Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

I had a college deferment when Vietnam was going on then they went to the lottery and I got a good number 300 and something. So I dropped my deferment and rode out the year. I have a good friend that was a Marine there. On his last week there he had the opportunity to ride on a river boat patrol boat. He was going to do it because he was nuts about fast cars and boats etc. Anyway a friend talked him out of going. That night the patrol boat got hit hard and they lost several crew members. Vietnam was a waste of good American blood. Really sad.

Really, a Marine? I was there in 69 and 72, part of our time there was patrolling the Saigon river and supporting RPB's. No Marines, Navy crews


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While I agree a lot of the bullshit coming out of Congress is illusory, are you claiming there is massive fraud in national elections? “Massive” meaning election altering?

Massive? Not yet. But ballot harvesting, all mail in balloting, no voter ID, ballot drop boxes, no purging of voter rolls, automatic voter registration via DMV, voter registration down to 16 years old, and weeks of voting, all of which are in SR 1 and HR 1 are just invitations for massive voter fraud. We know it can happen, so why should we put in place multiple paths by which it will happen?
To this day nobody still have any idea why we had that war.

My wise friend once said:

Russia, China: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
America: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
Both: "Okay we choose Vietnam as our location for our proxy war."

That was the reason for the war; fighting the spread of communism. The problem with fighting totalitarian assholes is because they don’t play by civilized rules. The US ended up supporting RW dictators in shithole countries rather than let them fall to communist domination as eventually happened in Cambodia, Vietnam, etc.

A major problem for both the Free World and the Communist assholes is to avoid a nuclear confrontation. That’s why the US never pushed forward into North Vietnam to kill off the commies there; they were concerned the Chinese and Russians would quickly escalate the war into Armageddon. Once the US realized we couldn’t move forward and just holding the line wasn’t working we should have left, but LBJ kept pushing.

FWIW, the Tet Offensive was akin to the Battle of the Ardennes AKA the Battle of the Bulge; it was a last gasp counteroffensive to break the Americans. Both failed on the battlefield, leaving the US the winner, but in 1968 the War at Home ultimately handed the communists a victory. American citizens, tired of the increasing casualties, saw Tet as an invigorated communist assault instead of a last gasp. It cost the Democrats the election, saw Nixon elected with a promise to end the war. However, like Obama found after being elected with a promise to close GITMO, reality is harder than campaign promises.

Regardless, if our military isn’t allowed to win a war outright, then we should leave the battlefield because spilling American blood just to maintain the status quo is wrong.
Massive? Not yet. But ballot harvesting, all mail in balloting, no voter ID, ballot drop boxes, no purging of voter rolls, automatic voter registration via DMV, voter registration down to 16 years old, and weeks of voting, all of which are in SR 1 and HR 1 are just invitations for massive voter fraud. We know it can happen, so why should we put in place multiple paths by which it will happen?

Are you confirming that Trump lied about massive fraud? That the 2020 election was fair and secure as Barr and DHS, along with our courts, confirmed?

What are the odds SR1 or HR 1 will ever pass as written?
I can't see the OP because I've had him on ignore for years ;)

So Harris used the term 'happy' for Memorial Day? Is that what this is about?
Who knows? Most Americans don’t give a shit about Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc; they’re just looking at the 3-day weekend like Harris.

It’s a free country so there’s nothing wrong with that, but an elected national leader should be a little more cognizant of the actual day being memorialized. Her comment was tone-deaf by a person who could very well be the next Commander in Chief.


: having or showing an obtuse insensitivity or lack of perception particularly in matters of public sentiment, opinion, or taste
Who knows? Most Americans don’t give a shit about Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc; they’re just looking at the 3-day weekend like Harris.

It’s a free country so there’s nothing wrong with that, but an elected national leader should be a little more cognizant of the actual day being memorialized. Her comment was tone-deaf.


good description. if not outright disrespectful, then surely tone deaf.
Which us not tragic by itself, but woke infiltrating the military brass, and the puny 1% spending rise in Biden's budget really tell the tale, China is watching as well if it wants to make a grab for Taiwan
Dude, not fucking Trumpster is a Libertarian because Trump is an authoritarian just like the Democrats and the Republicans.
"authoritarian" is your fav description.
So is Trump the same as Erdogan? hardly. Erdogan and Putin cling to power by any means they need
If Trump were an authoritarian he could have finished the wall at least...US presidents cannot be authoritarian with the co-equal branches of power
I don't see how this ploy will work? The Lincoln Project has fodder for 24/7 spots that show Republicans supporting the events they aided on Jan. 6. They're actively working to hide their involvement.

Wait until the House investigation results in dozens of unanswered subpoenas.
The Republicans need to get ahead of this and all they are doing is muddying the waters so it will still be here with a lot of unanswered questions plus several trials in 2022.
"authoritarian" is your fav description.
So is Trump the same as Erdogan? hardly. Erdogan and Putin cling to power by any means they need
If Trump were an authoritarian he could have finished the wall at least...US presidents cannot be authoritarian with the co-equal branches of power

Dude, I know you and the fucking Russians love “newspeak”, but I’m more brass tacks. You’re are seeking to empower the Federal government with greater authority over the States and private business. What the fuck would you call assholes who favor such a reduction of State’s Rights and greater Federal powers?
Dude, I know you and the fucking Russians love “newspeak”, but I’m more brass tacks. You’re are seeking to empower the Federal government with greater authority over the States and private business. What the fuck would you call assholes who favor such a reduction of State’s Rights and greater Federal powers?
WTF gibberish is this? first off there is no such things as "states rights".
There is the 10th that grants all non-enumerated powers to the people or the states.
and I have no clue WTF issue you are trying to talk about - use some nouns/subject matter

Trump isnt an authoritarian. it's laughable you would even go there
Exactly. Millions of businesses make hay on Memorial Day weekend. It's a weekend that signifies the start of summer. After the trump virus decimated the nation, this year is looking much better thanks to Biden.

The weekend is always a time for bbq's and parties, with Monday being a somber event.

The problem is that Harris isn’t the CEO of a company or a Hollywood celebrity. She’s the Vice President of the United States and will probably become POTUS and Commander in Chief within a few years.

Making excuses for her failure to recognize what Memorial Day means isn’t going to persuade vets and family members of the fallen that her remarks were just her “being one of the girls”.

Note that her tweet wasn’t from “Kamala Harris” but from “Vice President Kamala Harris”.
WTF gibberish is this? first off there is no such things as "states rights".
There is the 10th that grants all non-enumerated powers to the people or the states.
and I have no clue WTF issue you are trying to talk about - use some nouns/subject matter

Trump isnt an authoritarian. it's laughable you would even go there

Dude, one day a Russian patriot will blow Putin’s fucking head off. I know it won’t be you.
Why? The Democrats did poorly compared to expectations in the mid-terms, and even in the 2020 election. They barely control the Senate and have a narrow margin in the House. Clinton, Carter, and Obama took drubbings in their mid-term elections.

Many mid-terms are drubbings for the party that doesn't hold the WH.

This upcoming one is different. The GOP used to be a viable national party. They aren't right now.

That could change before next November, but they're very far down the rabbit hole at the moment.

Gardner is correct; usually the incumbent power/political party takes a hit in the midterms.

OTOH, the Republican Party is so fucked up right now, I doubt they can figure out what to have for lunch much less organize a successful retaking of Congress in 2022.

At best, I think they could retake the Senate. Not because they’re better, but because the 40% of American voters who are independents like to see more balance in Washington, DC.
I served 27 years in the US Navy. I think Harris is a total POS for a post like that, the useless cunt.

What did you think about Trump’s anti-military remarks?

Harris was stupid to post the tweet under the title “Vice President”. She needs more vets on her staff if she wants to become a clear leader and Commander in Chief.
Massive? Not yet. But ballot harvesting, all mail in balloting, no voter ID, ballot drop boxes, no purging of voter rolls, automatic voter registration via DMV, voter registration down to 16 years old, and weeks of voting, all of which are in SR 1 and HR 1 are just invitations for massive voter fraud. We know it can happen, so why should we put in place multiple paths by which it will happen?

Strange how trump never contested the states he won, trump stated a rigged election way before Nov when he knew he was losing
Strange how trump never contested the states he won, trump stated a rigged election way before Nov when he knew he was losing
Not so strange considering Trump was seeking to overthrow the United States government and our Constitution.

I’m still praying justice will be done. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the Republicans will be leading our nation to Truth, Justice and the American way.
What did you think about Trump’s anti-military remarks?

Harris was stupid to post the tweet under the title “Vice President”. She needs more vets on her staff if she wants to become a clear leader and Commander in Chief.

My view of the two is this:

Trump is a blow hard, braggard, and general troll but he'd back the troops if it came down to it. Harris is an opportunistic bitch that will do whatever it takes to get her what she wants. I've worked for both types. The Trump sort you can ignore for the most part as just annoying. The Harris sort are incredibly dangerous. They will knife you in a nanosecond to get ahead.
Do your job and the Trump sort is happy and leaves you alone. The Harris sort will screw you for the smallest thing if she (they) thinks it's going to cause her any sort of issue.

Most of what the MSM have said are Trump's "anti-military" remarks have proven to be false. The MSM is so blinded with hatred of the man that they'd do anything to screw him. When it comes to anything Trump, I check very carefully before taking what the media says about him. Just witness how they haven't let up on him since leaving office. The guy is gone. He's done. Yet, he's still the focus of so much of their energy. It's just insane.