Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

One person can commit massive voter fraud?

Define massive. One person could easily fraudulently produce several thousand votes using the rules of HR 1 and SR 1. They'd have weeks to do it. That amounts to less than 100 ballots a day.
Multiply that by dozens or more of operatives working to that end. You have the potential now to have tens of thousands of illegal, fraudulent votes in an election. That's more than enough to throw the results in most down ticket races.

Here's a case of the mayoral election in Miami being tossed for election fraud.

In that one, mail-in / absentee balloting was the key ingredient that allowed the fraud to occur. Yes, in that case it was caught. But if it isn't...?
Define massive. One person could easily fraudulently produce several thousand votes using the rules of HR 1 and SR 1. They'd have weeks to do it. That amounts to less than 100 ballots a day.
Multiply that by dozens or more of operatives working to that end. You have the potential now to have tens of thousands of illegal, fraudulent votes in an election. That's more than enough to throw the results in most down ticket races.

Here's a case of the mayoral election in Miami being tossed for election fraud.

In that one, mail-in / absentee balloting was the key ingredient that allowed the fraud to occur. Yes, in that case it was caught. But if it isn't...?

You don't think absentee ballots should be allowed?

The bolded answers my question.
You don't think absentee ballots should be allowed?

The bolded answers my question.

Yes, I think absentee ballots should be disallowed with few exceptions. I would allow mailing ballots to voters ahead of time so they can fill them out and then on election day, return them to a polling station where they show voter ID and have their vote counted in person.

It's clear that from past cases of fraud that even one person can throw an election when it's close. Several examples of this have been given in this thread alone. Mail-in voting without voter ID is clearly just asking for more fraud in elections.
Let's see...

Shouldn't voter rolls be maintained accurately?
Yes. That's not what Kemp did in '18. He purged hundreds of thousand of black voters. If you move across the street, you lose your spot on the voter rolls.
If we're voting by mail, doesn't it make sense to reduce the number of in-person polling stations due to the decrease in use?
Reducing vote by mail while closing Blue district polling stations is the issue. Not your attempted distraction

Reading through HR 1 and SR 1, you'll find that these aren't "voter's rights" bills but rather bills designed to take most or all safeguards, checks, security, and validation out of elections leaving them wide open to massive fraud, or at a minimum undermining the credibility our elections will have.
3. Disagreed on balance of power for Independents; when neither party represents you, when each party focuses upon representing their own interests, then the best strategy is to vote for the challenger regardless of political affiliation in order to maintain a balance of power.

Ancient history. When doing so forced compromise on legislation, it was a valid ploy. Now it's just a recipe for nothing getting done. Millions of Republican voters are in favor or Biden's proposed infrastructure bill, paid for by changes to the horrid '17 tax law.

Voting Republican will assure that it never gets done.

Since '2000, voting third party/Republican when Indies aren't thrilled with either candidate has brought catastrophic consequences to the nation.
