Gun Nuts: Why the double standard?

I am not an NRA member either. Just someone that likes to sit home and listen to the voices while I clean my guns :)
well, your first problem is this happened in NY. They aren't anywhere near comfortable with their subjects having the right to bear arms, especially black people. so to pin this on 'gun nuts', well that's just plain ignoramic of you.

When she posted this thread she wasn't being very serious (LadyT never is). Also, she wasn't attacking gun nuts for giving out the sentence, but for their supposed silence on the issue. ;)
How does the majority that voted on the constitution have the right to overturn the basic rights of the people to be free from killing weapons?

this is real simple, if you're capable of following this logic.

the framers of the constitution knew that freedom isn't free. government will always seek to usurp their freedom. that the only way to preserve freedom was to keep and bear arms, hence you don't have the right to be free of 'killing weapons' unless you move your cowardly ass to another country where you can rely on the nanny state government to make you 'feel' safe. Otherwise, to be an american, you need to grab a weapon and stand a post. Otherwise, I don't give a damn what you feel you have a right to.
When she posted this thread she wasn't being very serious (LadyT never is). Also, she wasn't attacking gun nuts for giving out the sentence, but for their supposed silence on the issue. ;)

Most of them are gun nuts and start foaming at the mouth with the mere mention of regulating guns. I was just curious to see what their position was in this case.
When she posted this thread she wasn't being very serious (LadyT never is). Also, she wasn't attacking gun nuts for giving out the sentence, but for their supposed silence on the issue. ;)
I didn't know about it till LadyT posted. Now I am pissed. But as has been mentioned here, NY is not real interested in their subjects being able to defend themselves. That is why they have almost no murders there every year. Right?
this is a nice piece. notice its a 7shot and takes both .357 Magnum/.38 Special shot

Most of them are gun nuts and start foaming at the mouth with the mere mention of regulating guns. I was just curious to see what their position was in this case.

most sane 'gun nuts' have been outspoken. the problem with defending this guy is the MSM is hesitant to post any briefs, letters, or articles that support the use of weapons in self defense.
I don't care what anyone says, wheelguns are always prettier than their automatic cousins.

omg yes.. and far more reliable.. easy to maintain and i think accurate.

my most accurate piece is a 1911 .45 webley mark III. when you shoot it a flame comes out the side sometimes.

its nickel plated and similar to this