Head Stomping Rand Paul Supporter Wants Victim To Apologize To Him


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Tim Profitt with Rand Paul

Tim Profitt -- the former Rand Paul volunteer who stomped on the head of a MoveOn activist -- told told local CBS station WKYT that he wants an apology from the woman he stomped and that she started the whole thing.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal," Profitt said. "I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you."

He then blamed the forceful downward motion of his foot on the head of Valle as a function of chronic back pain, a claim he has made before:

"I put my foot on her, and I did push her down at the very end, and I told her to stay down. I actually put my foot on her to -- I couldn't bend over because I have issues with my back," Profitt said.


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
I read this. I almost posted it. But the women-beating apologists are...discouraging. I'd rather ignore it.

I think I will go over to one of my hairy fat ugly femninazi boards and vent about this though!
I think Profitt is a shithead, and I hope Valle sues his ass off. What he did was uncalled for, but the video I watched, he didn't "stomp her head" as is being claimed. His foot was on her shoulder, and he pushed downward, forcing her head into the curb, but I didn't see his foot ever touch her head. Still, he shouldn't have put his foot on her at all, there was no need to do that. The woman was on the ground in the fetal position, she was not a threat at that point. The most interesting aspect of this story is, it's the first actual video evidence of "violent acts" from the right against the left in this election cycle. For months, we've heard liberals whine and moan about "angry teabaggers" and claim all sorts of outrageous bullshit, and this is the FIRST incident they have any proof to support the assertions. Took long enough, didn't it?
I read this. I almost posted it. But the women-beating apologists are...discouraging. I'd rather ignore it.

I think I will go over to one of my hairy fat ugly femninazi boards and vent about this though!

Who here is supporting women beating? I haven't seen anyone support that guy stomping on her head. And do you believe he would not have done it if it was a guy?
Who here is supporting women beating? I haven't seen anyone support that guy stomping on her head. And do you believe he would not have done it if it was a guy?

You were at the very least minimizing it when you agreed with that Top that she "bum rushed" (Paul?) and then faked her reaction/fall.

She was pushed to the ground at minimum, and it looked rough enough to qualify as being thrown to the ground.

What occurred afterwards was a videotaped felony assault, and should be prosecuted as one. That guy stomped her neck, and had to be prevented from doing it again. Do you have any idea how easy it is to break someone's neck in that position?

And the entitlement that is smirking off of these thugs, and their defenders! She was already restrained? Excuse me??

Who the hell are you people (not you personally Cawacko, but you are the one who asked, sorry) that you believe you are now running an authoritarian state and a citizen can't protest a public official? Are you out of your minds?

I think you're the one who said the police were about to arrest her.

Are you crazy?

Arrest her for what?

How easily we see our freedoms slipping away as the citizens cheer.
Who the hell are you people (not you personally Cawacko, but you are the one who asked, sorry) that you believe you are now running an authoritarian state and a citizen can't protest a public official? Are you out of your minds?

Excuse me, I only saw ONE guy stomp on her. Did you see MORE than that?

And protest is fine, bum rushing a candidate is reckless endangerment. We simply can't allow protesters (of ANY group right or left) to run up to candidates when they are entering and exiting buildings... sorry, but if you don't understand why, maybe you should watch the video of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, and Reagan's attempted assassination again?

This is not "defending" the idiot who stomped on the woman, that was uncalled for, and not excusable under ANY circumstance. Once she was on the ground and subdued, she posed no threat to Paul or anyone else, and the authorities should have intervened... speaking of the authorities... where WERE the Lexington police???
You were at the very least minimizing it when you agreed with that Top that she "bum rushed" (Paul?) and then faked her reaction/fall.

She was pushed to the ground at minimum, and it looked rough enough to qualify as being thrown to the ground.

What occurred afterwards was a videotaped felony assault, and should be prosecuted as one. That guy stomped her neck, and had to be prevented from doing it again. Do you have any idea how easy it is to break someone's neck in that position?

And the entitlement that is smirking off of these thugs, and their defenders! She was already restrained? Excuse me??

Who the hell are you people (not you personally Cawacko, but you are the one who asked, sorry) that you believe you are now running an authoritarian state and a citizen can't protest a public official? Are you out of your minds?

I think you're the one who said the police were about to arrest her.

Are you crazy?

Arrest her for what?

How easily we see our freedoms slipping away as the citizens cheer.

I didn't say anything about the police were going to arrest her. All I said was we have no idea what security might do if we rush a politician.
Excuse me, I only saw ONE guy stomp on her. Did you see MORE than that?

And protest is fine, bum rushing a candidate is reckless endangerment. We simply can't allow protesters (of ANY group right or left) to run up to candidates when they are entering and exiting buildings... sorry, but if you don't understand why, maybe you should watch the video of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, and Reagan's attempted assassination again?

This is not "defending" the idiot who stomped on the woman, that was uncalled for, and not excusable under ANY circumstance. Once she was on the ground and subdued, she posed no threat to Paul or anyone else, and the authorities should have intervened... speaking of the authorities... where WERE the Lexington police???

There were a group of men shoving her, pushing her down, and that is how she ended up on the ground in the first place. What are you blind?

There is no videotape of her "bum rushing" anyone. That is something completely invented by the right wing which all of you are now parroting like good little lemmings.

"To run full speed into somebody and body slam them into a brick wall, chain link fence, or similar immovable object. "

There is NO evidence she was doing any such thing.

No private citizen has any right to make a judgment that they are going to throw someone to the ground, or in any way physically prevent someone from perfectly legal protest.

There was zero cause for the police to intervene and prevent a citizen from dissent. Only right wing parrots with entitlement complexes claim that there was.

How un-American.

I am not surprised.
You were at the very least minimizing it when you agreed with that Top that she "bum rushed" (Paul?) and then faked her reaction/fall.

She was pushed to the ground at minimum, and it looked rough enough to qualify as being thrown to the ground.

What occurred afterwards was a videotaped felony assault, and should be prosecuted as one. That guy stomped her neck, and had to be prevented from doing it again. Do you have any idea how easy it is to break someone's neck in that position?

And the entitlement that is smirking off of these thugs, and their defenders! She was already restrained? Excuse me??

Who the hell are you people (not you personally Cawacko, but you are the one who asked, sorry) that you believe you are now running an authoritarian state and a citizen can't protest a public official? Are you out of your minds?

I think you're the one who said the police were about to arrest her.

Are you crazy?

Arrest her for what?

How easily we see our freedoms slipping away as the citizens cheer.
The women tried to shove her sign through the window of Rands car, into the face of the person in the passenger seat.....bad move....

in spite of that, Dixie is right...her treatment (after she was stopped) was uncalled for....

That guy deserves EXACTLY the same treatment as the SEIU Thugs that Beat Up the Town Hall Protester last year.....what was that anyway?
There were a group of men shoving her, pushing her down, and that is how she ended up on the ground in the first place. What are you blind?

There is no videotape of her "bum rushing" anyone. That is something completely invented by the right wing which all of you are now parroting like good little lemmings.

"To run full speed into somebody and body slam them into a brick wall, chain link fence, or similar immovable object. "

There is NO evidence she was doing any such thing.

No private citizen has any right to make a judgment that they are going to throw someone to the ground, or in any way physically prevent someone from perfectly legal protest.

There was zero cause for the police to intervene and prevent a citizen from dissent. Only right wing parrots with entitlement complexes claim that there was.

How un-American.

I am not surprised.

Why are we not allowed anywhere near the President? Why are streets and cities and airports shut down for miles and hours for the President?
Why are we not allowed anywhere near the President? Why are streets and cities and airports shut down for miles and hours for the President?

Are you actually attempting to make the argument that protest should be illegal in this country?

State your case.
Are you actually attempting to make the argument that protest should be illegal in this country?

State your case.

No. I'm asking since protests are legal in this country why do they shut down miles of cities and even airports when Presidents are in town to prevent people from getting close to them?

The obvious answer is safety but at what point does our right to protest come in?
Are you actually attempting to make the argument that protest should be illegal in this country?

State your case.
Don't be melodramatic.....you just can't be allowed to shove anything through the windows of passing cars, especially if they carry politicians....it could have been a grenade instead of an sign....
false outrage, she was a hired protest who falls better than soccor players trying to draw a red card or should I say flops better than Dirk Nowitski.
The women tried to shove her sign through the window of Rands car, into the face of the person in the passenger seat.....bad move....

in spite of that, Dixie is right...her treatment (after she was stopped) was uncalled for....

That guy deserves EXACTLY the same treatment as the SEIU Thugs that Beat Up the Town Hall Protester last year.....what was that anyway?

i don't believe anything happened....its the old double standard