Harris hits it out of the park

Honestly, that is utterly ridiculous.

She was the #2 on a ticket and stepped in when the #1 stepped out.

Can you point out exactly what was illegal - what was unconstitutional? That should be interesting. Please - be specific.
"stepped out"

derp derp

gas lighting shit stains

you mean after he got his ass kicked after the race started - the fascists panicked and forced him out

so now this hag - who democrats hated 6 months ago is running a basement campaign - no vetting - and you shit stains pretend this is normal
I'm sure she will.

But she really doesn't have to. She keeps gaining in the polls without that.
This is what amazes me. So many that lean far left are so full of hatred that they don't care who or what the person they vote for has planned for their own country. They refuse to believe text and video, some of it from their own administration e.g. the distorted jobs report by an overstated 818,000 jobs, or Walz and his half billion dollar fraud cases in MN that he has yet to respond to or fire any of those involved.

You my friend, have reached the level of terminal stupidity. Nothing you can do or say will alter that fact.