Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

My view of the two is this:

Trump is a blow hard, braggard, and general troll but he'd back the troops if it came down to it. Harris is an opportunistic bitch that will do whatever it takes to get her what she wants. I've worked for both types. The Trump sort you can ignore for the most part as just annoying. The Harris sort are incredibly dangerous. They will knife you in a nanosecond to get ahead.
Do your job and the Trump sort is happy and leaves you alone. The Harris sort will screw you for the smallest thing if she (they) thinks it's going to cause her any sort of issue.

Most of what the MSM have said are Trump's "anti-military" remarks have proven to be false. The MSM is so blinded with hatred of the man that they'd do anything to screw him. When it comes to anything Trump, I check very carefully before taking what the media says about him. Just witness how they haven't let up on him since leaving office. The guy is gone. He's done. Yet, he's still the focus of so much of their energy. It's just insane.

Disagreed on Trump since Trump is for Trump and no one else. OTOH, Harris needs to get her head out of her ass if she wants to become POTUS….for long.

How can anyone ignore what happened on 1/6? That was pure Trump.

Fox News is part of the MSM and they liked Trump.
Disagreed on Trump since Trump is for Trump and no one else. OTOH, Harris needs to get her head out of her ass if she wants to become POTUS….for long.

How can anyone ignore what happened on 1/6? That was pure Trump.

Fox News is part of the MSM and they liked Trump.

I really do need you to measure up, to contribute.

What have U 2 offer?
My view of the two is this:

Trump is a blow hard, braggard, and general troll but he'd back the troops if it came down to it. Harris is an opportunistic bitch that will do whatever it takes to get her what she wants. I've worked for both types. The Trump sort you can ignore for the most part as just annoying. The Harris sort are incredibly dangerous. They will knife you in a nanosecond to get ahead.
Do your job and the Trump sort is happy and leaves you alone. The Harris sort will screw you for the smallest thing if she (they) thinks it's going to cause her any sort of issue.

Most of what the MSM have said are Trump's "anti-military" remarks have proven to be false. The MSM is so blinded with hatred of the man that they'd do anything to screw him. When it comes to anything Trump, I check very carefully before taking what the media says about him. Just witness how they haven't let up on him since leaving office. The guy is gone. He's done. Yet, he's still the focus of so much of their energy. It's just insane.

Donald Trump canceled a visit to pay respects at an American military cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he thought the dead soldiers were “losers” and “suckers” and he did not want the rain to mess up his hair, according to an explosive new report.

At the time, Trump explained the cancellation by saying his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service would not drive him to Aisne-Marne American cemetery, where 1,800 US marines who lost their lives in the first world war battle at Belleau Wood are buried.

Trump denounced over reported war dead comments: 'He doesn't understand bravery' – as it happened

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the report quotes Trump as saying. Trump also called the war dead “suckers” for getting killed, the report says.

Trump also asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?” and did not understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies, the Atlantic report says.

Measure Up!
To what? Your ability to down half a bottle of vodka?

Your ability to claim the election was stolen then not do a damn thing about it?

Your ability to be a bitter, angry drunk watching your life go down the drain every time you take a piss?
Donald Trump canceled a visit to pay respects at an American military cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he thought the dead soldiers were “losers” and “suckers” and he did not want the rain to mess up his hair, according to an explosive new report.

At the time, Trump explained the cancellation by saying his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service would not drive him to Aisne-Marne American cemetery, where 1,800 US marines who lost their lives in the first world war battle at Belleau Wood are buried.

Trump denounced over reported war dead comments: 'He doesn't understand bravery' – as it happened
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Neither public claim was true, according to “four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day” quoted in a new report by Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic.

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the report quotes Trump as saying. Trump also called the war dead “suckers” for getting killed, the report says.

Trump also asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?” and did not understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies, the Atlantic report says.


When was the last time you were honest?

How many decades was that?

Strange how trump never contested the states he won, trump stated a rigged election way before Nov when he knew he was losing

All those repubs who won in the states the Trumpies are contending are not complaining about how the system worked in their election victories. If they demanded their own elections get thrown out for the faulty and corrupt elections. they would at least have a scintilla of credibility They do not. They make no sense and neither do the endless right-wing posts.
Don't rights feel the need to be logical? ever?
Donald Trump canceled a visit to pay respects at an American military cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because he thought the dead soldiers were “losers” and “suckers” and he did not want the rain to mess up his hair, according to an explosive new report.

At the time, Trump explained the cancellation by saying his helicopter could not fly in the rain and the Secret Service would not drive him to Aisne-Marne American cemetery, where 1,800 US marines who lost their lives in the first world war battle at Belleau Wood are buried.

Trump denounced over reported war dead comments: 'He doesn't understand bravery' – as it happened

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” the report quotes Trump as saying. Trump also called the war dead “suckers” for getting killed, the report says.

Trump also asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?” and did not understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies, the Atlantic report says.

As the nation moves further away from four years of Trump’s fuck ups, more and more books will come out about those four years. I have no doubt everything people have said about Trump is true. He’s a self-involved douchebag who was inappropriate with his daughter, was a draft-dodger, serial liar, serial adulterer and self-con artist who frequently pocketed people’s money and stiffed his workers, suppliers and contractors.
When was the last time you were honest?

How many decades was that?


But the report was supplemented on Friday morning by the Washington Post, which quoted “a former senior administration official” as saying that Trump “frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as ‘losers.’”

The Post quoted “a person familiar with the discussion” as saying that Trump told senior advisers he did not understand why the US government valued finding soldiers missing in action “because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got.”

Former members of Trump’s sphere went public on Friday to say that his denials were a lie.

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff for two Trump department of homeland security (DHS) secretaries, tweeted: “Mr President, this is not true. You were angry that DHS notified federal buildings to lower the flags for Senator McCain. I would know because your staff called and told me.”

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, said that Trump had faked bone spurs to avoid military service in Vietnam.
But the report was supplemented on Friday morning by the Washington Post, which quoted “a former senior administration official” as saying that Trump “frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as ‘losers.’”

The Post quoted “a person familiar with the discussion” as saying that Trump told senior advisers he did not understand why the US government valued finding soldiers missing in action “because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got.”

Former members of Trump’s sphere went public on Friday to say that his denials were a lie.

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff for two Trump department of homeland security (DHS) secretaries, tweeted: “Mr President, this is not true. You were angry that DHS notified federal buildings to lower the flags for Senator McCain. I would know because your staff called and told me.”

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, said that Trump had faked bone spurs to avoid military service in Vietnam.

WaPo is a propaganda rag.
DJT commented on the POLITICIAN, Lamm, ... not his service as a Marine Lawyer, or the military in general. The Democrats have a long history of hatred for U.S. soldiers in general. It is quite obvious that Pres. Trump loves the military, Weak Ass Fool.

So, Dotard choose memorial day to make the comment?

Quite "obvious" Dotard loves the military?

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” (Even a Fox News host confirmed Trump’s statements, much to his ire.) The cemetery was full of 1,800 marines who lost their lives in 1918, at the battle at Belleau Wood in World War I.

Trump’s complete disrespect for veterans extended to the late Senator John McCain, who died in 2018. The Atlantic reported that Trump told unnamed sources, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.” He also questioned why the flags were flying at half-mast, saying “What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser.”

This aligns with past comments from Trump in 2015 about McCain, when he said, “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

On memorial day in 2017, while standing at the grave of Robert Kelly, who was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan, Trump turned to the others and said, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

A friend of Kelly said to The Atlantic, “Trump can’t imagine anyone else’s pain. That’s why he would say this to the father of a fallen marine on Memorial Day in the cemetery where he’s buried.”

In 2017, Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, said that Trump couldn’t even remember her husband’s name.
Trump told her that Johnson “knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway.” She told ABC that the president’s words only made her cry.

Dotard said avoiding STD's was his personal "Vietnam".

Dotard chose military construction funds to redirect to build his vanity wall, the one Mexico was supposed to pay for.

You're FOS, as usual, moron.
So, Dotard choose memorial day to make the comment?

Quite "obvious" Dotard loves the military?

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” (Even a Fox News host confirmed Trump’s statements, much to his ire.) The cemetery was full of 1,800 marines who lost their lives in 1918, at the battle at Belleau Wood in World War I.

Trump’s complete disrespect for veterans extended to the late Senator John McCain, who died in 2018. The Atlantic reported that Trump told unnamed sources, “We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.” He also questioned why the flags were flying at half-mast, saying “What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser.”

This aligns with past comments from Trump in 2015 about McCain, when he said, “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

On memorial day in 2017, while standing at the grave of Robert Kelly, who was killed in 2010 in Afghanistan, Trump turned to the others and said, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

A friend of Kelly said to The Atlantic, “Trump can’t imagine anyone else’s pain. That’s why he would say this to the father of a fallen marine on Memorial Day in the cemetery where he’s buried.”

In 2017, Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson, said that Trump couldn’t even remember her husband’s name.
Trump told her that Johnson “knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway.” She told ABC that the president’s words only made her cry.

Dotard said avoiding STD's was his personal "Vietnam".

Dotard chose military construction funds to redirect to build his vanity wall, the one Mexico was supposed to pay for.

You're FOS, as usual, moron.

I would call you fuckwit if it weren't for the fact that you're calling out the chihuahua, who is a big time fuckwit, so...carry on.
But the report was supplemented on Friday morning by the Washington Post, which quoted “a former senior administration official” as saying that Trump “frequently made disparaging comments about veterans and soldiers missing in action, referring to them at times as ‘losers.’”

The Post quoted “a person familiar with the discussion” as saying that Trump told senior advisers he did not understand why the US government valued finding soldiers missing in action “because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got.”

Former members of Trump’s sphere went public on Friday to say that his denials were a lie.

Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff for two Trump department of homeland security (DHS) secretaries, tweeted: “Mr President, this is not true. You were angry that DHS notified federal buildings to lower the flags for Senator McCain. I would know because your staff called and told me.”

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, said that Trump had faked bone spurs to avoid military service in Vietnam.

I have your number.

And fuck you,,,you were supposed to be better.