trump couldn't keep his weeee little pecker in his Depends.

Let's remind everyone what this LYNCHING is about, and ALL it is about: (straight from the Oligarch's mouth)

You mean a misdemeanor 3 years past the statute of limitations?

That certainly has nothing to do with legitimate legal proceedings. BUT we all know this was nothing but a lynching in order to corrupt the 2024 presidential election.
You don't think the DA, ADA's, and other paralegals cosidered the statute of limitations issue? If that was a problem the case would have been dismissed before it began.

You mean 34 misdemeantors which became felonies because they were hiding an underlyig crime? Any decent coverage of the trial covered these issues.
You don't think the DA, ADA's, and other paralegals cosidered the statute of limitations issue? If that was a problem the case would have been dismissed before it began.

Remember, these are ONLINE MAGA LEGAL SCHOLARS. They have heard someone on Breitbart or NewsMax give them the talking points and now they are ALL legal experts. That's the amazing superpower of turns regular GED's into super-charged experts with almost no training required.

You support a man who sides with our foreign adversaries in calling us a Banana Republic.

We ARE a banana republic now.

The ruling party puts those who oppose them in prison to thwart free and fair elections. If the SCOTUS doesn't step in and smack down the Junta in new york - there is no denying that we are a third world shit hole with no rule of law.
When did this "rape" happen?

Radical leftist activist Carroll couldn't even say what YEAR it was. Not that it's all fabricated - much - but you Stalinists DO sort of have a pattern of demagoguery that is short on detail, facts, and reality - but heavy on slander and defamation.
The judge and jury disagree and found him liable for sexual assault. Deal with it.
Does voting for a rapist and convicted felon mean you are morally depraved? Yes, yes it does.
C' isn't a lynching. It's a CRUCIFIXION. That way Trump gets to step up on the stage with Jesus himself! They are almost one and the same!

Words have meanings, though Stalinists lack IQ points.

This is a lynching - a farcical trial in which the guilt of the victim is preordained and based on prejudice - generally racially or politically motivated.
The judge and jury disagree and found him liable for sexual assault. Deal with it.
Does voting for a rapist and convicted felon mean you are morally depraved? Yes, yes it does.

So, no date then? Not even a year?

This is like the "crime" that presiding cunt Merchan persecuted Trump on? No one can say what the crime was - but Orange Man Bad - Uber Alles democrat.
We ARE a banana republic now.

Awwwwww, because widdle Twumpy got his wrist slapped. Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo. Fuck your feelings as your side likes to say :)

The ruling party puts those who oppose them in prison to thwart free and fair elections.

Funny, but recently in SCOTUS arguments Trump's OWN LAWYERS made the case that he could use Seal Team 6 to kill a political rival without any repercussions.

Methinks you are focusing on the wrong thing here.
Words have meanings, though Stalinists lack IQ points.

This is a lynching - a farcical trial in which the guilt of the victim is preordained and based on prejudice - generally racially or politically motivated.

Some day you might meet a real black person. Make sure to tell them how Trump was LYNCHED. I'm sure they'll enjoy your insight.
So, no date then? Not even a year?

This is like the "crime" that presiding cunt Merchan persecuted Trump on? No one can say what the crime was - but Orange Man Bad - Uber Alles democrat.
Apparently all the details were shared during the trial and the jury agreed that she was sexually assaulted. Sorry if that fact doesn't agree with your beliefs.
How can you type that? You Reds are saying the trial helped Trump. He got huge donations and galvanized his voters. Now you are saying Biden did it to win the election. Tru\y and make sense.

No one said you Stalinists weren't stupid.

Lawfare backfired on you.

What happened to Trump in the banana republic of new york can happen to you. The rule of law is gone. Thousands just like you were loyal Bolsheviks, but ran afoul of Stalin by some slight or stumble. You've ended the rule of law and made the party the only law. You Stalinists are far too stupid to study history - but EVERY time this has been done in the past, even the recent past in Venezuela - it bites those who promoted it as well as enemies of the dictatorship.