Hark, be not afraid.

we need an angel here to tell us not to be afraid of your ignorance.......I quoted you the verse, dumbfuck, don't ignore it.....

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.

it wasn't the birth of Jesus that frightened them, it was the angel appearing in front of them.......

They were afraid.... So the first sentence of Jesus's birth announcement was ... BE NOT AFRAID!

Words mean things... These were no accident!
The angles did not say... Don't be afraid of us. They commanded..."BE NOT AFRAID"
In reviewing the Christmas story and the book of Luke I've been reviewing the first proclomation from heaven after the birth of Jesus. The proclamation comes to us in the form of a commandment. Angels appeared to the wise men to proclaim the birth of Christ, in doing they issued the Command...


Let's face the new year UNAFRAID! In politics and elsewhere in our lives!

Except you are afraid of your Trump voting neighbor who tried to run you down
we need an angel here to tell us not to be afraid of your ignorance.......I quoted you the verse, dumbfuck, don't ignore it.....

8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.

it wasn't the birth of Jesus that frightened them, it was the angel appearing in front of them.......

I does not matter what frightened them.... Angles from heaven commanded they not be afraid.

The command was simple, they were told not to be afraid, and given the birth of Christ as the reason that they should be fearless!
I does not matter what frightened them.... Angles from heaven commanded they not be afraid.

The command was simple, they were told not to be afraid, and given the birth of Christ as the reason that they should be fearless!

Angles do not come from heaven Jarod ...they come from geometry...
They were afraid.... So the first sentence of Jesus's birth announcement was ... BE NOT AFRAID!

Words mean things... These were no accident!

yeah.....and angels appearing in front of you are scary......I bet several of the shepherds had an accident.......but I have a question for you......why are you a fucking idiot?......
In reviewing the Christmas story and the book of Luke I've been reviewing the first proclomation from heaven after the birth of Jesus. The proclamation comes to us in the form of a commandment. Angels appeared to the wise men to proclaim the birth of Christ, in doing they issued the Command...


Let's face the new year UNAFRAID! In politics and elsewhere in our lives!

Does this mean liberals will stop fear mongering about Trump and Christians??
You are the poster child for ignorant assholes...

I understand that Celtic asshole, is an asshole...

You believe angels are real? ... Like a child believes in fairies?

Yeah ...don't be afraid ...just feel guilty...LOL

Angles can talk? What else do they say ..." I am an obtuse angle? I am an acute angle ?
I am a right angle?

In my honest opinion that is grounds to declare you insane.
Do you believe racists are real Pastor?
Denounce Chopped Liver as the racist we ALL know he is, or forever be known as the protector and defender of racists here at JPP.

Angles do not come from heaven Jarod ...they come from geometry...

Why can't you bring yourself to call out the well known racist Chopped Liver as a racist. Why do you apologize for him and protect him?

The very first statement from heaven after the Birth of Jesus was a command to not be afraid!

Don't be afraid because I appeared out of thin air because I came here to give you great news not smite you dead.
How is it possible misinterpret every bit of Scripture you come across ?
Don't be afraid because I appeared out of thin air because I came here to give you great news not smite you dead.
How is it possible misinterpret every bit of Scripture you come across ?

You tell me, but if that's what they intended I suspect that's what they would have said. What they said was "Be Not Afraid!".