Has trump given up?

The claim is his wheels had a hydraulic leak so he parked at a different airport. I read that he owed the airport 12 K and had no intention of paying. He also owed the city 58 K. I am sure he did not pay his past bills and just doubled it. Trump leaves a track of unpaid bills wherever he goes.
Thanks. Go figure. I saw a video the other day of the small group standing in the dirt watching as he rambled on outside the plane, on the tarmac. People were walking away in droves. He used to fill convention halls and large venues.

Could it be that we're waking up and finally coming to the end of our long national nightmare?
Thanks. Go figure. I saw a video the other day of the small group standing in the dirt watching as he rambled on outside the plane, on the tarmac. People were walking away in droves. He used to fill convention halls and large venues.

Could it be that we're waking up and finally coming to the end of our long national nightmare?
it might not matter. He has his people in election committee spots. The states he picked have changed the laws, giving new powers to the Repub election crooks. Kemp refused to give Trump the 12,000 votes because it was against that law. Now he can, and he will.
Can you imagine how much trouble the country would be in if Trump were 50 years old?
it might not matter. He has his people in election committee spots. The states he picked have changed the laws, giving new powers to the Repub election crooks. Kemp refused to give Trump the 12,000 votes because it was against that law. Now he can, and he will.
Can you imagine how much trouble the country would be in if Trump were 50 years old?
We know how trouble it's in when one party executes a coup against its own leader and then the actual party bosses decide who will run. You fuckers are whats wrong with this country.
We know how trouble it's in when one party executes a coup against its own leader and then the actual party bosses decide who will run. You fuckers are whats wrong with this country.
Are you STILL hanging around the forum dumping GOP nonsense to aggrandize yourself, tatt-boy ?

Haw, haw.......................................haw.
it might not matter. He has his people in election committee spots. The states he picked have changed the laws, giving new powers to the Repub election crooks. Kemp refused to give Trump the 12,000 votes because it was against that law. Now he can, and he will.
Can you imagine how much trouble the country would be in if Trump were 50 years old?
It doesn't bear thinking about. What if the next #TRE45ON is smarter -- and younger? The MAGAT politician pawns have set the stage for the end of democracy.

Donald Trump is banking on his stash of election denying officials, the corrupt SC and house speaker Johnson to GIVE HIM A WIN IN NOV. should be lose. Thats why this moronic simp is just saying what ever the fuck he wants, doing rallies when he feels like it and horning in on gotdamn crowd numbers that makes no sense....He's confident that the mechanism he has in place for Nov. will assure him a win. We all know the mere thought of losing to a female, let alone a black female, will in fact take this looney over the edge and he's done. The fact he lost to a old man has already made him stupid, but to a black woman??? OMG, I see a suicide watch pending....LOL​

This is another example of how hard it is to respect liberals in 2024. the democratic party and their leaders are nowhere what they were in the past

Trump pointed out something valid. Kamala Harris didn't actually campaign to run for president and has had no demands to explain her positions since being anointed. that is horrible for democracy. It can't continue.

Harris complains about which state he is visiting this week is pretty vapid in contrast - yet liberals both here - and on places like CNN will pretend she is making a good point?

Is it so much to ask that liberals show some level of common sense and fairness as this election goes along?

Kamala Harris and Democrats don't owe you, the RNC or the MSM nothing....absolutely nothing. The fact we wanted a better candidate for our party, has nothing to do with the GOP and everything to do with our party, so MIND YOUR OWN GOTDAMN BUSINESS. So take all your sleep joe t's and merch and shove it!!! LOL​

With your sig, you post that?

So, democrats and their Chinese Communist allies launched a biological attack on the world that killed vastly more people than McVeigh and 9-11 combined.

Shouldn't at the very least, Anthony Fauci be executed?
Executed? We should eb raising monument to the man. He saved millions.

And feel free to disprove any part of my signature.
So what is he up to, why is he not campaigning.
Donnie is listening to his rogue lawyers that are advising his campaign, and they have him convinced that there are Republican voting officials in enough states that are planning on refusing to certify the votes in their state on election night, and so therefore law suits will have to be filed to certify the votes, and it will all have to be settled by the Supreme Court who is already planning on selecting Donald Trump to be the president.

So Donald Trump is not worrying about who wins the majority of votes, because he is convinced the Supreme Court will choose him to be the president- NO MATTER WHAT!

It is a scary thought, but WE ALL BETTER BE TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY- given the fact that our Supreme Court is now being dominated by some ROGUE and Corrupted Justices who are in the majority.
it might not matter. He has his people in election committee spots. The states he picked have changed the laws, giving new powers to the Repub election crooks. Kemp refused to give Trump the 12,000 votes because it was against that law. Now he can, and he will.
Can you imagine how much trouble the country would be in if Trump were 50 years old?
Executed? We should eb raising monument to the man. He saved millions.
From what?
And feel free to disprove any part of my signature.
Republicans will hand a 6 year old a gun,
Responsible parents don't hand a six year old a gun (other than a play one).
send a 12 year old to work in a meatpacking plant,
What's wrong with a 12 year old working in a meatpacking plant? That used to happen. As long as he is treated like any other worker.
force a 10 year old to carry her rapist’s baby to term
Rape is exempted, dumbass.
& allow a grown man to marry an 11 year old,
You can't sign a contract (including a marriage contract) until you come of age, dumbass.
but then go on and on about how it’s the Democrats who aren’t keeping our kids safe.

DEMOCRATS want to abort (murder) kids.
DEMOCRATS want to mutilate kids as "gender choice".
DEMOCRATS want to expose kids to sexually deviant behavior as "normal".
DEMOCRATS want to prevent schools officials from carrying firearms to protect kids in school from mass shooters, usually a kid that is fucked up by "gender choice", or DEMOCRAT psychoquackery.
DEMOCRATS want to take kids away from parents, calling the government "more capable" than parents in raising their kids, purely for political reasons.
DEMOCRATS council women to not have kids.

DEMOCRATS hate kids!
