Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

Historically, apathy sets in for the voters of the party in power. With all the illegal laws being rammed through in order to suppress the black vote, I have a feeling that apathy won't be a factor.

Couple that with the overt obstructionism in the Qpublican party, and people might just be inspired to get out and make a real change.

What you describe isn't a 'balance' of power. It's a recipe for continued failure to get anything accomplished. Biden has been through this before. I think he knows how to avoid it again via messaging as the election nears.
1. A good point. The Democrats will be highly motivated in 2022. It’s a matter of how motivated the Independents and Republicans will be. What the Democrats do between now and then will affect the motivation of each group. Voter suppression, and while it affects African-Americans more than Euro-Americans, does adversely effect low-income and elderly voters.

2. Obstruction of justice and the trials of the militia members will, indeed, go against the Republicans.

3. Disagreed on balance of power for Independents; when neither party represents you, when each party focuses upon representing their own interests, then the best strategy is to vote for the challenger regardless of political affiliation in order to maintain a balance of power.

Who is suppressed when everyone is subject to the same law?

WTF is this psychobabble? What change? More of the far-left promoting hate and racism?

Americans will see the far-left as they really are in 2022. Count on it.
When the law is geared to suppress a certain demographic, it’s wrong.

Consider the Democrat efforts to ban guns. They can’t, but they can certainly make guns too expensive to own with constant background checks, licenses, taxes on ammo, etc. Everyone is affected equally right? Right, except that only the fucking rich can afford to own guns.

Count on it? Care to make a wager? What is your prediction for Election 2022?

Historically, Republicans use mail in voting more than Democrats. The trump virus made for an odd election year.

We will end up with an all mail, or mostly mail system eventually. It works very well in the states that employ it, and it keeps Red states from curtailing Dem. votes as they continue to shut down polling places, and illegally remove voters from the rolls.

Let's see...

Shouldn't voter rolls be maintained accurately?
If we're voting by mail, doesn't it make sense to reduce the number of in-person polling stations due to the decrease in use?

Reading through HR 1 and SR 1, you'll find that these aren't "voter's rights" bills but rather bills designed to take most or all safeguards, checks, security, and validation out of elections leaving them wide open to massive fraud, or at a minimum undermining the credibility our elections will have.
Let's see...

Shouldn't voter rolls be maintained accurately?
If we're voting by mail, doesn't it make sense to reduce the number of in-person polling stations due to the decrease in use?

Reading through HR 1 and SR 1, you'll find that these aren't "voter's rights" bills but rather bills designed to take most or all safeguards, checks, security, and validation out of elections leaving them wide open to massive fraud, or at a minimum undermining the credibility our elections will have.

How does it leave them "wide open to massive fraud?"

Democrats want more people to vote, and Republicans want fewer people to vote. That has been clear for decades - and it has become an even more desperate situation for the GOP now. The GOP can't carry majorities when more people vote, because their base has shrunk and their appeal to independents is more narrow than ever.

Their only chance is to restrict voting & get fewer people to vote. And that's their strategy.
How does it leave them "wide open to massive fraud?"

Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.

That's the conclusion of the bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III.

Concerns about vote-buying have a long history in the U.S. They helped drive the move to the secret ballot, which U.S. states adopted between 1888 and 1950. Secret ballots made it harder for vote buyers to monitor which candidates sellers actually voted for. Vote-buying had been pervasive; research found that voter turnout fell by about 8% to 12% after states adopted the secret ballot.

Intimidation and vote buying were key concerns of the commission: “Citizens who vote at home, at nursing homes, at the workplace, or in church are more susceptible to pressure, overt and subtle, or to intimidation. Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.” The report provides examples, such as the 1997 Miami mayoral election that resulted in 36 arrests for absentee-ballot fraud. The election had to be rerun, and the result was reversed.

There are more recent cases, too. In 2017 an investigation of a Dallas City Council election found some 700 fraudulent mail-in ballots signed by the same witness using a fake name. The discovery left two council races in limbo, and the fraud was much larger than the vote differential in one of those races. The case resulted in a criminal conviction.

In a 2018 North Carolina congressional race, Republican Mark Harris edged out DEMOCRAT Dan McCready by 905 votes. Fortunately, the state had relatively complete absentee-ballot records. Election officials became suspicious when they discovered that the Republican received 61% of mail-in votes, even though registered Republicans accounted for only 19% of those who had requested mail-in ballots.

A Republican operative, L. McCrae Dowless Jr. , had allegedly requested more than 1,200 absentee ballots on voters’ behalf and then collected the ballots from voters’ homes when they were mailed out. Dowless’s assistants testified that they were directed to forge voters’ signatures and fill in votes. A new election was required, but Harris didn’t run.

It is often claimed that impossibly large numbers of people live at the same address. In 2016, 83 registered voters in San Pedro, Calif., received absentee ballots at the same small two-bedroom apartment. Prosecutors rarely pursue this type of case.

Mail-in voting is a throwback to the dark old days of vote-buying and fraud. Because of this, many countries don’t allow absentee ballots for citizens living in their country, including Norway and Mexico. Americans deserve a more trustworthy system.

How does it leave them "wide open to massive fraud?"

Democrats want more people to vote, and Republicans want fewer people to vote. That has been clear for decades - and it has become an even more desperate situation for the GOP now. The GOP can't carry majorities when more people vote, because their base has shrunk and their appeal to independents is more narrow than ever.

Their only chance is to restrict voting & get fewer people to vote. And that's their strategy.

Let's see:

Start with no voter ID. Anybody could claim to be anyone either in person or using mail-in ballots. It's odd that we'd want this in a society were virtually everyone has ID. Even odder, almost all other nations require voter ID.

It is an absurd stretch of logic to try and argue that voter ID would somehow disenfranchise voters, and even more absurd to try to turn this into a issue about race.

Ballot harvesting and ballot drop off boxes are invitations to massive fraud. Anyone can handle ballots in these situations. There are ZERO controls on the chain of custody with both. Allowing political operatives to go door-to-door collecting ballots is without a doubt the most idiotic idea ever proposed. Ballot drop off boxes are hardly secure locations if someone wants to tamper with an election.

Voting for weeks is another utterly stupid idea. This allows someone who wants to commit massive fraud plenty of time to do it. When combined with mail-in balloting a person wanting to commit fraud has plenty of time, unseen, to do it.

Not purging and keeping voter rolls up to date. This one allows those who want to commit fraud--when combined with mail-in ballots and weeks long elections--an easy path to do so. The scam here is that persons register to vote in multiple states using a common address in each one where one of the conspirators lives. The ballots are mailed to that address and the person there then sends those ballots to the other participants. Filled out, the participants mail them back to the person in the state for that ballot who then mails them in to be counted.
This sort of scam has been done before. I remember one from the Bush Gore election that was running between Ohio and Arizona where about two dozen participants were voting in both states. While that one was small, and they did get caught and prosecuted, it shows this method has potential.
It is a variant of vote swapping.


The Democrats know their only hope of winning elections down ballot in a very large portion of the country is to cheat. You are only looking at the presidential race. It's a tiny portion of the whole ballot. Democrats, like Republicans, are a minority party.
That aside, I just showed how elections would be potentially open to massive fraud under HR 1 and SR 1. Both bills undermine the credibility and faith people would have in the election process and no matter how much the MSM, Democrats, and other supporters of these claim to the contrary, won't change that. If a large portion of Americans have little or no faith in the election process, it becomes one that is no better than in some banana republic or autocratic dictatorship.
Let's see:

Start with no voter ID. Anybody could claim to be anyone either in person or using mail-in ballots. It's odd that we'd want this in a society were virtually everyone has ID. Even odder, almost all other nations require voter ID.

It is an absurd stretch of logic to try and argue that voter ID would somehow disenfranchise voters, and even more absurd to try to turn this into a issue about race.

Ballot harvesting and ballot drop off boxes are invitations to massive fraud. Anyone can handle ballots in these situations. There are ZERO controls on the chain of custody with both. Allowing political operatives to go door-to-door collecting ballots is without a doubt the most idiotic idea ever proposed. Ballot drop off boxes are hardly secure locations if someone wants to tamper with an election.

Voting for weeks is another utterly stupid idea. This allows someone who wants to commit massive fraud plenty of time to do it. When combined with mail-in balloting a person wanting to commit fraud has plenty of time, unseen, to do it.

Not purging and keeping voter rolls up to date. This one allows those who want to commit fraud--when combined with mail-in ballots and weeks long elections--an easy path to do so. The scam here is that persons register to vote in multiple states using a common address in each one where one of the conspirators lives. The ballots are mailed to that address and the person there then sends those ballots to the other participants. Filled out, the participants mail them back to the person in the state for that ballot who then mails them in to be counted.
This sort of scam has been done before. I remember one from the Bush Gore election that was running between Ohio and Arizona where about two dozen participants were voting in both states. While that one was small, and they did get caught and prosecuted, it shows this method has potential.
It is a variant of vote swapping.


The Democrats know their only hope of winning elections down ballot in a very large portion of the country is to cheat. You are only looking at the presidential race. It's a tiny portion of the whole ballot. Democrats, like Republicans, are a minority party.
That aside, I just showed how elections would be potentially open to massive fraud under HR 1 and SR 1. Both bills undermine the credibility and faith people would have in the election process and no matter how much the MSM, Democrats, and other supporters of these claim to the contrary, won't change that. If a large portion of Americans have little or no faith in the election process, it becomes one that is no better than in some banana republic or autocratic dictatorship.

One person can commit massive voter fraud?