Harris says Trump is 'going to lie' during debate

Not exactly a bold call.

Trump is going to lie in the debate - a lot. Trump is going to lie at his next rally. Trump is going to lie in his next interview. Trump will lie today, many times.

More than anything else - it's what Trump does.
What is "Chameleon" Harris going to do at the debate?? Tell this nation's citizens what she is "going to do" IF "elected in November" (while pretending that she hasn't been in office for the past four years)?? :rofl2:
Gore never contested the election result. In fact, it was GW Bush who brought it before the Supreme Court.

The lies you Maoists tell.

Gore took his army of lawyers to SCOFLA - the Florida Supreme Court that was at that time packed with democrats.

{ On November 27, pursuant to the legislatively enacted “contest” provisions,Gore filed a complaint in Leon County Circuit Court contesting the certification on the grounds that the results certified by the Canvassing Commission included “a number of illegal votes” and failed to include “a number of legal votes sufficient to change or place in doubt the result of the election.”}

Bush appealed the action by Gore and SCOFLA to the SCOTUS.

SCOTUS ruled:
On December 8, 2000, the Florida Supreme Court ordered, inter alia, that manual recounts of ballots for the recent Presidential election were required in all Florida counties where so-called "undervotes" had not been subject to manual tabulation, and that the manual recounts should begin at once. Noting the closeness of the election, the court explained that, on the record before it, there could be no question that there were uncounted "legal votes"-i. e., those in which there was a clear indication of the voter's intent-sufficient to place the results of the election in doubt. Petitioners, the Republican candidates for President and Vice President who had been certified as the winners in Florida, filed an emergency application for a stay of this mandate. On December 9, this Court granted the stay application, treated it as a petition for a writ of certiorari, and granted certiorari.

Held: Because it is evident that any recount seeking to meet 3 U. S. C. § 5's December 12 "safe-harbor" date would be unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause, the Florida Supreme Court's judgment ordering manual recounts is reversed. }

No they didn't.

Yes, they did. They sent the #3 man from the DOJ to aid in a lynching in order to put their main political rivals in prison.

The only thing close to factual in your slander of Emanuel Goldstein is that he did say he would look into those like Harris/Biden - Garland and Merchan, who perverted American Jurisprudence to use it as a political weapon.

Basically you're crying "NO FAIR, HE'S FIGHTING BACK."

What you and your party have done to Trump over the last 8 years is akin to rape. Sure, you've done violence - but the psychological attacks and the slander are more of it.

Those like Garland and Merchan by all rights should face prosecution, once the rule of law is restored.