Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

Draft ended one year before I turned 18. I just lost a friend who was in the thick of it for two tours. Agent Orange related cancer. Took 50 years for that war to kill him. We spoke quite a bit about his service, when we would have coffee most mornings. He would wake and bake, but I had to get to work. The only time he spoke about Vietnam. He, like most, admitted that they had no fucking idea why they were there, or what they 'accomplished'. They were treated like shit when (if) they made it home. He told me that they were happy to hear about the protests going on back home. It was a bullshit war.

You think DEMOCRATS today are worried about that?

Actually, yes. I think the Democrats are becoming increasingly desperate to use their razor thin majority to get as much of their agenda in before 2022 because they've recognized that Biden - Harris are a huge boat anchor on their prospects in the midterms.
Actually, yes. I think the Democrats are becoming increasingly desperate to use their razor thin majority to get as much of their agenda in before 2022 because they've recognized that Biden - Harris are a huge boat anchor on their prospects in the midterms.

Schumer is going to ram S.R. 1 through before the summer ends.
I had a college deferment when Vietnam was going on then they went to the lottery and I got a good number 300 and something. So I dropped my deferment and rode out the year. I have a good friend that was a Marine there. On his last week there he had the opportunity to ride on a river boat patrol boat. He was going to do it because he was nuts about fast cars and boats etc. Anyway a friend talked him out of going. That night the patrol boat got hit hard and they lost several crew members. Vietnam was a waste of good American blood. Really sad.
Actually, yes. I think the Democrats are becoming increasingly desperate to use their razor thin majority to get as much of their agenda in before 2022 because they've recognized that Biden - Harris are a huge boat anchor on their prospects in the midterms.

That is not thinking. You are turning toy immature wishes into facts in your alleged mind.
You don't understand what S.R. 1 entails?

It and HR 1 try and enshrine in law all the means the Democrats have used to win elections with unchecked balloting via mass mail-in, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, automatic voter registration, etc.
But as Orange County has shown these advantages are largely illusory rather than permanent. They also greatly diminish in off year elections such as mid-terms where there is much greater voter apathy.

So, while the Democrats might think these bills will give them some sort of ultimate power, they really will be of fleeting advantage at most and likely the backlash from getting them passed at all, like abolition of the filibuster, will ultimately work to their deficit. Politics, like a pendulum, has a way of always working back to the center.
I had a college deferment when Vietnam was going on then they went to the lottery and I got a good number 300 and something. So I dropped my deferment and rode out the year. I have a good friend that was a Marine there. On his last week there he had the opportunity to ride on a river boat patrol boat. He was going to do it because he was nuts about fast cars and boats etc. Anyway a friend talked him out of going. That night the patrol boat got hit hard and they lost several crew members.

I had a college deferment when Vietnam was going on then they went to the lottery and I got a good number 300 and something. So I dropped my deferment and rode out the year. I have a good friend that was a Marine there. On his last week there he had the opportunity to ride on a river boat patrol boat. He was going to do it because he was nuts about fast cars and boats etc. Anyway a friend talked him out of going. That night the patrol boat got hit hard and they lost several crew members. Vietnam was a waste of good American blood. Really sad.
you are a little older then me.
I was only under the lottery for 2 years and i believe they had stopped sending more GIs to slaughter there.
By that time however the war had soured me on any military duty. I understood the soldiers dont make the rules of engagement, but so many good men never came back that I couldn't in good conscious serve that military
To this day nobody still have any idea why we had that war.

My wise friend once said:

Russia, China: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
America: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
Both: "Okay we choose Vietnam as our location for our proxy war."
dont over think it.
China surely supported the VC, but above all else it was a war for Vietnam's independence -
nationalism after being under the French colonialists thumb
SR1 is a disaster.. Schumer would have to overturn the filibuster before that vote -
Manchin said he wouldn't vote to turn over the filibuster on that vote

It's far from a done deal either way, but literally any type of election security is gone if it does pass.
Ballots would get passed out like candy after automatic voter role enrollment.
AND then you can ballot harvest them legally! what a scam..
Further messages is not correcting

It’s saying more things

There was nothing to correct
Sorry, but it was a tone-deaf comment. Obviously nothing like shitting POWs, KIAs and MIAs plus the parents of those who were KIA.
It and HR 1 try and enshrine in law all the means the Democrats have used to win elections with unchecked balloting via mass mail-in, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, automatic voter registration, etc.
But as Orange County has shown these advantages are largely illusory rather than permanent. They also greatly diminish in off year elections such as mid-terms where there is much greater voter apathy.

So, while the Democrats might think these bills will give them some sort of ultimate power, they really will be of fleeting advantage at most and likely the backlash from getting them passed at all, like abolition of the filibuster, will ultimately work to their deficit. Politics, like a pendulum, has a way of always working back to the center.

While I agree a lot of the bullshit coming out of Congress is illusory, are you claiming there is massive fraud in national elections? “Massive” meaning election altering?