Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

trump trump trump trump


Agreed. An attempted coup orchestrated from within the WH with the goal of overthrowing the US government and murdering any who they opposed, including VP Pence.

The Republicans know this but are more concerned about a few political victories in 2022 than in seeking justice for all those harmed in 1/6, both citizens and police alike, and the nation as a whole.
I don't see how this ploy will work? The Lincoln Project has fodder for 24/7 spots that show Republicans supporting the events they aided on Jan. 6. They're actively working to hide their involvement.

Wait until the House investigation results in dozens of unanswered subpoenas.
And no - I won't criticize this tweet. Everyone says "enjoy the long weekend." It's not disrespectful at all.

Enjoying a weekend and honoring those who gave their lives for the country are not mutually exclusive.
Exactly. Millions of businesses make hay on Memorial Day weekend. It's a weekend that signifies the start of summer. After the trump virus decimated the nation, this year is looking much better thanks to Biden.

The weekend is always a time for bbq's and parties, with Monday being a somber event.
Oh sorry. I read that too fast and the wrong way.

Yeah. I know what it is all about. My relatives and friends served. My Big Brother (https://www.bbbs.org/) served in Vietnam War. He gave me his helmet with a dent on it from a bullet. He had a deep scar on his leg from where he fell into one of those bamboo booby traps.
And if he's like my Vietnam vet friends (many who have now passed) and thousands of others, they are bbq'ing this weekend, and will remember their fallen friends on Monday.
Ironic that you left out trump

Why? The Democrats did poorly compared to expectations in the mid-terms, and even in the 2020 election. They barely control the Senate and have a narrow margin in the House. Clinton, Carter, and Obama took drubbings in their mid-term elections.
Why? The Democrats did poorly compared to expectations in the mid-terms, and even in the 2020 election. They barely control the Senate and have a narrow margin in the House. Clinton, Carter, and Obama took drubbings in their mid-term elections.
Clinton and Obama served two terms. trump?
Why? The Democrats did poorly compared to expectations in the mid-terms, and even in the 2020 election. They barely control the Senate and have a narrow margin in the House. Clinton, Carter, and Obama took drubbings in their mid-term elections.

Many mid-terms are drubbings for the party that doesn't hold the WH.

This upcoming one is different. The GOP used to be a viable national party. They aren't right now.

That could change before next November, but they're very far down the rabbit hole at the moment.
And if he's like my Vietnam vet friends (many who have now passed) and thousands of others, they are bbq'ing this weekend, and will remember their fallen friends on Monday.

He was my Big Brother when I was a teenager. He was awesome and he'd tell me stories that would send goose bumps on ya.

He acted as if his service and being injured was a nothingburger. Just serving the USA and protecting our freedom.

He taught me a lot of ropes.
He was my Big Brother when I was a teenager. He was awesome and he'd tell me stories that would send goose bumps on ya.

He acted as if his service and being injured was a nothingburger. Just serving the USA and protecting our freedom.

He taught me a lot of ropes.
Draft ended one year before I turned 18. I just lost a friend who was in the thick of it for two tours. Agent Orange related cancer. Took 50 years for that war to kill him.

We spoke quite a bit about his service, when we would have coffee most mornings. He would wake and bake, but I had to get to work. The only time he spoke about Vietnam.

He, like most, admitted that they had no fucking idea why they were there, or what they 'accomplished'. They were treated like shit when (if) they made it home.

He told me that they were happy to hear about the protests going on back home. It was a bullshit war.
What does that have to do with congressional elections? Strawman fallacy.
Only if you can't admit that you're nitpicking election failures. trump got trounced in the mid terms, and was sent packing in the general. He's the worst failure of a POTUS in decades.
Many mid-terms are drubbings for the party that doesn't hold the WH.

This upcoming one is different. The GOP used to be a viable national party. They aren't right now.

That could change before next November, but they're very far down the rabbit hole at the moment.
I don't see it. They're terrified of trump's money raising scams.

It's going to backfire terribly, unless Red State voter suppression works.
Draft ended one year before I turned 18. I just lost a friend who was in the thick of it for two tours. Agent Orange related cancer. Took 50 years for that war to kill him.

We spoke quite a bit about his service, when we would have coffee most mornings. He would wake and bake, but I had to get to work. The only time he spoke about Vietnam.

He, like most, admitted that they had no fucking idea why they were there, or what they 'accomplished'. They were treated like shit when (if) they made it home.

He told me that they were happy to hear about the protests going on back home. It was a bullshit war.

To this day nobody still have any idea why we had that war.

My wise friend once said:

Russia, China: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
America: "This is our turf. Don't you dare attack here."
Both: "Okay we choose Vietnam as our location for our proxy war."
Why? The Democrats did poorly compared to expectations in the mid-terms, and even in the 2020 election. They barely control the Senate and have a narrow margin in the House. Clinton, Carter, and Obama took drubbings in their mid-term elections.

You think DEMOCRATS today are worried about that?