Has anyone else seen the Couric - Palin interview?

Mcain was desparate, but the palin bashers are every bit as bad as swiftboaters especially the manhating feminazi's
Here is what I am seeing. Two pages full of commentary on Palin, slamming her repeatedly, post after post. Nothing really specific, just a general bashing on the basis of how she talks or how she might have answered a stupid question from a stupid liberal. Two full pages of pinheads in meltdown mode, insisting this woman is "just not fit" and reiterating that inane point, over and over and over again. I see two posts by myself and leaningright, representing the only posts in two pages, from anyone not a militant leftist.

This is currently the hottest thread on the board, pinheads are burning up their keyboards to post criticisms of Palin, in a mass frenzy to get their points across. Meanwhile, we hear crickets chirping on the Conservative side. No comments from Damo, Grind, Damo, or anyone from the right, who even 'tends to agree' with you. Not a single post! I know that you people are stupid, but you should be smart enough to realize two pretty damn clear things here, ONE... Conservatives aren't 'buying in' to the Palin Bashfest, and TWO... She wasn't selected for YOUR approval! In fact, the fact that you've all gone on for two pages, and will continue to burn up the board posting about her, is proof that McCain made the right choice. It is proof that Palin scares the shit out of Liberals, and you don't know how to deal with it. Your only recourse seems to be, a constant reassurance to one another, that Liberals don't support her and don't like her. I personally think it's about the best 'endorsement' she could have.

Haha even conservatives are bailing on her now.

and btw my post addressed a specific portion of her interview and what was wrong with it so as usual your posts amount to nothing but lies and spin.
Cypress, you don't really know much about people here. You have your preconceived ideas about "those knuckle dragging Christians." You don't know much.

Race would play a role with very few.......a small percentage.

I'm not going to argue with you about whether race is a factor in southern state politics. To me, the answer is self evident.

Do me a favor, and don't lecture me about what you percieve my alleged religious or anti-christian biases are. I was raised Quaker, and my mother exposed my to more religious tradtions than you can possibly imagine. Unless you've been to Sikh prayer, catholic mass, buddhist temple, or presbytarian service. Hell, I've been dragged to Church of Christ and baptist services too. My Mom was very enlightened and for that, I thank her. My exposure to the spiritual traditions of the world exceed yours by orders of magnitude, of that I'm quite sure.

What I hate is not religion, or chrisitanity. What I hate is ignorance. The fundamentalist traditions, whether they be evangelicals, orthodox jews, or wahabi muslims are human contructed smoke screes, to excuse ignorance and intolerance. You are aware, aren't you that the evangelical churches defended slavery, sexism, jim crow, anti- miscegenation, and segregation? Ask Dixie, for some odd reason he's an expert on all the Baptist excuses for those abominations. And while its true that some baptist congregations are enlightned, and that some pentcostals can actually read, I make my criticisms about fundamentalists in the broadest sense possible. They are always having to apologize for past transgressions. And they've yet to apologize for their subjugation of women. Hell, the Baptist church still teaches women to submit to and obey the husband.

You know what LR? The Quakers have never had to apologize for anything. They were on the forefront of all the social justice movements, from slavery, to civil rights, to war and peace. I wouldn't be comfortable in a church that was constantly having to apologize for immoral or racist behaviour.

I know what the deal is, broadly speaking, with the evangelicals. Personal salvation is their gig. They are obsessed with it. They didn't lift a finger to stop any war, and some of them were praying for war with Iraq. To me, religion should be about self-improvment. And the damn Quakers put there money where there mouth is. They may be considered quasi-christians, but they fully act in accordance with what I believe Jesus' philosophy was all about. My Mom got me going back to Quaker meeting last year, and they are hands on invested in anti-torture movements, pro-environment movements, and anti-war movements. What could be more christian than firmly standing against the abuse of fellow human beings, and the slaughter of innocents by war mongering profiteers of the military industrial complex?

Yes, There's good baptists. There's good evangelicals. When I criticize fundamentialist, I'm condeming them broadly for being a smoke screen for ignorance and misogyny. And I'm doing it from a platform of personal experience and knowlege of theological traditions. I'm not a reliion expert, by far. But, please spare me any lectures.
Haha even conservatives are bailing on her now.

Please show me ONE "conservative" outside the BELTWAY, who has said anything negative about Palin? The Beltway Establishment isn't crazy about her, because she isn't part of the BELTWAY ESTABLISHMENT, you idiot! By and large, Conservatives across this country are backing Palin, many of them would probably have stayed at home rather than to vote for McCain. She has energized a HUGE base, and you know this, which is why you are all so fucking pathetically desperate to trash her!

I mean, look at this... She gave an interview with the Queen Pinhead Interviewer of All-Time, Katie Couric! The same Katie who took over for Pinhead King, Dan Rather! Good God, it doesn't get much more Pinhead Liberal than Katie Couric! Nothing in the entire interview was anywhere close to "Joe Biden" stupidity! Nothing! She didn't lament how FDR went on television during the depression, she didn't offend Indians working in convenience stores or gas stations, she didn't call Katie "sweety" or even mispronounce a word... still, the overall pinhead consensus is, she bombed! You can't really say why, or how, but she just did! Why? Because you are Liberals! You know damn well what this woman is capable of, and it scares the fuck out of you to think she just might win the election for McCain! So, you 'mobilize' and you post, over and over and over, how she is "not qualified" or she "isn't ready to lead" or she "is stupid!"

Now, I will go ahead and go on record right now to say, I doubt she will win over many Liberal voters. But then, that wasn't really McCain's objective, was it? So, you people can just keep on bashing and trashing, it's what you do best, meanwhile, Conservatives will continue to support her and WILL turn out the vote because of her. You can keep clinging to your silly Liberal-slanted push polls, we'll cling to our Guns and Bibles.
"Nothing in the entire interview was anywhere close to "Joe Biden" stupidity! Nothing! "

That's really not true. Joe makes stupid gaffes, but he's pretty damned knowledgeable on topics like foreign policy and can articulate his ideas on the topic pretty well.

Palin's answer on that - and on a variety of other questions - were really uncomfortable to watch. It's not "gaffes" with her; it's an overall cluelessness, which is pretty alarming (like I said, we ARE scared).
Please show me ONE "conservative" outside the BELTWAY, who has said anything negative about Palin? The Beltway Establishment isn't crazy about her, because she isn't part of the BELTWAY ESTABLISHMENT, you idiot! By and large, Conservatives across this country are backing Palin, many of them would probably have stayed at home rather than to vote for McCain. She has energized a HUGE base, and you know this, which is why you are all so fucking pathetically desperate to trash her!

I mean, look at this... She gave an interview with the Queen Pinhead Interviewer of All-Time, Katie Couric! The same Katie who took over for Pinhead King, Dan Rather! Good God, it doesn't get much more Pinhead Liberal than Katie Couric! Nothing in the entire interview was anywhere close to "Joe Biden" stupidity! Nothing! She didn't lament how FDR went on television during the depression, she didn't offend Indians working in convenience stores or gas stations, she didn't call Katie "sweety" or even mispronounce a word... still, the overall pinhead consensus is, she bombed! You can't really say why, or how, but she just did! Why? Because you are Liberals! You know damn well what this woman is capable of, and it scares the fuck out of you to think she just might win the election for McCain! So, you 'mobilize' and you post, over and over and over, how she is "not qualified" or she "isn't ready to lead" or she "is stupid!"

Now, I will go ahead and go on record right now to say, I doubt she will win over many Liberal voters. But then, that wasn't really McCain's objective, was it? So, you people can just keep on bashing and trashing, it's what you do best, meanwhile, Conservatives will continue to support her and WILL turn out the vote because of her. You can keep clinging to your silly Liberal-slanted push polls, we'll cling to our Guns and Bibles.

ok so the conservatives that believe in witchcraft and that the earth is 5,000 years old support her. I guess that proves alot.

I'll cling to my guns and not vote for her anyway.

She is an idiot. If you can't see that and be honest about it you are an idiot...but we knew that.
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"You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that? "

Ooooooh...that pinhead hack Couric! Asking smear questions like that; liberal media bias!!! What was poor Sarah to do against such a hackified question?
"Nothing in the entire interview was anywhere close to "Joe Biden" stupidity! Nothing! "

That's really not true. Joe makes stupid gaffes, but he's pretty damned knowledgeable on topics like foreign policy and can articulate his ideas on the topic pretty well.

Palin's answer on that - and on a variety of other questions - were really uncomfortable to watch. It's not "gaffes" with her; it's an overall cluelessness, which is pretty alarming (like I said, we ARE scared).

Joe Biden is a clueless idiot! He thinks FDR went on television during the Great Depression! That's more than just a "gaffe" ...a "gaffe" is when you unintentionally say something offensive, like "you can't walk into a convenience store without having a slight Indian accent!" Joe Biden is famous for that too, but his stupidity is astounding. It really makes you wonder how the man ever managed to fool people into electing him! I guess he must have plagiarized his way to the top, huh?

It's been pointed out already.... What "foreign policy experience" did Bill Clinton have? What "foreign policy experience" does ANY governor have? For that matter, what fucking "foreign policy experience" does OBAMA have??? And why is it suddenly so all-fire important for a VP to have foreign policy experience? The VP is not who generally deals with matters of foreign policy, that is usually the Secretary of State. Now, I suppose, there could be some scenario where the President and Secretary of State are incapacitated and the VP is the only person left in the administration to do it, but in that case, Palin knows how to use automatic weapons, so I think we're good. Bottom line, this is much ado about nothing, and it's just something you can actually bash her on, and that's it! McCain is very familiar with Foreign Policy... that's why many say Obama picked Biden! So now that Obama has picked Biden, McCain picks Palin, and you want to attack her for having no foreign policy experience! Do you not see the irony?

All the way down the line, you idiots and morons have been opening the door into your faces! First it was... she has no experience... but neither does Obama... then it's... she has no foreign policy experience... but neither does Obama! It's like you criticisms of Palin just fall flat on the average thinking American, because they listen to what you say, consider your candidate, and then look at you like you're retarded! Meanwhile, you all seem to just not get it!
"It's been pointed out already.... What "foreign policy experience" did Bill Clinton have? What "foreign policy experience" does ANY governor have? For that matter, what fucking "foreign policy experience" does OBAMA have???"

You're missing the point. The idea that Palin is a governor is fine, but why the BS answers? I mean, that is just plain stupid - persisting with the idea that proximity to Russia, or having Putin in Alaska's airspace, means anything w/ regard to foreign policy. It was sad to watch that.

Beyond that, she doesn't really seem to have any foreign policy ideas of her own, unlike the people you mentioned. She seems like a deer in the headlights when confronted with questions that have any complexity on the issue whatsoever, and when she's not BS'ing incoherently, as in the Couric interview, she's regurgitating scripted remarks, like her response about "taking the fight to terrorists."

Seriously; it's alarming. It's definitely scary that McCain rolled the dice w/ her.
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Joe Biden is a clueless idiot! He thinks FDR went on television during the Great Depression! That's more than just a "gaffe" ...a "gaffe" is when you unintentionally say something offensive, like "you can't walk into a convenience store without having a slight Indian accent!" Joe Biden is famous for that too, but his stupidity is astounding. It really makes you wonder how the man ever managed to fool people into electing him! I guess he must have plagiarized his way to the top, huh?

It's been pointed out already.... What "foreign policy experience" did Bill Clinton have? What "foreign policy experience" does ANY governor have? For that matter, what fucking "foreign policy experience" does OBAMA have??? And why is it suddenly so all-fire important for a VP to have foreign policy experience? The VP is not who generally deals with matters of foreign policy, that is usually the Secretary of State. Now, I suppose, there could be some scenario where the President and Secretary of State are incapacitated and the VP is the only person left in the administration to do it, but in that case, Palin knows how to use automatic weapons, so I think we're good. Bottom line, this is much ado about nothing, and it's just something you can actually bash her on, and that's it! McCain is very familiar with Foreign Policy... that's why many say Obama picked Biden! So now that Obama has picked Biden, McCain picks Palin, and you want to attack her for having no foreign policy experience! Do you not see the irony?

All the way down the line, you idiots and morons have been opening the door into your faces! First it was... she has no experience... but neither does Obama... then it's... she has no foreign policy experience... but neither does Obama! It's like you criticisms of Palin just fall flat on the average thinking American, because they listen to what you say, consider your candidate, and then look at you like you're retarded! Meanwhile, you all seem to just not get it!

1) Joe Biden won election in 1972 because the mob infiltrated Teamsters Union coincidentally went on strike the weekend before the election and failed to deliver newspapers containing a damning attack on Biden that surely would have cost him more than the 3,000 vote margin he won by. Plagiarism had nothing to do with it.

2) VPs can have lots to do with foreign policy. See: Cheney, Dick. And Palin herself brought up her proximity to Russia as a legitimate foreign policy qualification. She should have just said that she had none.

3) Obama has experience. The American people aren't buying that claptrap. that's why you are the only one still trying to make that argument. You're a typical dead-ender. A hanger on. A 26%er.
1) Joe Biden won election in 1972 because the mob infiltrated Teamsters Union coincidentally went on strike the weekend before the election and failed to deliver newspapers containing a damning attack on Biden that surely would have cost him more than the 3,000 vote margin he won by. Plagiarism had nothing to do with it.

2) VPs can have lots to do with foreign policy. See: Cheney, Dick. And Palin herself brought up her proximity to Russia as a legitimate foreign policy qualification. She should have just said that she had none.

3) Obama has experience. The American people aren't buying that claptrap. that's why you are the only one still trying to make that argument. You're a typical dead-ender. A hanger on. A 26%er.

1. Biden is an idiot, he has repeatedly proven this, most recently with his remembrances of FDR on television, a decade before it was invented, and during the Great Depression, which happened years before FDR was elected.

2. Foreign Policy experience has never been a requirement of ANY VP.

3. Obama has NO experience, either in the executive branch of government or in foreign policy. It's not an "argument" at all, it's a fact, and calling me names won't change the facts.

"It's been pointed out already.... What "foreign policy experience" did Bill Clinton have? What "foreign policy experience" does ANY governor have? For that matter, what fucking "foreign policy experience" does OBAMA have???"

Oncie: You're missing the point.

No, I am making the point, you are missing it! Please tell us what foreign policy experience did Clinton have? What foreign policy experience does ANY governor have? What foreign policy experience does Obama have? It's a really easy question Oncie, I'm sure you can answer it, since it's really close to your IQ number!
"No, I am making the point, you are missing it! Please tell us what foreign policy experience did Clinton have? What foreign policy experience does ANY governor have? What foreign policy experience does Obama have? It's a really easy question Oncie, I'm sure you can answer it, since it's really close to your IQ number!"


But again, that isn't the point. If you want to plug up your ears & put exclamation points after everything, have at it. I understand why it's difficult for you to address the actual point I was making.
"No, I am making the point, you are missing it! Please tell us what foreign policy experience did Clinton have? What foreign policy experience does ANY governor have? What foreign policy experience does Obama have? It's a really easy question Oncie, I'm sure you can answer it, since it's really close to your IQ number!"


But again, that isn't the point. If you want to plug up your ears & put exclamation points after everything, have at it. I understand why it's difficult for you to address the actual point I was making.

Well thank you for admitting the truth, that Clinton, Governors, and Obama have ZERO foreign policy experience. I think that puts to rest any concerns about Palin's "lack of foreign policy experience", doesn't it? I think it clearly means it's not required, not needed, and not important, in the job of VP, or even the Presidency, for that matter. That pretty much makes it a "Red Herring" and not worth the effort to even mention or bring up.

Palin is the governor of a state that essentially borders Russia, that is all she said. If nothing else, it gives her more understanding of "foreign policy" than a rookie Senator from Illinois, who has NO experience! Hell, Alaska actually used to be a part of Russia! Like Georgia used to be a part of the Soviet Union! Palin was Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. Again, maybe this is not all that significant, but it sure beats 'community organizing' in Chicago! But then... what does "foreign policy experience" have to do with anything here? As we've agreed, absolutely NOTHING!
Well thank you for admitting the truth, that Clinton, Governors, and Obama have ZERO foreign policy experience. I think that puts to rest any concerns about Palin's "lack of foreign policy experience", doesn't it? I think it clearly means it's not required, not needed, and not important, in the job of VP, or even the Presidency, for that matter. That pretty much makes it a "Red Herring" and not worth the effort to even mention or bring up.

Palin is the governor of a state that essentially borders Russia, that is all she said. If nothing else, it gives her more understanding of "foreign policy" than a rookie Senator from Illinois, who has NO experience! Hell, Alaska actually used to be a part of Russia! Like Georgia used to be a part of the Soviet Union! Palin was Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. Again, maybe this is not all that significant, but it sure beats 'community organizing' in Chicago! But then... what does "foreign policy experience" have to do with anything here? As we've agreed, absolutely NOTHING!

Umm dixie Illinois is just accross some water form another country as well.
1. Biden is an idiot, he has repeatedly proven this, most recently with his remembrances of FDR on television, a decade before it was invented, and during the Great Depression, which happened years before FDR was elected.

2. Foreign Policy experience has never been a requirement of ANY VP.

3. Obama has NO experience, either in the executive branch of government or in foreign policy. It's not an "argument" at all, it's a fact, and calling me names won't change the facts.

No, I am making the point, you are missing it! Please tell us what foreign policy experience did Clinton have? What foreign policy experience does ANY governor have? What foreign policy experience does Obama have? It's a really easy question Oncie, I'm sure you can answer it, since it's really close to your IQ number!

Biden is an idiot ??? I beg to differ....I think he's come to some very astute conclusions in the past....

*ABC'S George Stephanopoulos asking Biden during a debate while he was still contesting Obama for the nomination: "You were asked, 'Is he ready?' You said, 'I think he can be ready but right now, I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'
--------------"I think that I stand by the statement," Biden

*“The more people learn about them (Obama and Hillary) and how they handle the pressure, the more their support will evaporate.”....Joe Biden

*I’m confident that Iowans know what I know: our problems will require experience and leadership from Day One. Empty slogans will be no match for proven action on caucus night.”
“When this campaign is over, political slogans like ‘experience’ and ‘change’ will mean absolutely nothing.........Joe Biden

*Biden on Meet the Press in 2002, discussing Saddam Hussein: “He’s a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security… “We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”

*Biden on Meet the Press in 2002: “Saddam must be dislodged from his weapons or dislodged from power.”

*Biden on Meet the Press in 2007, on Hussein’s WMDs: “Well, the point is, it turned out they didn’t, but everyone in the world thought he had them. The weapons inspectors said he had them. He catalogued — they catalogued them. This was not some, some Cheney, you know, pipe dream. This was, in fact, catalogued.”

*Biden to the Brookings Institution in 2005: “We can call it quits and withdraw from Iraq. I think that would be a gigantic mistake.

*Biden in October of 2002: “We must be clear with the American people that we are committing to Iraq for the long haul; not just the day after, but the decade after.”