Hamas Wants Guarantees Israel Won’t Assassinate Its Leaders Abroad

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win

Arab sources told News14’s Baruch Yadid on Thursday that Hamas demands guarantees to ensure that Israel will refrain from killing senior members of the terrorist organization abroad.

Osama Hamdan, the new senior Hamas official in Lebanon (he took over for Saleh al-Arouri who was assassinated in early January), on Wednesday, denied reports that on Saturday there will be an announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamdan claimed: “We have substantial comments regarding the proposal submitted to us.”

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apparently it is difficult to share a meme as an image from a phone.

I was able to see it by replying to the message in question, but I wasn't able to put it up as a URL. I was able to download it and then re upload it as an image though. Tada:


As to my own thoughts on this, I don't believe that trying to eradicate Hamas is going to solve this problem. As some may know, Hamas literally means resistance. Barring killing or evicting most of the Palestinians actually living in the occupied territories, it stands to reason that they will continue to protest the occupation. From what I've read, October 7th wasn't even planned by the Hamas leadership outside of the Gaza strip anyway. Which I think also stands to reason. I have heard that some of the Hamas leadership outside of Gaza lives quite well. I think it's quite understandable that they would be less inclined to rock the boat then those who have been living and continue to live in Gaza itself.
I was able to see it by replying to the message in question, but I wasn't able to put it up as a URL. I was able to download it and then re upload it as an image though. Tada:

View attachment 25869

As to my own thoughts on this, I don't believe that trying to eradicate Hamas is going to solve this problem. As some may know, Hamas literally means resistance. Barring killing or evicting most of the Palestinians actually living in the occupied territories, it stands to reason that they will continue to protest the occupation. From what I've read, October 7th wasn't even planned by the Hamas leadership outside of the Gaza strip anyway. Which I think also stands to reason. I have heard that some of the Hamas leadership outside of Gaza lives quite well. I think it's quite understandable that they would be less inclined to rock the boat then those who have been living and continue to live in Gaza itself.

I just used "copy image address" from my computer, it is not readily available to a phone though...
I just used "copy image address" from my computer, it is not readily available to a phone though...

Ah ok. I'll see if I can do that next time I see one of these "invisible until I reply" images.

Edit- looks like I got a thumbnail of the image in my tinkerings this time.


  • 5a8d479c25a87cd306ad5b7ccc4975bb9df8fbbb.jpg
    42.8 KB · Views: 0
Ah ok. I'll see if I can do that next time I see one of these "invisible until I reply" images.

Edit- looks like I got a thumbnail of the image in my tinkerings this time.

Uncheckmark the "retrieve remote and reference locally" checkbox. That will stop it from becoming a thumbnail.
Guno צְבִי;5887574 said:
:laugh: Arab sources told News14’s Baruch Yadid on Thursday that Hamas demands guarantees to ensure that Israel will refrain from killing senior members of the terrorist organization abroad.
Nobody is supposed to be performing assassinations. Why the world allows Israel to be the planet's lone exception is ... oh wait, that's right, Israel is the permanent victim. They get to assasinate whomever they wish and Team Israel is just fine with it.

The world should be demanding Israel stop assassinating ... period. Incidentally, if Israel can kill whomever they wish whenever they wish, then Hamas can attack Israel whenever they wish. We can't have double standards ... oh wait, that's right, Israel is the permanent victim.
Ukraine just assassinated some Russian general. Should the world start assassinating Ukranian leaders until they vow to stop assassinating?


That happens in war

In history Ukraine at war would sneak up on troops at night and engage them in their camps

Killing most and then retreating to do it again the next night

They destroyed armies of vast numbers this way in history

Winning wars where the attacker had troop numbers vastly larger than their own

You hate success

You love Putin

He won’t win this
Guno צְבִי;5887574 said:

Arab sources told News14’s Baruch Yadid on Thursday that Hamas demands guarantees to ensure that Israel will refrain from killing senior members of the terrorist organization abroad.

Osama Hamdan, the new senior Hamas official in Lebanon (he took over for Saleh al-Arouri who was assassinated in early January), on Wednesday, denied reports that on Saturday there will be an announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamdan claimed: “We have substantial comments regarding the proposal submitted to us.”


People will often try to kill you when you murder people

It’s amazing some think they should be immune from that fact
Ukraine just assassinated some Russian general.
That's not an assassination, dumbass. Under the Geneva Conventions, Russian generals, as well as all Russian military in Ukraine and Russia are valid military targets for Ukraine forces. It comes with being in the military. Israel simply assassinated a leader of Gaza without any UN resolution. Israel should be sanctioned heavily.
That's not an assassination, dumbass. Under the Geneva Conventions, Russian generals, as well as all Russian military in Ukraine and Russia are valid military targets for Ukraine forces. It comes with being in the military. Israel simply assassinated a leader of Gaza without any UN resolution. Israel should be sanctioned heavily.

Hamas military leaders, who also happen to be quasi-politicians are no different. Israel doesn't need the UN's permission to wage a war--nobody does. And, the UN can't do shit about it.
Any international laws Nuttinbuttayahoo breaks will be prosecuted

Yes Isreal has to be allowed to protect themselves

Unfortunately they have an evil leader who is a criminal leading this protection

He cheated in elections just like trump did

He was avoiding prosecutions too
Any international laws Nuttinbuttayahoo breaks will be prosecuted

By whom? There is no international court that has any real authority to do anything to some national leader. The UN is a meaningless debating society that's really a joke and has no teeth.