Hardline Sunni cleric willing to meet

I think that I most definitely warned of sunni/shiite sectarian violence. I was not alone....

Anyone who was tuned into to media outside of Fox News, knew that State Department, and Defense Department sources, as well as middle east experts, were warning of a possible insurgency. One that could be uncontainable and long-lived.

Bush neglected to mention it.
I think that I most definitely warned of sunni/shiite sectarian violence. I was not alone....
Truly, Bush has constantly stated that this will be a long, long war... That he doesn't use your exact language doesn't change that message. It's going to be the long haul...
Truly, Bush has constantly stated that this will be a long, long war... That he doesn't use your exact language doesn't change that message. It's going to be the long haul...

There was too much high-fiving, back-slapping, and crows from republicans saying how "Dems got it wrong on Iraq", for me to now buy the revisionist theory that Bush knew about the pandora's box he opened in iraq back in 2003.
Anyone who was tuned into to media outside of Fox News, knew that State Department, and Defense Department sources, as well as middle east experts, were warning of a possible insurgency. One that could be uncontainable and long-lived.

Bush neglected to mention it.

speaking of partisan views, this shitbrick can't make a post without making mention to bush, fox, or some other criticism to the right.

Hey Damos, call this shitbrick on what is a good source of media in his eyes, I would love to know.
There was too much high-fiving, back-slapping, and crows from republicans saying how "Dems got it wrong on Iraq", for me to now buy the revisionist theory that Bush knew about the pandora's box he opened in iraq back in 2003.
I agree. But there is also the looooooong track of him constantly saying it will be the long haul for the WOT. Saying that he hasn't faced up to the fact that if we are going to fight it this way it will be tough would be ignoring the "It's hard work, really hard work" talk that has been around since 2001.
speaking of partisan views, this shitbrick can't make a post without making mention to bush, fox, or some other criticism to the right.

Hey Damos, call this shitbrick on what is a good source of media in his eyes, I would love to know.
What does he have you on "ignore"?
Truly, Bush has constantly stated that this will be a long, long war... That he doesn't use your exact language doesn't change that message. It's going to be the long haul...


Bush and Rummy and Blair are on public record now, as stating they didn't expect an insurgency and guerilla war of this nature, scope, and ferocity.

Their words. Not mine.

Bush and Rummy and Blair are on public record now, as stating they didn't expect an insurgency and guerilla war of this nature, scope, and ferocity.

Their words. Not mine.
Hence the "I agree." in the last post that you hadn't read yet. Yet still the Admin has stated that this will take a long time and would probably last longer than his own Presidency. Ignoring those remarks to say, "He thought it was all going to be a cakewalk." is the spin I mentioned.

It takes truly ignoring what is actually stated to pretend that Bush has said it would be other than difficult. He practically shouts it in every speech, including the one he is claiming "victory" in.
There was too much high-fiving, back-slapping, and crows from republicans saying how "Dems got it wrong on Iraq", for me to now buy the revisionist theory that Bush knew about the pandora's box he opened in iraq back in 2003.

What a complete an utter tool! that is what this guy lives for, first sign of an opposing view you get the ignore list, gotta have his back patting crew there to agree with him. Truly sad to see someone that almost comes of sounding intelligent actually be the ultimate chump on defending his views because his head has become lopsided with leftwing crapola..... what a shitbrick!

I agree. But there is also the looooooong track of him constantly saying it will be the long haul for the WOT. Saying that he hasn't faced up to the fact that if we are going to fight it this way it will be tough would be ignoring the "It's hard work, really hard work" talk that has been around since 2001.

I really wish George Junior had listened to his Daddy and his Daddy's advisors Like Brent Scowcroft. Through back channels, they were reportedly warning the Chimp of what he would face in iraq.

The whole "you break it, you bought it" thing, that Powell warned him.

I wish we could bring back the old-republican guard to run this war and our foreign policy. Its too bloody bad that Bush won't invite Colin Powell and Brent Scowcroft into his adminstration.
What does he have you on "ignore"?

Yeah, told me so himself because he was insulted by my shitbrick thread, so he put up the playdoh shield...:cof1:

could care less honestly but would love to see what he call a newsource these days...
I wish he had listened to Powell, I believe strongly in the Powell Doctrine. Overwhelming force. We tried to do it on the cheap.
There was too much high-fiving, back-slapping, and crows from republicans saying how "Dems got it wrong on Iraq", for me to now buy the revisionist theory that Bush knew about the pandora's box he opened in iraq back in 2003.

I agree....and now that it has turned to shit, they love to point out that some democrats did indeed vote for the use of force resolution - a minority of them, and the R's had enough votes without any D's and nearly every single R was there voting for it...but somehow, this war has become this bipartisan effort. That is clearly bullshit.
I agree....and now that it has turned to shit, they love to point out that some democrats did indeed vote for the use of force resolution - a minority of them, and the R's had enough votes without any D's and nearly every single R was there voting for it...but somehow, this war has become this bipartisan effort. That is clearly bullshit.
LOL. 12 Rs move over and vote with Ds on something and it is touted by your side as "bi-partisan" a bunch of Ds vote for war and it is discounted as only an R vote by your side... Such a dichotomy!
I agree. But there is also the looooooong track of him constantly saying it will be the long haul for the WOT. Saying that he hasn't faced up to the fact that if we are going to fight it this way it will be tough would be ignoring the "It's hard work, really hard work" talk that has been around since 2001.

Oh..and I know of no one who disagrees with saying that the War on Terror will be a long haul.... it is the war in Iraq, which we now know has nothing really to DO with the war on terror that his administration ALL predicted was going to be a cakewalk. DO we really have to dig out the old Perle, Wolfie, RUmmy, Cheney quotes or will you just stipulate to that?
LOL. 12 Rs move over and vote with Ds on something and it is touted by your side as "bi-partisan" a bunch of Ds vote for war and it is discounted as only an R vote by your side... Such a dichotomy!

the fact remains...R's were nearly unanimous in their support for the war, and a majority of democrats voted against it. YOu really can't spin that too much.
the fact remains...R's were nearly unanimous in their support for the war, and a majority of democrats voted against it. YOu really can't spin that too much.
The fact remains that Rs remain nearly unanimously against most things that are touted by your side as "bi-partisan", in this case far more Ds voted for this than it would take for Rs to vote for one of YOUR "bi-partisan" measures!

It is difficult to spin out of this dichotomy. It is hypocrisy to claim all these "bi-partisan" measures then ignore the bi-partisan nature of this vote!
Oh..and I know of no one who disagrees with saying that the War on Terror will be a long haul.... it is the war in Iraq, which we now know has nothing really to DO with the war on terror that his administration ALL predicted was going to be a cakewalk. DO we really have to dig out the old Perle, Wolfie, RUmmy, Cheney quotes or will you just stipulate to that?

Maine, iraq was a cakewalk right through their army, but who are we fighting with their at the moment?
whatever... I am quite pleased that both democratic members of Maine's congressional delegation voted against it.

I have been against it from day one...and so has the vast majority of my party's rank and file....it was only the way that Rove played it so that it was a vote about patriotism that made some less staunch dems vote for it.... I won't forgive them and won't vote for any of them in any presidential primary caucus vote.

The fact also remains that republicans on the previous boards were crowing that democrats who opposed this war had it all wrong...and now it is quite clear that we had it all right...and if we hadn't lost 2700 Americans in that war, I would be giddy in the fact that the mud is all over the R's face.... as it is, it is not mud, but BLOOD, so I am just sad and disgusted.
Maine, iraq was a cakewalk right through their army, but who are we fighting with their at the moment?

do I really have to dig out the quotes? rose petals thrown at our feet? welcomed as liberators? statues of Bush erected in Baghdad?

We are fighting indiginous Iraqis... most of the sunnis we are fighting are former members of the baathist Iraqi army who wisely took off their uniforms and melted into the civilian population so that they could mount a guerrilla insurgency... and the shiites we are fighting want us out of their country. We should oblige them and leave so that we can START fighting the war on islamic extremism and STOP being in the middle of the civil war that was BOUND to happen when the majority shiites who had been subjegated by the minority sunnis gained power upon our toppling of Saddam.