Harris says Trump is 'going to lie' during debate

LINK or you are LYING.

You already know he's lying.

The Stalinists are in complete meltdown. They know that there is a high likelihood that Trump will end Harris' campaign tonight. All he needs to do is what Tulsi told him - ignore the insults by Kam-Kam and pound on her disastrous record of the last 4 years.

Yes, she's going to slander him and call him a felon, and he needs to smile and keep on point about the economic pain the Harris/Biden Junta has caused America.

She will call him names, and he needs to smile and remind America that because of the border she threw wide open, there are more slaves in America today than at any other time in history. Remind America of the lives of sexual slavery millions of children will suffer through because of Harris and her open border.

Remind America that she wants to take their cars away from them, even their stoves. Remind America that Harris in the Senate voted 99.7% of the time with Bernie Sanders.

America has already made their mind up about Donald Trump - remind America what Kamala Harris is - a Marxist extremist intent on radically changing America in the vein of Venezuela.
Trump also said he wants to take revenge on his political opponents

Former President Donald Trump has been increasingly clear about his intention to use the power of the presidency to seek revenge on those he considers his political enemies if his bid to retake the White House is successful in the November elections.

this is the stuff DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the United States.
Trump wants your vote so he can get REVENGE against his political opponents and become a Dictator.
and the MAGA can't see he doesn't give a shit about them, heck they are too stupid to even realize he has come right out and told them he doesn't care about them all he wants is their vote and their money.
and they are so stupid they will give him both.
just how stupid can they get? giving a so called multi- Billionaire your hard earned money, heck when I was in FLA I knew some people that were selling their food stamps and giving that money to him, yep go hungry and give a Billionaire your last dime,
Have a nice day
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Misleading. "The 1,500 figure appears to come from a 2019 article by the Washington Free Beacon -- a conservative publication -- entitled “Kamala Harris Packed California Prisons With Pot Peddlers.”

"...A Facebook post criticizing Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s record as a prosecutor has been shared more than 200,000 times weeks before the November 3 election. However, the post misrepresents incarceration statistics and also falsely states that she released evidence after two Black men were executed.

“She jailed 1,500 Black men for possession of weed,” reads a Facebook post shared more than 200,000 times since October 8, 2020."

Think you'll be able to lie this away?

From the Communist site "Daily Beast."

In 2011, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Plata that California’s prisons were so overcrowded that they violated the Constitution’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. Three years later, in early 2014, the state was ordered to allow non-violent, second time offenders who have served half of their sentence to be eligible for parole.

By September 2014, plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit were back in court, accusing California of slow-walking the process, which lawyers for Harris’ office denied.

According to court filings, lawyers for the state said California met benchmarks, and argued that if certain potential parolees were given a faster track out of prison, it would negatively affect the prison’s labor programs, including one that allowed certain inmates to fight California’s wildfires for about $2 a day.

Gore did in 2000. I just listed the winners of each election for convenience. The 1876 election was probably the worst in our history. That one was rife with lies, claims, fraud, and everything else.
False. Gore always accepted the election result. You are just a liar. As usual.
The debate is not about Trump lying.
I have listened to everything Trump has said publicly and he hasn't ever lied. You must be lying again. You lie like no politician ever.

He lies like no politician ever.
Wait, wait, wait ... now you're projecting.

He is noted for telling far more lies than any president ever.
He is noted for being the only President to always tell the truth. You must be lying.

The news noticed it
The fake news lies always. The fake news is very much like you in many ways.

and tracked his lies for his whole term accounting for over 30,000 .
The fake news knows how to apply extreme exaggeration to their own lying.

It is whether the insane meme the right spouts about Kamala has any validity.
What meme is that?

She was on the debate team and a prosecutor with many trips taking people to court. She was an Atty general and a senator.
Does she have any accomplishments, though, besides targeting hundreds of "blacks" for prison sentences for marijuana violations while she toked in between convictions.

Yet idiots like TOP make such insane statements about her intelligence
You make a great point. Instead of making such insane statements about Kriminala's intelligence, TOP should be making direct comments about Kriminala's stupidity.

Btw, have you observed Kriminala's severe inability to respond impromptu to questions, even to easy ones?

and [in]ability to speak to an audience [without cheat notes and a lot of prior memorization and rehearsal].
FTFY. Regarding Kriminala's inability to communicate, the DNC is working on developing a FEDERAL handicap placard that Kriminala can hang from her rear-view mirror.

Whatever she says, it will not mean a thing to TOP and many Trumpys.
... because she will be gibbering word salads that are devoid of any meaning. Haven't you heard her "speak" (and I use that term lightly)?

It is to those who heard the crazed Trump remarks about her and wonder if there is any truth in it.
Trump hasn't made any crazed remarks.

It will mean nothing to those who are under Trumps con,
It sounds like you are under the DNC con.

but the ones on the fence may learn something valuable and vote for her over a guy claiming America is in decline and we need him to be a dictator to survive.
Those on the fence who listen to you will rush to Trump. Keep up the good work.
False. Gore always accepted the election result. You are just a liar. As usual.
No, Gore conceded the election. He didn't believe the results were accurate though.

In a televised speech from his ceremonial office next to the White House, Gore said that while he was deeply disappointed and sharply disagreed with the Supreme Court verdict that ended his campaign, ”partisan rancor must now be put aside.”
No, Gore conceded the election. He didn't believe the results were accurate though.

In a televised speech from his ceremonial office next to the White House, Gore said that while he was deeply disappointed and sharply disagreed with the Supreme Court verdict that ended his campaign, ”partisan rancor must now be put aside.”
Gore said the Supreme Court had final word and said Bush won.
No, Gore conceded the election. He didn't believe the results were accurate though.

In a televised speech from his ceremonial office next to the White House, Gore said that while he was deeply disappointed and sharply disagreed with the Supreme Court verdict that ended his campaign, ”partisan rancor must now be put aside.”
You lie about everything. You still lie about Jan. 6 being a peaceful protest.
Gore did in 2000. I just listed the winners of each election for convenience. The 1876 election was probably the worst in our history. That one was rife with lies, claims, fraud, and everything else.

Gore also had a slate of "fake electors" in Florida. Of course it was fine and dandy when he did it - party matters.

Standard Disclaimer: It is perfectly legal to have an alternate slate of Electors during a contested election. It's been done several times. The democrats would make blowing your nose a felony if they thought they could imprison Trump for it.
Gore also had a slate of "fake electors" in Florida. Of course it was fine and dandy when he did it - party matters.

Standard Disclaimer: It is perfectly legal to have an alternate slate of Electors during a contested election. It's been done several times. The democrats would make blowing your nose a felony if they thought they could imprison Trump for it.
Gore never contested the election result. In fact, it was GW Bush who brought it before the Supreme Court.
“There’s no floor for him in terms of how low he will go,” Harris said in an interview with Rickey Smiley that aired this morning.

“I think he’s going to lie,” Harris added.

IOW, "Chameleon" Harris is lying about lying.