Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

"Enjoy the Long Weekend" and a pic of yourself without even mentioning those that have fallen to protect our liberties?
This woman is a narcissistic fool

You trolls have it all ass backwards, when you fools should consider the reason Putin's lawlessly hacked in sewer swine tRump got his Twitter un twitted. Now quickly consider that.
To Marxist parents.

I know.

India has been marxist since 1900 and Jamaica has been marxist, forever.

Why hasn't Dotard ever said nice things about them?

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
These people are sharp and they are smart.

Dotard never even wish them a happy birthday.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
I know.

India has been marxist since 1900 and Jamaica has been marxist, forever.

Why hasn't Dotard ever said nice things about them?

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
These people are sharp and they are smart.

Dotard never even wish them a happy birthday.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019

Thanks for the like.
You trolls have it all ass backwards, when you fools should consider the reason Putin's lawlessly hacked in sewer swine tRump got his Twitter un twitted. Now quickly consider that.

You are so far from reality to be not worthy of the band width.

Go watch your cartoons, adults have work to do.
Gardner is correct; usually the incumbent power/political party takes a hit in the midterms.

OTOH, the Republican Party is so fucked up right now, I doubt they can figure out what to have for lunch much less organize a successful retaking of Congress in 2022.

At best, I think they could retake the Senate. Not because they’re better, but because the 40% of American voters who are independents like to see more balance in Washington, DC.
Historically, apathy sets in for the voters of the party in power. With all the illegal laws being rammed through in order to suppress the black vote, I have a feeling that apathy won't be a factor.

Couple that with the overt obstructionism in the Qpublican party, and people might just be inspired to get out and make a real change.

What you describe isn't a 'balance' of power. It's a recipe for continued failure to get anything accomplished. Biden has been through this before. I think he knows how to avoid it again via messaging as the election nears.
It and HR 1 try and enshrine in law all the means the Democrats have used to win elections with unchecked balloting via mass mail-in, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, automatic voter registration, etc.
But as Orange County has shown these advantages are largely illusory rather than permanent. They also greatly diminish in off year elections such as mid-terms where there is much greater voter apathy.

So, while the Democrats might think these bills will give them some sort of ultimate power, they really will be of fleeting advantage at most and likely the backlash from getting them passed at all, like abolition of the filibuster, will ultimately work to their deficit. Politics, like a pendulum, has a way of always working back to the center.
Historically, Republicans use mail in voting more than Democrats. The trump virus made for an odd election year.

We will end up with an all mail, or mostly mail system eventually. It works very well in the states that employ it, and it keeps Red states from curtailing Dem. votes as they continue to shut down polling places, and illegally remove voters from the rolls.
Historically, apathy sets in for the voters of the party in power. With all the illegal laws being rammed through in order to suppress the black vote, I have a feeling that apathy won't be a factor.

Couple that with the overt obstructionism in the Qpublican party, and people might just be inspired to get out and make a real change.

What you describe isn't a 'balance' of power. It's a recipe for continued failure to get anything accomplished. Biden has been through this before. I think he knows how to avoid it again via messaging as the election nears.

Who is suppressed when everyone is subject to the same law?

WTF is this psychobabble? What change? More of the far-left promoting hate and racism?

Americans will see the far-left as they really are in 2022. Count on it.
Dude, I know you and the fucking Russians love “newspeak”, but I’m more brass tacks. You’re are seeking to empower the Federal government with greater authority over the States and private business. What the fuck would you call assholes who favor such a reduction of State’s Rights and greater Federal powers?
Only when a Republican is in office. Now he'll just bitch about everything Biden does, even if he was in favor of it before.
All those repubs who won in the states the Trumpies are contending are not complaining about how the system worked in their election victories. If they demanded their own elections get thrown out for the faulty and corrupt elections. they would at least have a scintilla of credibility They do not. They make no sense and neither do the endless right-wing posts.
Don't rights feel the need to be logical? ever?
There is one state level Republican in Arizona who laughs at the fact that his very close race isn't being reviewed by Qanon.
SR1 is a disaster.. Schumer would have to overturn the filibuster before that vote - Manchin said he wouldn't vote to turn over the filibuster on that vote
It's far from a done deal either way, but literally any type of election security is gone if it does pass. Ballots would get passed out like candy after automatic voter role enrollment. AND then you can ballot harvest them legally! what a scam..

In other words, the same things that worked for the DEMOCRATS in 2018 and 2020. It is a done deal, you can't trust Manchin, and the filibuster will be history along with valid elections.