Gun Nuts: Why the double standard?

You started it, so if it is f*cking retarded you shouldn't have started in the first place. Don't get mad at me just because I am willing to match your examples with my own.

Well, we agree completely that many crimes are committed using unregistered or illegal guns & that registration does not help solve those.

However, registration DOES help solve a significant # of crimes. That is all I am arguing. Your examples are meaningless to this argument.
"I refuse to register my weapons with the state. It is nobodies business what I own, weapons or not. There is also nothing in the constitution that authorizes or empowers the government to register weapons."

Do you register your car?
"I refuse to register my weapons with the state. It is nobodies business what I own, weapons or not. There is also nothing in the constitution that authorizes or empowers the government to register weapons."

Do you register your car?

whats that got to do with registering weapons?
this is real simple, if you're capable of following this logic.

the framers of the constitution knew that freedom isn't free. government will always seek to usurp their freedom. that the only way to preserve freedom was to keep and bear arms, hence you don't have the right to be free of 'killing weapons' unless you move your cowardly ass to another country where you can rely on the nanny state government to make you 'feel' safe. Otherwise, to be an american, you need to grab a weapon and stand a post. Otherwise, I don't give a damn what you feel you have a right to.

Of course, in the nuclear age, this all became kind of moot.

Now that is pretty cool Water.
You started it, so if it is f*cking retarded you shouldn't have started in the first place. Don't get mad at me just because I am willing to match your examples with my own.

He didn't start it, YOU did when you asked him for this:

"Let me know the last robbery or murder that was committed using a registered firearm."

You know, every thread you are on, you lie. And you twist. And you change the debate mid-stream.

Boy am I glad I said "fuck no" when you volunteered to be a monitor on this site. that would have been some shit. You are the most dishonest debator that I can think of on this site. You might not be the biggest prick, but you're the biggest liar.
My Tale was true and I can provide the name of the boy by PM for you to search on.
they even have a memorial soccer tourney in his name at the local HS.
when soldiers start carrying nukes in the combat field, we can reconsider it. Until then, the 2nd means what it says.

Actually they have developed nukes that can be fired by a cannon and "backpack nukes" that were meant for use by ground troops, and could even theoretically be fired from a bazooka like device.