Gun Nuts: Why the double standard?

Actually they have developed nukes that can be fired by a cannon and "backpack nukes" that were meant for use by ground troops, and could even theoretically be fired from a bazooka like device.
please tell me you don't actually believe that conspiracy theory crap.
When people start pulling out things like super weapons that can be concealed on the person, any debate is over. From that point it is obvious they'll believe what ever they want to believe.

hint: a bazooka like device could not possibly throw a nuclear weapon far enough that the gunner could escape the blast.

And we are not in the business of using suicide bombers.
Of course that's true because we all know white people don't commit crimes and it is 100% black people in our country's prisons so we all to have to look out for blacks only.


hey, you forgot all of the latinos who commit the rest of the crimes and fill our jails - it is getting so that us white folk cannot get a decent share of the crime pie - except for all those top level management types...cfo, ceo, coo etc.

then there are the asians...

oh well
I was being partly sarcastic, but not too sarcastic when talking about most gun nutz.

I think I am about the only white male around here not an NRA member.

Heck to admit I am not an NRA member is about as bad a telling people I am an atheist :shock:


while i am not a member of the nra, i rather support their ideals, now me, if i could get my hands (legally) on a browning automatic rifle with clips and ammunition, i could have a lot of fun...

ps while i am no longer a christian, i am not an athiest - support the universal Gaea
Let me know when you feel like the biggest liar. Then we'll be getting somewhere. I knew your whole family wasn't killed by a firearm, registered or unregistered the second I read it.

Congratulations on winning the "I can pick up on obvious sarcasm" award. The only reason I felt bad was because decent people on here took me seriously, and it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. My heart goes out to any real victims and any real tragedy that has resulted from a firearm-related death, which is why I admitted immediately after that I had just made an inappropriate post.

Where all this hostility comes from I have no idea, but you need to get over it. My guess is that we are not that different politically, but you have decided to target me as an object of disdain for some reason.
He didn't start it, YOU did when you asked him for this:

"Let me know the last robbery or murder that was committed using a registered firearm."
You are right, I did.

You know, every thread you are on, you lie.
What have I lied about besides a comment that I thought would be readily recognizable as sarcasm?
And you twist.
This is debate.
And you change the debate mid-stream.
If I am guilty of that then I apologize. It only shows my weakness of debate.

Boy am I glad I said "fuck no" when you volunteered to be a monitor on this site. that would have been some shit.
I agree. I have not been acclimated enough to the community to be trusted by anyone, and while I was trying to help my new found home, it was certainly not the right time for naive enthusiasm.

You are the most dishonest debator that I can think of on this site. You might not be the biggest prick, but you're the biggest liar.
I would hope that I have not shown myself to be dishonest or a prick, but your opinions are not mine to hold.
Darla! You are cheating on me! I thought my posts were the only ones you misinterpreted like that!

I'm stunned. Saddened and stunned...

I would like to see more drawings and quarterings.

i too might advocate the old english penalty for treason if it were not for the fact that some would seek it for the 15 minutes of fame associated and that such things do not prevent or stop people that commit murder, except murder for hire

by the way, the drawing and quartering were preceded by the person being hung three times (hanging was just a rope around the neck and for only about a minute, just enough to make them suffer and prolong the spectacle, then castration - after the quartering, the head would be cut off and posted on a spike outside the palace
I have very little doubt that plenty are, and that registration is a valuable tool for law enforcement in solving crimes, even if the crime is not committed by the person who actually registered the weapon involved.

Don't be so naive.

Registration is a terrific idea.
registration is a suck ass idea reserved only for those who want to make the right of gun ownership a pain in the ass because they are hoplophobes.

YOU, or the gov, have no right, power, or authority to know what guns I own.

as I said earlier paranoia.
If you buy it with a credit card, check or debit card far more than the govt know you bought it.
Are you supportive of an individuals right to own a firearm, USC? How far will you go to make darla and ladytwinkle like you?
registration is a suck ass idea reserved only for those who want to make the right of gun ownership a pain in the ass because they are hoplophobes.

YOU, or the gov, have no right, power, or authority to know what guns I own.

Your ignorance is palpable. You should be napalmed simply for your response.