Hamas Wants Guarantees Israel Won’t Assassinate Its Leaders Abroad

Hamas killed thousands of innocent civilians as an act of terrorism.
Only the individuals involved in the attack on Israel are guilty of attacking Israel. All of those individuals are Al Qassam militants. You don't get to declare all people affiliated with Hamas as being guilty of attacking Israel.

Your absurd argument is discarded.

Israel does not need to ask the UN permission to retaliate
Israel is not retaliating against the people who attacked Israel. Israel is slaughtering tens of thousands of Arabs who did not attack Israel, as a form of collective punishment for everything that Israel historically blames on "Arabs." This is totally illegal.

... anymore than Obama needed to ask the UN permission to kill Bin Laden.
What Obama did was illegal as well. We, the people of the US simply did not care that Obama ordered a military incursion into a sovereign country without that country's permission because that country happened to be Pakistan. We simply did not care. It was illegal, though.
Guno צְבִי;5887574 said:

Arab sources told News14’s Baruch Yadid on Thursday that Hamas demands guarantees to ensure that Israel will refrain from killing senior members of the terrorist organization abroad.

Osama Hamdan, the new senior Hamas official in Lebanon (he took over for Saleh al-Arouri who was assassinated in early January), on Wednesday, denied reports that on Saturday there will be an announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. Hamdan claimed: “We have substantial comments regarding the proposal submitted to us.”


They don't want a cease fire. They want total capitulation and believe they have the morons in the media behind them. They don't want a two-state solution. They want the complete annihilation of the Jewish State and have stated this clearly. Idiots in the Western media are too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Nobody is supposed to be performing assassinations. Why the world allows Israel to be the planet's lone exception is ... oh wait, that's right, Israel is the permanent victim. They get to assasinate whomever they wish and Team Israel is just fine with it.

The world should be demanding Israel stop assassinating ... period. Incidentally, if Israel can kill whomever they wish whenever they wish, then Hamas can attack Israel whenever they wish. We can't have double standards ... oh wait, that's right, Israel is the permanent victim.

Terrorist sympathizing moron says what?

The world should start assassinating Israeli leaders until they vow to stop assassinating. Nobody else is allowed to do it, for obvious reasons.

I wish someone would assassinate terrorist loving morons like you. You're too stupid to know how dangerous your asinine views are.
That's not an assassination, dumbass. Under the Geneva Conventions, Russian generals, as well as all Russian military in Ukraine and Russia are valid military targets for Ukraine forces. It comes with being in the military. Israel simply assassinated a leader of Gaza without any UN resolution. Israel should be sanctioned heavily.

So, terrorists should be a protected class? You dumb brain dead fuck.
Hamas killed thousands of innocent civilians as an act of terrorism. Israel does not need to ask the UN permission to retaliate, anymore than Obama needed to ask the UN permission to kill Bin Laden.

FINALLY!!! Something you and I agree on! :thumbsup:
what nation are they citizens of?

what we need here is a land without a people for a people without a land.

isn't a war between two states?

They are Gazab Arabs. They have their own elections and govern themselves halfwit. There never was a nation or country called Palestine.
Nope. Lawful noncombatants must be protected. Read the Geneva Conventions. This means that their protection must be incorporated into all operations. This absolutely prohibits air strikes into population centers, which the IDF has performed routinely every day. The Geneva Conventions also mandate special protections for women, and children under the age of fourteen, yet the IDF slaughters hundreds each week with nary a care.

Far beyond that, the IDF has had the obligation to establish sufficient medical facilities for the population they invaded. Instead, the IDF has systematically destroyed all but two medical facilities (that are no longer operable) while not establishing sufficient of their own to accommodate all the wounded they created of those they were required to protect. Meanwhile, the IDF maintained a blockade intended to starve the remaining population that Israel was required to ensure has sufficient food and water.


Good catch. It's not a war. It's Holocaust 2.0

Israel did not invade Iran because Israel is not interested in going to any war. Israel merely wishes to eradicate Arabs from the face of the earth and is using the claim of "going to war" to dog-whistle Team Israel.

Only the individuals involved in the attack on Israel are guilty of attacking Israel. All of those individuals are Al Qassam militants. You don't get to declare all people affiliated with Hamas as being guilty of attacking Israel.

Your absurd argument is discarded.

Israel is not retaliating against the people who attacked Israel. Israel is slaughtering tens of thousands of Arabs who did not attack Israel, as a form of collective punishment for everything that Israel historically blames on "Arabs." This is totally illegal.

What Obama did was illegal as well. We, the people of the US simply did not care that Obama ordered a military incursion into a sovereign country without that country's permission because that country happened to be Pakistan. We simply did not care. It was illegal, though.

Why do I have to waste so much time explaining reality to Asshat?

They are by definition stateless. That is the reason they get the aid from the UN.


why does israel control what goes in an out if it isn't israel?

and im pretty sure wars are between states.

youre just an irrational zionist who thinks laws, reality, and decency don't apply to you.

the never again doctrine has made you people into mass murdering psychotics.
Only the individuals involved in the attack on Israel are guilty of attacking Israel.

No, everyone involved with the conspiracy to attack civilians in Israel is guilty of attacking civilians in Israel.

Hitler never went to a concentration camp, and never killed a Jew himself. He is still guilty of genocide.

You don't get to declare all people affiliated with Hamas as being guilty of attacking Israel.

Hamas has funded a tourist attack. It has made no attempt to divide the terrorists from their organization. They are a terrorist group.

What Obama did was illegal as well.

Now you are defending Bin Laden? Wow... Really?

We, the people of the US simply did not care that Obama ordered a military incursion into a sovereign country without that country's permission because that country happened to be Pakistan. We simply did not care. It was illegal, though.

That is Pakistan's issue. They are not making it an issue.
So, terrorists should be a protected class? You dumb brain dead fuck.
You have all the logic proficiency of Doc Dutch and all the racist inclinations of guno.

How does Truth Detector react to someone apparently questioning his favorite genocide:

Says the Arab-hating anti-Semite who gleefully cheers on Nazi Israel's perpetration of Holocaust 2.0.

There you go again with the lie filled strawmen. I don't think you can post without looking like a dumb, brain-dead terrorist loving antisemite.

How does Truth Detector react to someone apparently questioning his favorite genocide:

Apparently, brain dead, antisemitic morons like you don't know what the definition of genocide is either.

In addition, you're too uneducated and stupid to comprehend that the Arabs are the one bloviating about Jewish genocide. You seem to enjoy making yourself look like an uneducated moron.