Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

It really is hysterical.

Yesterday is gone. Time to look forward. Jan. 6 never happened.

Except for recounts. We have to do recounts.

But only in states that trump lost. Because there can't be any fraud if trump won.
Tweets come across as videos on JPP and don’t always come up. Harris fucked up by her military tone deafness. She corrected the mistake this morning.

Yes, it’s hilarious that a bunch of Trump-loving anti-military as clowns are bitching about Harris being anti-military.

The only thing more ironic would be them bitching if she said something negative about police. LOL
I can't see the OP because I've had him on ignore for years ;)

So Harris used the term 'happy' for Memorial Day? Is that what this is about?
I am sure the ones that have no idea what this is all about have. I know for a fact you are not one of those.

Oh sorry. I read that too fast and the wrong way.

Yeah. I know what it is all about. My relatives and friends served. My Big Brother (https://www.bbbs.org/) served in Vietnam War. He gave me his helmet with a dent on it from a bullet. He had a deep scar on his leg from where he fell into one of those bamboo booby traps.
Eat your heart out, Dr. Leroy. :D

Unfortunately true. Mostly since the 2000 election when the Republican Party started trashing veterans and then undercut veterans in favor of big business like Halliburton; the rich got richer, the taxpayers paid for it and the military suffered the consequences.
Especially given the Blood for Oil Bush campaign, that resulted in thousands of cases of TBI, which we weren't prepared for.
So, while you may think the Democrats are on top, come 2022 if things continue as they are they'll be in for a major ass kicking just like Carter, then Clinton, then Obama received for the same push to the Left Biden's trying.
Ironic that you left out trump
It does with Dotard and the POS traitors in his cult.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) cheering for communist and communism.

Then on January 6th,communist tried to install the fat, orange, grifter from NYC.
He's from Queens, but tries to hide it.


He has MASSIVE loans coming due this year

Ones that were taken out BEFORE his publicity stunt of running took place
They grow em extra dumb in Alabama
Trump was a draft-dodger. Most of the Republicans never served. I see many politicians “embrace” profitable military contracts putting millions of taxpayer dollars into their states but I don’t see many actually concerned about the health and welfare of our nation’s military, both active duty and, especially, vets.
Correct. Proven by their consistent votes against benefits for the military, or the homeless
Still, first, she was tone deaf to post it in the first place. Causing a shitstorm out of carelessness is not Presidential….which is one of the many reasons why Trump will go down in history as one of our worst Presidents.

Second, Harris can’t afford to keep making these little mistakes with the military if she wants to be Commander in Chief.
It's possible she was addressing the Senators who left Washington without voting on the Jan. 6 commission bill?