Hardline Sunni cleric willing to meet

The fact also remains that republicans on the previous boards were crowing that democrats who opposed this war had it all wrong...and now it is quite clear that we had it all right...

Perhaps maine if the bunch of ya were more clear on your points, answering opposing questions,and thats all of them, not turning thread into something that they originally were, and maybe understanding an opposing view just may have something to offer if looked at without the democratic goggles on.

Honestly I am not gonna get all caught up in my side or your side because I am not picking a side. I mean really, your party? do they all listen to what you have to say or what? Nah, I'm not getting all caught up in the media hoopla, this one said that, or that one said this, the half of it is bullshit just depends which source of bullshit ya buy the most.

Now damnit, tell me who the hell we are fighting in irag right now!
We should oblige them and leave so that we can START fighting the war on islamic extremism and STOP being in the middle of the civil war that was BOUND to happen when the majority shiites who had been subjegated by the minority sunnis gained power upon our toppling of Saddam.

Hmmm, all good ol' iraqians eh? just different factions from the hometown eh?
nonsense, there was known terrorist camps their prior to going in, and now their are terrorists pooring from the borders. I say lay the shit out and let the flies come, then exterminate them....
actually, the terrorist camps that were there were training palestinian terrorists and Iranian groups.... the VAST majority of folks killing Americans - and killing Iraqis, for that matter - are Iraqis. There really aren't a lot of folks pouring over from other arab countries to fight us...this really is a civil war that we find ourselves in the midst of.
actually, the terrorist camps that were there were training palestinian terrorists and Iranian groups.... the VAST majority of folks killing Americans - and killing Iraqis, for that matter - are Iraqis. There really aren't a lot of folks pouring over from other arab countries to fight us...this really is a civil war that we find ourselves in the midst of.

maine, let me make it clear that I am not expressing from any view except my own, I'm not defending any side nor bush. I say terrorist of any kind are only good once they are dead, they are cowardly as a human can get. That other terrorist leader that was nailed over ther, I can never remember the name but I know he was no damn homegrown, was he?
maine, let me make it clear that I am not expressing from any view except my own, I'm not defending any side nor bush. I say terrorist of any kind are only good once they are dead, they are cowardly as a human can get. That other terrorist leader that was nailed over ther, I can never remember the name but I know he was no damn homegrown, was he?
Zarqawi was a jordanian.... and I am not saying that there are NO foreign fighters in Iraq...I am saying that they are marginal players. I don't like terrorists either, but they come in lots of flavors and only a few of those have attacking the united states on their agenda. We ought not to spend any time, nor money nor LIVES in fighting those groups who are not intent upon attacking us.
Zarqawi was a jordanian.... and I am not saying that there are NO foreign fighters in Iraq...I am saying that they are marginal players. I don't like terrorists either, but they come in lots of flavors and only a few of those have attacking the united states on their agenda. We ought not to spend any time, nor money nor LIVES in fighting those groups who are not intent upon attacking us.

Cool, I think thats sensible! I'm not trying to knockdown everything you say, I'm more or less expressing my own view without making an attempt to sound as though I am defending anyone elses cause. I belkieve I said so in a few different threads that I thought iraq was a cause without all the wmd arguments, without the 911 ties, they are all blown out of context in my opinion anyway!

But now maine you say iran has only or basically stengthened their influences in the region, right? Just a thought here, what two countries are on either side of iran? I think they need to play their cards pretty carefully.
Afghanistan's execise in American imposed democracy is failing miserably. Karzai is nothing more than the Mayor of Kabul, the Taliban is in ascendancy and warlords rule the countryside.... Iraq is degenerating into a bloody civil war.... I really don't think that Iran has a lot to worry about its neighbors to the right and left. Muslims around the globe arerallying around Hezbollah, which means they are rallying around Iran... and we are totally hated throughout the region. If anyone can look at that area and say that, from America's perspective, it is better off now than before we invaded Iraq has some SERIOUS rosy tint on their eyeglasses.
Afghanistan's execise in American imposed democracy is failing miserably. Karzai is nothing more than the Mayor of Kabul, the Taliban is in ascendancy and warlords rule the countryside.... Iraq is degenerating into a bloody civil war.... I really don't think that Iran has a lot to worry about its neighbors to the right and left. Muslims around the globe arerallying around Hezbollah, which means they are rallying around Iran... and we are totally hated throughout the region. If anyone can look at that area and say that, from America's perspective, it is better off now than before we invaded Iraq has some SERIOUS rosy tint on their eyeglasses.

Ther ya go again maine automatically assuming what I was leading to was in defense of someones so called rosy picture! Again, I am simply looking at things through MY own eyes.

While you see the taliban as rulers, I see them as a defeated regime no longer in power that is regrouping and creating issues, was that something that was all that unpredictable? no, not really, and that is why they needed to be dismissed as a ruling regime, they are nothing more then a bunch of terrorists themselves.

Now the point I was leading to is that with our troops on either side of iran, our carriers at sea right there, with israel nearing panic mode, iran would be stupid to think they are untouchable.
I agree with you that Iran would be foolish to take overt military action, but they do not have to... what did our troops in Iran and Afghanistan and our carriers in the arabian sea do to stop Hezbollah in Lebanon? Zip.
I agree with you that Iran would be foolish to take overt military action, but they do not have to... what did our troops in Iran and Afghanistan and our carriers in the arabian sea do to stop Hezbollah in Lebanon? Zip.

I think israel will probably prevent that the best they can but admittedly I think they will fail on stopping it all together. With the comments about the position though I was just playing a bit of war games, have an enemy triangled is a pretty good position to be in. Not suggesting anything more than hypothetical crapola, not saying attack, not saying drop the bomb, just an observation.

Hezbollah does present a problem, how do you see things working out once peace keeping troops are in place?
LOL. 12 Rs move over and vote with Ds on something and it is touted by your side as "bi-partisan" a bunch of Ds vote for war and it is discounted as only an R vote by your side... Such a dichotomy!

a minority of idiotic and cowardly Dems voted to authorize the use of force in October 2002.

That was almost four years ago.

The war is now bush's sole responsibiliy as commander in chief. The conduct of the war is no longer "bipartisan". Congress's constitutional role effectvely ended in October 2002. Since October 2002, Bush - as commander in chief - has had the SOLE responsibilty for planning and executing the war, and for having a plan to occupy and ultimatley get us out of iraq.

All the mistakes and fuckups of Bush's plan is his and his alone. Dems can't be blamed for it.
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I wish he had listened to Powell, I believe strongly in the Powell Doctrine. Overwhelming force. We tried to do it on the cheap.

Or to General Brent Scowcroft - Poppy Bush's National Security Advisor - who publically warned Junior not to invade iraq back in the Fall of 2002.
I think israel will probably prevent that the best they can but admittedly I think they will fail on stopping it all together. With the comments about the position though I was just playing a bit of war games, have an enemy triangled is a pretty good position to be in. Not suggesting anything more than hypothetical crapola, not saying attack, not saying drop the bomb, just an observation.

Hezbollah does present a problem, how do you see things working out once peace keeping troops are in place?

It really depends on the actual operational mandate that the force commander relays to his troops,and on the makeup of those troops. Let me give you an anecdotal example: when I was there, the UNIFIL troops had battalions from Senegal, Fiji, Ghana, Nigeria, Ireland - each with their own piece of geography. The Fijians and the Irishmen were diligent and professional and did a great job in limiting the flow of arms through their areas and keeping the lid on palestinian troublemaking. The others were not so diligent. If fact, the Nigerian battalion headquarters was a large restaurant commandeered by the UN... the entire officer corps of the battalion spent their entire days playing Monopoly with real money. There were at least ten tables of Monopoly going every day all day and at least 40 officers playing who NEVER went out into the field and therefore, it was like having NO peacekeepers in those areas.

Wait and see.
I dount doubt it maine! I lost interest in the situation once I saw France drop the first of their huge platoon in, LOL, watching the two dingy's dash madly for the coast kind of told me that there was'nt going to be a huge task at hand in trying to disarm hezbollah. I did here though that there was going to be a lot more coming but not too faithful that it will do much in the long run.