Happy New Year!


Staff member
Happy New Year to all you Insane Addicts. Oh! And to those of you who think you are normal too!
Thanks. 2 hours from here at Jack's Place. (Fireworks are going off in the distance as I type)
You know you're getting old when you're on a computer chatroom at midnight rather than somewhere else. :(
New Years....that is when my brain starts doing weird shit with dates. Not simple shit like dating stuff 2018 in 2019, but dating things like June 14, 2014, when it is January 21, 2019. Have no idea why that happens. I guess because I never really know the date to begin with. Anyway, Happy New Years :clink:
New Years....that is when my brain starts doing weird shit with dates. Not simple shit like dating stuff 2018 in 2019, but dating things like June 14, 2014, when it is January 21, 2019. Have no idea why that happens. I guess because I never really know the date to begin with. Anyway, Happy New Years :clink:

This is what happens when you are retired. Dates no longer have any meaning.
One of my dogs is afraid of fireworks. She's already in the closet in our bedroom...

Yeah, I've never had a pet that enjoyed Independence Day and New Year's. The herd leader of the original pygmy goats that I had as a kid hated being cooped-up in the barn (we didn't lock them in, so they came and went at their discretion). He would only go in there to eat, or when the weather was bad enough that he couldn't escape it by being under the trees or the back porch. He also would go in the barn to hide from the fireworks.
One of my dogs is afraid of fireworks. She's already in the closet in our bedroom...

That's pretty normal. Whether it's just because of their hearing, or an instinct to take cover from such phenomenon, I don't know. Some have the issue with thunderstorms in the same way. I live on a lake, and certain neighbors use any holiday excuse, to shoot a few off over the lake. They even did it on Labor Day. They bug me, so I can only imagine how a dog must feel.
One of my dogs is afraid of fireworks. She's already in the closet in our bedroom...
Give CBD oil a try ...it really helped our pups with the fireworks/storm anxieties....as well as some of the age related "woes"...**
This is what happens when you are retired. Dates no longer have any meaning.

I am not retired. I have 35 years to retirement LOL. It is what happens when you let your cellphone take care of that for you. I know what day of the week it is (usually) and that is about it.
I'm looking forward to next year.......finally, the Twenties........haven't known what to call things for the last two decades......
Happy New Year to everyone here.

Great forum. GREAT!

Sorry I shit on it as often as I do...but I truly think that "shitting on it" (saying some of the things I say and saying them the way I say them) is actually showing it respect.

I think the people trying to make it as confining as so many Internet fora are making a huge mistake.

Hope it stays just the way it is.
I am not retired. I have 35 years to retirement LOL. It is what happens when you let your cellphone take care of that for you. I know what day of the week it is (usually) and that is about it.

I have a Watch. When I retired I thought about throwing it away.
(35 years to go, I hope there is still S.S. and Medicare for you at the end of the road)
Happy New Year to everyone here.

Great forum. GREAT!

Sorry I shit on it as often as I do...but I truly think that "shitting on it" (saying some of the things I say and saying them the way I say them) is actually showing it respect.

I think the people trying to make it as confining as so many Internet fora are making a huge mistake.

Hope it stays just the way it is.
Happy New Year Frank