Gun Nuts: Why the double standard?

Why have you become so much more stupid since your conversion to the left? You should have one of the sharper ones take over, they may actually use one of the compelling, socially-conscious, humanitarian arguments that I respect.

The Constitution is not the Bible. It is not an article of faith. It's the law! It's not blind to expect your government to observe its own law, it is only blind to permit injustices by the misuse of the law.

Why do I piss libertarians off so much more than others? Because I understand you, Adam, and I know exactly how you feel. Whenever I do something, I do it to the extreme, like Christianity, or socialism, or libertarinism, and believe in it to the fullest extent. I'm pretty happy right now with nothing though.
Why do I piss libertarians off so much more than others? Because I understand you, Adam, and I know exactly how you feel. Whenever I do something, I do it to the extreme, like Christianity, or socialism, or libertarinism, and believe in it to the fullest extent. I'm pretty happy right now with nothing though.

You don't piss me off, you disappoint me.

You clearly don't understand me. I do nothing to the extreme, but I do have principles and I certainly won't reject them outright because of some worthless mocking arguments that defend ideas that haven't stood up to the test of time.
You don't piss me off, you disappoint me.

You clearly don't understand me. I do nothing to the extreme, but I do have principles and I certainly won't reject them outright because of some worthless mocking arguments that defend ideas that haven't stood up to the test of time.

Then don't.
I won't, and I wasn't suggesting you were inviting me to abandon them.

I'm simply pointing out that you should expect a rigorous defense from me for my ideas, and I believe if you want to hold your point, you should present a worthy argument for your ideas if you really believe in them.
I won't, and I wasn't suggesting you were inviting me to abandon them.

I'm simply pointing out that you should expect a rigorous defense from me for my ideas, and I believe if you want to hold your point, you should present a worthy argument for your ideas if you really believe in them.

I don't really believe in them.

You support Goldwater? You know, some of his ideas were really great, but he was a warmonger. I'm honestly leaning towards the side that LBJ was the correct decision in 1964.
Goldwater was alive for a long time and did many things that make him an admirable role model.

Certainly I think he would have made a better President than Johnson. Are you suggesting we had great peacetime during LBJ's administration?

But that is not the only reason to look up to him, and perhaps is even one of the less important. He has a long record of service and promoting ideas. And the kind of person someone is, is as important as the kind of politician.

Goldwater was friends even with his political foes, he didn't suck up to scumbags like Nixon, he was honest in his convictions even to the point of political defeat, and he stuck to his principles even as his party changed around him.

Even Senator Clinton feels comfortable quoting him on the campaign trail on the appropriate issue. Yes, he's my guy.
Goldwater was alive for a long time and did many things that make him an admirable role model.

Certainly I think he would have made a better President than Johnson. Are you suggesting we had great peacetime during LBJ's administration?

But that is not the only reason to look up to him, and perhaps is even one of the less important. He has a long record of service and promoting ideas. And the kind of person someone is, is as important as the kind of politician.

Goldwater was friends even with his political foes, he didn't suck up to scumbags like Nixon, he was honest in his convictions even to the point of political defeat, and he stuck to his principles even as his party changed around him.

Even Senator Clinton feels comfortable quoting him on the campaign trail on the appropriate issue. Yes, he's my guy.

No, but he did support the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Vietnam. I really didn't ever seem him slack off of such support in later years either.

But "You don't have to be straight, you've just got to shoot straight" was classic. ;)
No, but he did support the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Vietnam. I really didn't ever seem him slack off of such support in later years either.

But "You don't have to be straight, you've just got to shoot straight" was classic. ;)

Well, I don't have to agree with somebody totally to admire them.

I don't agree with Ron Paul on maybe 30% of the issues, or disagree on his emphasis on those 30%. But he is still my favorite member of Congress, and I think he could have been a great President, even if with personal shortcomings.

Certainly better than what we're going to end up with.
Why do I piss libertarians off so much more than others? Because I understand you, Adam, and I know exactly how you feel. Whenever I do something, I do it to the extreme, like Christianity, or socialism, or libertarinism, and believe in it to the fullest extent. I'm pretty happy right now with nothing though.

Water, you piss most everybody off. You don't think that Soc wanted to twist your head off your neck yesterday? But liberals are just more understanding of your particular hormonal circumstances than Libertarians are.
I dunno, I think he's a genuinely funny bugger, got a dry sense of humour. :clink: <--- that should fix the dry and leave the humour.
I will say for trying to get people to take her side of the story LadyT sure did a good job of offending them first. We may have to send her to a Dale Carnagie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' training.

Dale Carnagie is a dou che bag.
Gun registration? You think that is anti-2nd amendment?

Is that really what the 2nd-amendment lovers want? No background checks, no registration. Might as well just put 'em on the shelves at Stop & Shop...

Yep it is what they want, they are paranoid about the government knowing they have the gun.

but then paranoia is a large part of what makes some gun nutz.
Water, you piss most everybody off. You don't think that Soc wanted to twist your head off your neck yesterday? But liberals are just more understanding of your particular hormonal circumstances than Libertarians are.
There are days that I want to twist his head off but I have said before that I can't wait till he gets a little older because he displays his intelligence from time to time. I agree with him on the death penalty and on restoring rights to convicted felons once they have paid their debts to society. You are not stoopit WM, just infuriating sometimes.

John White (Who's ironically Black) defends his home and his property with a gun after being threatened by a mob of drunken racist mafia wannabe's and he gets sentenced to 2 years in prison. Whatever happened to "the right bear arms"?

well, your first problem is this happened in NY. They aren't anywhere near comfortable with their subjects having the right to bear arms, especially black people. so to pin this on 'gun nuts', well that's just plain ignoramic of you.