Head Stomping Rand Paul Supporter Wants Victim To Apologize To Him

What could he possibly want an apology for? How does this logic go through your head?
The potential for serious foot injury is high while neck stomping, I heard he had to have a foot massage directly afterward for which he had to do the dishes that night. The dishes!
Who here is supporting women beating? I haven't seen anyone support that guy stomping on her head. And do you believe he would not have done it if it was a guy?
The fact that he knew it was a woman and she was handled in this fashion is disgusting and there are people who claim that the stomping was exaggerated! if you can believe that! If he did it to a guy would not make it any better, but the fact that it was a woman and there were three to four of them on her, pulling and pushing and shoving her to the ground when she posed no kind of physical threat to Rand is what really bothers me! The fact that these people so readily resort to violence with no real signs of threat to Rand! It is getting ridiculous! Her shirt is what incited them!
I didn't say anything about the police were going to arrest her. All I said was we have no idea what security might do if we rush a politician.
Security? he was the county organizer for the Rand Paul campiagn, did he have security authorization, a license to handle people in this fashion? was he security? where was the real security, they are trained in how to react to these situations!
The women tried to shove her sign through the window of Rands car, into the face of the person in the passenger seat.....bad move....

in spite of that, Dixie is right...her treatment (after she was stopped) was uncalled for....

That guy deserves EXACTLY the same treatment as the SEIU Thugs that Beat Up the Town Hall Protester last year.....what was that anyway?

Did you ever even watch that video?

The guy you see on the ground is the SEIU guy.
I think Profitt is a shithead, and I hope Valle sues his ass off. What he did was uncalled for, but the video I watched, he didn't "stomp her head" as is being claimed. His foot was on her shoulder, and he pushed downward, forcing her head into the curb, but I didn't see his foot ever touch her head. Still, he shouldn't have put his foot on her at all, there was no need to do that. The woman was on the ground in the fetal position, she was not a threat at that point. The most interesting aspect of this story is, it's the first actual video evidence of "violent acts" from the right against the left in this election cycle. For months, we've heard liberals whine and moan about "angry teabaggers" and claim all sorts of outrageous bullshit, and this is the FIRST incident they have any proof to support the assertions. Took long enough, didn't it?
Definition of stomp from a wiki and referring to sports
A stomp (also referred to as a stamp) is a downwards strike with the heel of the foot from the stand-up position, and is usually directed at the head or body of a downed opponent. A stomp similar to an axe kick is referred to as an axe stomp, while a particularly powerful jumping stomp with both heels is called a bronco kick, and a stomp from the clinch directed at the opponent's foot is called a foot stomp. Stomping is a disallowed practice in most combat sports.

It was a stomp, you can't paint it any differently than what it is, trying to redefine it is a form of support in my opinion. It is what it is! A stomp! No, it isn't the first it is just the most blatant caught on film! Their racial slurs at the Congress people was their first act of violence!
Excuse me, I only saw ONE guy stomp on her. Did you see MORE than that?

And protest is fine, bum rushing a candidate is reckless endangerment. We simply can't allow protesters (of ANY group right or left) to run up to candidates when they are entering and exiting buildings... sorry, but if you don't understand why, maybe you should watch the video of Bobby Kennedy's assassination, and Reagan's attempted assassination again?

This is not "defending" the idiot who stomped on the woman, that was uncalled for, and not excusable under ANY circumstance. Once she was on the ground and subdued, she posed no threat to Paul or anyone else, and the authorities should have intervened... speaking of the authorities... where WERE the Lexington police???
One guys STOMPED the others were pushing her to the ground!
You never fail to display your ignorance in fine fashion!

Boy truer words...

Four years of hard tutoring work with this idiot, and he still can't spell soccer.

Of course, this is the first I knew of his being a woman-beater apologist. Boy some true colors have come out on this board between the rape case and this huh?

Tim Profitt with Rand Paul

Tim Profitt -- the former Rand Paul volunteer who stomped on the head of a MoveOn activist -- told told local CBS station WKYT that he wants an apology from the woman he stomped and that she started the whole thing.

"I don't think it's that big of a deal," Profitt said. "I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you."

He then blamed the forceful downward motion of his foot on the head of Valle as a function of chronic back pain, a claim he has made before:

"I put my foot on her, and I did push her down at the very end, and I told her to stay down. I actually put my foot on her to -- I couldn't bend over because I have issues with my back," Profitt said.


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

I'm so disgusted with this @#$%& that I don't have the words to respond.
I'm so disgusted with this @#$%& that I don't have the words to respond.
I know, I went off on a very good friend last night because the poor kid made a comment about this which I thought was in appropriate! I uninvited him to dinner tonight! Told him needs to think about what he feels! I can't feel sorry for him, he knows my passion.
The fact that he knew it was a woman and she was handled in this fashion is disgusting and there are people who claim that the stomping was exaggerated! if you can believe that! If he did it to a guy would not make it any better, but the fact that it was a woman and there were three to four of them on her, pulling and pushing and shoving her to the ground when she posed no kind of physical threat to Rand is what really bothers me! The fact that these people so readily resort to violence with no real signs of threat to Rand! It is getting ridiculous! Her shirt is what incited them!

When Rand's car first approached she went up to it and tried to jam her sign at him through the window. Now a sign itself is not going to injure someone but at the time you don't know if she has something else on her. And as far as the right to protest you see in the video lots of people with Rand Paul signs. She had every right as them to stand there with her Republicorp sign. Yet why did she approach the car and attempt to shove the sign onto him? Obviously because she was there to instigate. That's what this woman does.

As I said numerous times she still should not have been stomped on and I hope that guy is punished by the law. This woman knew what she was doing and ultimately got the attention she wanted.
Definition of stomp from a wiki and referring to sports
A stomp (also referred to as a stamp) is a downwards strike with the heel of the foot from the stand-up position, and is usually directed at the head or body of a downed opponent. A stomp similar to an axe kick is referred to as an axe stomp, while a particularly powerful jumping stomp with both heels is called a bronco kick, and a stomp from the clinch directed at the opponent's foot is called a foot stomp. Stomping is a disallowed practice in most combat sports.

It was a stomp, you can't paint it any differently than what it is, trying to redefine it is a form of support in my opinion. It is what it is! A stomp! No, it isn't the first it is just the most blatant caught on film! Their racial slurs at the Congress people was their first act of violence!

After further review, there was no downward strike, the foot was already in contact with the protester when downward force was applied. It was not a "stomp" ...Rana is charged with a time out.

As bad as this looks, and as bad as this is, it wouldn't change my mind on who to vote for in this race.
What if Rand himself had done the curb-stomping? I mean, she could have hurt his foot!


Well,,,,,, Unless he was defending himself, I'd be shocked if he would have been the one who did this.

Being honest, I'd be shocked if Barny's Frank did something like this.
And the Pope should not apologize for the actions of his priest is the same lame line of thinking!
Whatever happened to conservative responsibility for the actions of your followers? This stomper was in charge of Rand's campaign that county, he just wasn't "some volunteer" and trying to downplay this is any way is the same as condoning it in my books! Just give them a pass to beat up women! or anyone you don't agree with, just walk up and sucker punch them!
Whatever happened to conservative responsibility for the actions of your followers? This stomper was in charge of Rand's campaign that county, he just wasn't "some volunteer" and trying to downplay this is any way is the same as condoning it in my books! Just give them a pass to beat up women! or anyone you don't agree with, just walk up and sucker punch them!

The accountability is the guy got let go from the campaign and is going to face charges. Besides the fact that I know you would like Rand Paul to drop out of the race do you believe he should drop out of the race for this?

And as I wrote in a post above this woman was looking for attention and she got it. She's probably thrilled right now.
And the Pope should not apologize for the actions of his priest is the same lame line of thinking!
The analogy fails. A supporter is not the same thing as an employee acting in the name of Christ. Any number of people who may vote for me may do outrageous stuff I would not personally support. We're a nation of individuals, not some conglomeration of serfs beholden to our Lord who is responsible for our actions.