Guns Save Lives

No wonder I stayed out of this stupid thread...

i thought they were unbiased, i didn't realize they leaned right, their articles are usually well balanced every time i've gone to the site.

btw, what does my being wrong about their bias have to do with this thread? can you not discuss the thread topic or are you only capable of soiling yourself at the thought of a gun?
i thought they were unbiased, i didn't realize they leaned right, their articles are usually well balanced every time i've gone to the site.

btw, what does my being wrong about their bias have to do with this thread? can you not discuss the thread topic or are you only capable of soiling yourself at the thought of a gun?

Guns kill more people than they save.

Prove that theory wrong.
you do realize i use the phrase so i can speak down to YOUR level. it also is simply using a common understanding in order to reach the masses and get my point across.

i've even made several posts that guns alone do not kill. but i know the thread is above your intellectual capacity and will understand if you choose to not debate the issue and instead focus on boring semantics and lame gotcha games.

Excuses excuses.

Y-O-U created a thread titled "guns save lives"...although I am certain you'll find some way to avoid taking responsibility for the title of a thread you created.

In the end however, it's just another example of the YurTard's double standard.
i took direct responsibility for the thread title you dishonest jackass. i even explained WHY i made the thread title.

can you please try to be honest, at least over the holidays. thank you.
i took direct responsibility for the thread title you dishonest jackass. i even explained WHY i made the thread title.

can you please try to be honest, at least over the holidays. thank you.


In your mind it's okay if you have to resort to being a condescending, two-faced hypocrite, it it helps make your point.

Everybody else must be 110% honest 100% of the time or they will suffer another scolding at the hands of "do as I say and not as I do" Yurt.

In your mind it's okay if you have to resort to being a condescending, two-faced hypocrite, it it helps make your point.

Everybody else must be 110% honest 100% of the time or they will suffer another scolding at the hands of "do as I say and not as I do" Yurt.

cite where i said that.

you're making shit up again as usual you whiny two faced douchebag.
Saving Lives Since 1968???

Gun violence since 1968 has killed more Americans than all the wars in all of U.S. history combined.
That's over two million lives?!!

do you deny that guns save lives?

Just give me one example of a gun jumping up and rescuing a drowning swimmer or performing CPR or pulling injured victims from an auto accident on it's own and I will agree.

Nope...sorry...guns don't save lives...people do.
Odd...I read nothing about the shotgun jumping up on it's own and saving anyone.

This is a perfect example of how guns don't save lives...people do.


So "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"?

But "Guns save people, guns don't kill people"?

Which is it?

learn it, embrace it and maybe, just maybe you will start to understand and stop your petty whining

Of course it's no surprise our two-faced, hypocritical YurTitmouse makes another excuse to cover for his double standard.

NOT ONCE has he called out Rightie Gun Nuts and claimed their use of the phrase "guns don't kill people...people kill people is a "colloquialism".

Another crystal clear example of the hate the YurTitmouse feels for me.