Has trump given up?

Donald Trump is banking on his stash of election denying officials, the corrupt SC and house speaker Johnson to GIVE HIM A WIN IN NOV. should be lose. Thats why this moronic simp is just saying what ever the fuck he wants, doing rallies when he feels like it and horning in on gotdamn crowd numbers that makes no sense....He's confident that the mechanism he has in place for Nov. will assure him a win. We all know the mere thought of losing to a female, let alone a black female, will in fact take this looney over the edge and he's done. The fact he lost to a old man has already made him stupid, but to a black woman??? OMG, I see a suicide watch pending....LOL​

I think they need a "charismatic: leader. For Many that is Daffy Donald.

I mean, mass murder is kind of a big deal.

We should eb raising monument to the man. He saved millions.

Saved? By funding a biological weapon that killed over a million Americans?

He's a mass murderer.

And feel free to disprove any part of my signature.

Feel free to prove any of your feckless lies.

democrats would abort a 6 year old child just to watch them scream, DO send millions of illegal alien children to work in the fields - as slaves, sell a 10 year old girl into life long sexual slavery, and allow a grown man to rape an 11 year old immigrant supplied by their cartel allies. democrats view children as a product to be imported across the open border and sold to the highest bidder.
The Orange Oaf has lived his life in a privileged bubble thanks to Daddy's money. He's been a con man and creep for all his adult life, but was taught well how to use money, lawyers and mass media to keep him from justice. In his mind, this has served him well...from bogus real estate genius to TV personality, best seller and then eventually POTUS.

But the ride is coming to an end. The old dodges and BS are not working anymore. Dump figured once in the White House, he had a life time pass to get away with anything without consequence. The last 8 years has told a different story, and with his ego-centric approach to everything his public persona and "charm" is rapidly wearing off.

But he is Cheeto Jeezus! He will NEVER cop to being wrong on ANYTHING and will ride with the lie until he dies. In his warped (and deteriorating) mind, so long as there are fools showing up at his rallies and willing to commit treason in his name, all is well.

So he's not giving up, he's just giving out...going down in flames.

And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
Oh! you were talking about tRump!!

Trump developed gain of function in a Corona virus to create a biological weapon that killed over a million Americans? No, that was Josef Mengle Anthony Fauci.

Fauci should be executed for crimes against humanity.

Mostly you're stupid. But evil tends to be stupid.

democrats would abort a 6 year old child just to watch them scream, DO send millions of illegal alien children to work in the fields - as slaves, sell a 10 year old girl into lifelong sexual slavery, and allow a grown man to rape an 11 year old immigrant supplied by their cartel allies. democrats view children as a product to be imported across the open border and sold to the highest bidder.
In the real world none of them did that.

Lying - though your one and only skill - doesn't alter reality.

{Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID), which is part of the NIH, told Congress in May that the NIH "has not everand does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute ofVirology."Ebright said: "The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director,Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did notsupport gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancementin Wuhan are untruthful."}

I realize you don't live here with the rest of us though.

I realize that you are a pathetic liar with no ethics or honor.

democrats would abort a 6 year old child just to watch them scream, democrats DO send millions of illegal alien children to work in the fields - as slaves, sell a 10 year old girl into lifelong sexual slavery, and allow a grown man to rape an 11 year old immigrant supplied by their cartel allies. democrats view children as a product to be imported across the open border and sold to the highest bidder.

I think they want a WHITE LEADER AND COULD CARE LESS ON WHAT HE STANDS FOR OR ON. But be careful what you ask for America​

Is that why the Communists are keeping Kamala in the basement and pimping Tampon Timmy the Stolen Valor Simp as the face of the campaign? Can't have an Indian woman as the face of the Campaign.
Why? That's just a bizarre number that goes along with this whole bizarre scenario...lol... Wait until reality hits...
They are super right-wing pro-Trump and have never accidentally told the truth. Fox is not where you go for facts. You do not even understand that.
They are super right-wing pro-Trump and have never accidentally told the truth. Fox is not where you go for facts. You do not even understand that.
I didn't go to Fox... I just replied to the post.... I think it's you that doesn't understand what's going on....;)
How embarrassing is the Joe/Kam rage fest....that's the better question... So very embarrassing...
I guess they forgot to put the joy on the prompter....poor Joe...
Joe is a hero for America, he saved us. What person gives it up for the American people once he has the most powerful job in the Nation.

Kamala is so full of Job its infectious.
Joe is a hero for America, he saved us. What person gives it up for the American people once he has the most powerful job in the Nation.

Kamala is so full of Job its infectious.
That's hilarious... And I'm sure
You believe that...keep the faith...