Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)


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Are Heaven and Hell actual places that people go when they die, or do they metaphorically describe states of the soul?
I like talking about the Mormon (LDS) vision of Heaven. I find it somewhat humorous and, as an atheist, I don't have to be totally reverent to obscure the [sillier] aspects.

Mormons think Heaven is a place that is infinitely huge. This means that when you eventually get there, there isn't any real chance that you're going to be able to find anyone that you know. So Mormons have this ritual called a "sealing" that magically binds family members with an invisible, magical epoxy (like holy Mormon Gorilla Glue) so that the entire family will be together, and waterproof, in heaven. Families that are not "sealed" won't be together. Families that are sealed who have an insufferable member who was kicked out of the family because nobody wishes to ever see him again, have to suffer him for eternity because there is no way to get anyone's "sealing" annulled.

Sealing's are only for families. Bride-Groom couples can get a sealing for their "family" upon marriage, and all children born into the "sealing" are automatically "sealed" at birth. However Mormons who might be expecting to look up their best friends in Heaven are shit out of luck. There's no way to "seal" friends.

Just when you thought that only the Catholic church would come up with a concept like "indulgences," LDS tells its congregation that deceased family members who never got in on a sealing are floating around lost in heaven, alone and afraid ... but that living family members can act as a "proxy" in a "proxy sealing" that effectively sends a telegram to the deceased family member that extends a final offer to get in on a sealing and rejoin the family.

So the Mormon view of Heaven is an infinitely expansive place with sealed clumps of families and lone individuals floating around without anyone else in sight. Weird.


I like talking about the Mormon (LDS) vision of Heaven. I find it somewhat humorous and, as an atheist, I don't have to be totally reverent to obscure the [sillier] aspects.

Mormons think Heaven is a place that is infinitely huge. This means that when you eventually get there, there isn't any real chance that you're going to be able to find anyone that you know. So Mormons have this ritual called a "sealing" that magically binds family members with an invisible, magical epoxy (like holy Mormon Gorilla Glue) so that the entire family will be together, and waterproof, in heaven. Families that are not "sealed" won't be together. Families that are sealed who have an insufferable member who was kicked out of the family because nobody wishes to ever see him again, have to suffer him for eternity because there is no way to get anyone's "sealing" annulled.

Sealing's are only for families. Bride-Groom couples can get a sealing for their "family" upon marriage, and all children born into the "sealing" are automatically "sealed" at birth. However Mormons who might be expecting to look up their best friends in Heaven are shit out of luck. There's no way to "seal" friends.

Just when you thought that only the Catholic church would come up with a concept like "indulgences," LDS tells its congregation that deceased family members who never got in on a sealing are floating around lost in heaven, alone and afraid ... but that living family members can act as a "proxy" in a "proxy sealing" that effectively sends a telegram to the deceased family member that extends a final offer to get in on a sealing and rejoin the family.

So the Mormon view of Heaven is an infinitely expansive place with sealed clumps of families and lone individuals floating around without anyone else in sight. Weird.


I hate when atheists feel the need to comment on any religion. You claim there is no God,that the universe was just an accident of cells coming together and evolving,without a intelligent designer.
Fine go with that.
I hate when atheists feel the need to comment on any religion. You claim there is no God,that the universe was just an accident of cells coming together and evolving,without a intelligent designer.
Fine go with that.

Speaking as another atheist I think it is not uncommon to want to talk about theology. I try to be a bit respectful given that it is someone else's firmly held belief. I came from a youth as a believing Christian so I was trained up with the concept of heaven 'n' hell and it didn't sit well with me, even as a believer. It feels like the concept of "hell" is theologically problematic for the type of God we are told in the New Testament loves all people.

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.
Speaking as another atheist I think it is not uncommon to want to talk about theology. I try to be a bit respectful given that it is someone else's firmly held belief. I came from a youth as a believing Christian so I was trained up with the concept of heaven 'n' hell and it didn't sit well with me, even as a believer. It feels like the concept of "hell" is theologically problematic for the type of God we are told in the New Testament loves all people.

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.

Auschwitz could only exist in Hell!
I doubt you ever were a believer! More of an assumer!
Organized Religion has a way of scaring off people who don't quite see the light ,they see it through a prism at best.
Speaking as another atheist I think it is not uncommon to want to talk about theology. I try to be a bit respectful given that it is someone else's firmly held belief. I came from a youth as a believing Christian so I was trained up with the concept of heaven 'n' hell and it didn't sit well with me, even as a believer. It feels like the concept of "hell" is theologically problematic for the type of God we are told in the New Testament loves all people.

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.

I say this with nothing but good intentions..............the Truth is that WE have ALL the cards. Actually I should say CARD as one is all that is needed. I truly believe that if a person honestly repents and accepts Jesus as his or her savior than you are indeed SAVED. Doesnt mean a person can continue going around sinning at will doing anything you want to though. And THEY WONT if they are truly saved and repented with an honest and well meaning heart. We all sin and make tons of mistakes until the day we die. The difference is when we do slip up we will KNOW we did wrong and pray for forgiveness and the wisdom to do better. The unsaved go thru life without that important component. Its all about intentions,...are they good or are they something never even considered.
When we read the Bible we should read it for what it is,...almost with the mind of a child imo. I also think we should pray for understanding before we read. Our human minds will almost change the words that are actually written right in front of us if we dont and turn the words into other meanings! There are multiple examples of this. Just to name a few...........

A lot of people believe that one of the 10 commandments says " thou shalt not kill" WRONG. The Bible says thou shalt not MURDER. BIG difference.

People also think the Bible says that God created Adam in HIS own image. WRONG. The Bible actually says Adam was created in "OUR" own image.

In Revelation people believe that a mark will be placed on someones right hand or forehead. WRONG. The Bible actually says the mark will be placed IN the right hand or forehead. Very interesting considering the times we are living in. People NEED to know the difference.

Hosea 4:6 KJV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Speaking as another atheist I think it is not uncommon to want to talk about theology. I try to be a bit respectful given that it is someone else's firmly held belief. I came from a youth as a believing Christian so I was trained up with the concept of heaven 'n' hell and it didn't sit well with me, even as a believer. It feels like the concept of "hell" is theologically problematic for the type of God we are told in the New Testament loves all people.

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.

God does hold all the cards but doesnt make all the decisions. Hell is a choice. Your choice. No one else's.
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?

No, actually I haven't noticed that at all. But then I don't go around with a giant chip on my shoulder about my chosen path, either. I also don't flare into rage whenever someone points out that a particular person (usually some public figure) who claims to be Christian isn't acting very Christ-like, and accuse that someone of "hating Christians."
No, actually I haven't noticed that at all. But then I don't go around with a giant chip on my shoulder about my chosen path, either. I also don't flare into rage whenever someone points out that a particular person (usually some public figure) who claims to be Christian isn't acting very Christ-like, and accuse that someone of "hating Christians."

Like I said...
I hate when atheists feel the need to comment on any religion. You claim there is no God,that the universe was just an accident of cells coming together and evolving,without a intelligent designer.
Fine go with that.

No aethist believes that the universe was created by an accident of cells coming together.

I guess God gave you a brain so he could guarantee you would never use it.
When we read the Bible we should read it for what it is,...almost with the mind of a child imo. I also think we should pray for understanding before we read. Our human minds will almost change the words that are actually written right in front of us if we dont and turn the words into other meanings! There are multiple examples of this. Just to name a few...........

A lot of people believe that one of the 10 commandments says " thou shalt not kill" WRONG. The Bible says thou shalt not MURDER. BIG difference.

People also think the Bible says that God created Adam in HIS own image. WRONG. The Bible actually says Adam was created in "OUR" own image.

In Revelation people believe that a mark will be placed on someones right hand or forehead. WRONG. The Bible actually says the mark will be placed IN the right hand or forehead. Very interesting considering the times we are living in. People NEED to know the difference.

Hosea 4:6 KJV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
The King James translated it as “kill”. I haven’t opened a newer version, my version says “kill”.

This is the problem with many terms in the Bible, there’s a lot of errors in translation.