Has trump given up?

well like I said the other day Trump doesn't look good he looks like he is going to have a heart attack or a stroke .
it does look like the stress he is under is getting to him, he has been falling in the polls and if he doesn't win he knows he could be going to jail.
Yep he look like the stress is getting to him
Have a nice day
PATRIOT TRUMP is in TOP! form.

Have a nice day.
well like I said the other day Trump doesn't look good he looks like he is going to have a heart attack or a stroke .
it does look like the stress he is under is getting to him, he has been falling in the polls and if he doesn't win he knows he could be going to jail.
Yep he look like the stress is getting to him
Have a nice day
Excellent. Couldn't happen to a worse person, because there are none.
Oh so you are his doctor ,
Nice to know
have a nice day
Nah, H10's just a lonely self-confessed substance-abusing mentally ill drunkard who is having a cyber affair with a JPP poster who he believes was actually once a real teacher. His wife, who he refers to as THE SLUT, doesn't care.
I am a Free Man....till last breath actually.

have a nice day
you might be a free man for now.
keep helping Trump to become the first KING / Dictator and you might not be for long.
wake up and look at what Trump has already said he wants to do and you would see it is almost the same as the 2025 project.
Trump has said Take their guns away, we will deal with the due process thing later.
well who says when later is ?
and does later ever come?
later is like tomorrow it never comes it is now / today never later or tomorrow.
Trump says he wants to shut down all MSM that has ever said anything against him.
So you want to help Trump take Americans CONSTITUTIONAL rights away from them, as I have asked many times before what happens when Trump is done stomping on those peoples Constitutional rights and turns and starts taking YOURS away?
as they say Freedom is not free people like me have fought for it a lot of them got hurt and some died.
and we will keep fighting people that want to take any Americans Constitutional rights away from them.
Be careful what you wish for once you get it and it turns on you and bites YOU in the ass it is way too late to turn back.
Have a nice day
In a statement, Harris-Walz 2024 spokesperson James Singer said:

“Donald Trump has not visited a swing state this week and apparently isn’t visiting any next week either. Being president is about who you fight for. Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are barnstorming swing states meeting with voters, fighting for the middle class, and earning every vote. Our campaign is centered around what unites America: opportunity, freedom, and love of country.”
but you want to send all the jobs away and replace Americans with cheaper labor.

that's how we know you're lying.
