Has anyone else seen the Couric - Palin interview?

If she only appealed to right wing men, she wouldn't have gotten to the level of governer. I know she's got the religious right, both male and female.

No, I mean a wider array of the male species than just right wing ones.

That's so true.

I'm still not getting it though, the rightwing base was going to vote for him in full force anyway. I've been around enough of these clowns to know that, even if it means the destruction of their own nation, they'll pull the lever for the (R) simply out of spite to either keep a Democrat out, or for the prospect that Roe will be overturned.

But, maybe I'm full of crap. Maybe the rightwing was going to sit home on election day.
That's so true.

I'm still not getting it though, the rightwing base was going to vote for him in full force anyway. I've been around enough of these clowns to know that, even if it means the destruction of their own nation, they'll pull the lever for the (R) simply out of spite to either keep a Democrat out, or for the prospect that Roe will be overturned.

But, maybe I'm full of crap. Maybe the rightwing was going to sit home on election day.

Yeah that's true, I don't know either.
I wish for just a minute these idiot Republicans would just admit how bad of a vp pick this was. Are you kidding me....you feel ok with this dunce as VP?


COURIC: She’s not always responsive when she’s asked questions and sometimes does slip back to her talking points. So it was a really interesting experience for me to interview her yesterday.

RODRIGUEZ: Let’s see if that’s the case here, we have an excerpt where you ask her about her opinion on the bailout.

COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? Allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy? Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: That’s why I say, I like ever American I’m speaking with were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bailout.

But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Helping the — Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. Shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americas. A

And trade we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive scary thing. But 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today. We’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. ALl those things under the umbrella of job creation.

This bailout is a part of that. "

She is retarded. It is even worse when you see it because to come up with that answer she needed to stare at her notes like 5 times.
I wish for just a minute these idiot Republicans would just admit how bad of a vp pick this was. Are you kidding me....you feel ok with this dunce as VP?


COURIC: She’s not always responsive when she’s asked questions and sometimes does slip back to her talking points. So it was a really interesting experience for me to interview her yesterday.

RODRIGUEZ: Let’s see if that’s the case here, we have an excerpt where you ask her about her opinion on the bailout.

COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? Allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy? Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: That’s why I say, I like ever American I’m speaking with were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bailout.

But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Helping the — Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. Shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americas. A

And trade we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive scary thing. But 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today. We’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. ALl those things under the umbrella of job creation.

This bailout is a part of that. "

She is retarded. It is even worse when you see it because to come up with that answer she needed to stare at her notes like 5 times.

It's enough to make me seriously wonder if McCain isn't purposefully creating a circus in DC and with his own debate, in order to distract from Palin. Even, in order to ensure that Palin does not have to debate next week, or at all. If she's this bad, and it seems that she is, what happens when America gets a look at her in a debate? He's 72 years old. She could ensure a Reagan/Mondale like landslide which no one really thinks is possible in our divided country of today.
I am starting to belive this election is over, unless the American people are incredably stupid or diluted or not paying any attention.
They are pretty damned lucky that the economy is imploding right now. If this was a regular news week, Palin's interview would be getting a lot more play.

It's seriously scary. I would have been able to BS a better answer in grade school (and often did)...
They are pretty damned lucky that the economy is imploding right now. If this was a regular news week, Palin's interview would be getting a lot more play.

It's seriously scary. I would have been able to BS a better answer in grade school (and often did)...

I belive that is why the "suspended the campaign", to change the subject.
I am starting to belive this election is over, unless the American people are incredibly stupid or deluded or not paying any attention.

I had to wonder about that yesterday when I started to see the McCain/Palin bumper stickers. Frankly I was shocked. The first thing that came to mind was "haven't you been paying any attention at all?" Then again this is West Texas ... Talk about blind partisanship!
Dixie is one post away from.

You're getting Palin Dammit!!!!

I'd have more resp[ect for these people if they could just admit the truth.

I was able to admit that John Kerry was the suck. Why are they not able to admit that this dunce is a dummy that has no business being VP or P? I don't get it.

It is like whoever is the (R) candidate gets their full support no matter what.

1 day after they picked her, dummy (R)s were claiming how great she is. No one even knew anything about her.

I know there are dems like this too and I'm not excusing them but this situation with Palin is ridiculous.

Even Dixie's first instinct was correct but when heshe got the talking points heshe changed its mind.

Dixie went from "what the hell was McCain thinking?" to "Sarah Barracuda!" and "the next Reagan" in a day...

I was fully expecting an "I Love Sarah Palin" love letter post at any moment.

Look, Dixie spent eight years defending Bush. Its only in the last month that Dixie decided to throw Bush under the bus.

Its going to take more than two embarrassing interviews on network television, to make Dixie abandon his Sara-baracuda nonsense.
I had to wonder about that yesterday when I started to see the McCain/Palin bumper stickers. Frankly I was shocked. The first thing that came to mind was "haven't you been paying any attention at all?" Then again this is West Texas ... Talk about blind partisanship!

This will excite all of you then. I took a bunch of Jr. High and High School students to the fair in Arkansas on Wednesday. In the Expo Center the republicans had their booth and the democrats had theirs. There was no person manning the democratic booth....thier campaign stuff was just laid out there on tables for anyone to take. The republicans were charging for their stuff....McCain/Palin t-shirts - $5, Bumper stickers - $2, Yard signs of various sizes and for various prices. They said that the RNC hadn't given them any money because they were putting all their money into battleground states.

Here's the kicker: The democratic booth was devoid of people, no one taking their free stuff at all, but the republican booth was being manned by three people and they were busy from the time I got there until I left. Sold out of t-shirts by 1:00. It was high school day at the fair and it was mostly high school kids buying the stuff. I saw more girls wearing pink Palin t-shirst that day than ever. As to normal life, I haven't seen one sign or bumper sticker for either candidate.
This will excite all of you then. I took a bunch of Jr. High and High School students to the fair in Arkansas on Wednesday. In the Expo Center the republicans had their booth and the democrats had theirs. There was no person manning the democratic booth....thier campaign stuff was just laid out there on tables for anyone to take. The republicans were charging for their stuff....McCain/Palin t-shirts - $5, Bumper stickers - $2, Yard signs of various sizes and for various prices. They said that the RNC hadn't given them any money because they were putting all their money into battleground states.

Here's the kicker: The democratic booth was devoid of people, no one taking their free stuff at all, but the republican booth was being manned by three people and they were busy from the time I got there until I left. Sold out of t-shirts by 1:00. It was high school day at the fair and it was mostly high school kids buying the stuff. I saw more girls wearing pink Palin t-shirst that day than ever. As to normal life, I haven't seen one sign or bumper sticker for either candidate.

Well it is Arkansas.
I have to admit, I see some of the polls in the "red states," and I'm baffled - margins of around 60% to 25%, that kind of thing.

Is there nothing a party can do to alienate some of these voting blocs? I suppose there are blue states like that, as well; it's hard to believe that the South used to be Democratic at all.
I will tell you this Lorax, I live here and it comes down to these people's issues with Abortion, Guns and the military (ie. national security).
I have to admit, I see some of the polls in the "red states," and I'm baffled - margins of around 60% to 25%, that kind of thing.

Is there nothing a party can do to alienate some of these voting blocs? I suppose there are blue states like that, as well; it's hard to believe that the South used to be Democratic at all.

Its race. At least, in part.

A southern white guy, like a Clinton or pre-affair John Edwards would be running pretty much even with McCain.

And Obama, ideologically and politically, is not much different than Clinton, so I don't want to hear any crap about how obama is "too liberal".