Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

You and other lip-service Christians have ridiculed Jade, who is both a Christian and acts like it.

Anyone who supports a violent, lying, draft-dodging, adulterous pedophile like Donald J. Trump and claims to be a Christian is not walking the path of Jesus.

:hand: :hand: :hand:
No aethist believes that the universe was created by an accident of cells coming together.

I guess God gave you a brain so he could guarantee you would never use it.

Ok if it wasn't created by "an accident of cells coming together", which i have heard atheists say btw, and it wasn't a created by a creator, was it just "nature"? I've heard that from atheists too.
I have a feeling that you, Minty, and RB use "mongrel" differently. The former two use it to disparage a person of mixed race. I haven't seen you use the term, but I'm guessing that to you it means mixed nationalities, like a person of Italian, Polish, and Korean heritage.

Agreed. "Mongrel" is a crude term for the racist term miscegenation.
You're getting too deep with this, Stoner.

Stick with the "fallen angels."

You brought down the room with that one.:laugh:

Nothing deep about it at all. In fact its pretty easy. Regarding my fallen angels comments..........Does the Bible not talk about them? Yes..it does. Does it not say that they had sex with Human women and produced offspring? Yes,..it does. I posted nothing in those statements that is not found in the Bible. Those posts werent something I just dreamed up out of thin air. They were taken straight from the bible. You are mocking the wrong person as I did not write the Bible. You might mock the Bible for what it says but IMO that would be very unwise. Mocking ME for believing in something has ZERO effect on me , its not like you or anyone else could possibly ever get me to change my mind. The only person your mockery could ever have an effect on is YOU. Again,..an unwise choice IMO but in the end the choice is yours to make.
The King James translated it as “kill”. I haven’t opened a newer version, my version says “kill”.

This is the problem with many terms in the Bible, there’s a lot of errors in translation.


Matthew 19:18 Context

15And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence. 16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 18He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 19Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 20The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? 21Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
Nothing deep about it at all. In fact its pretty easy. Regarding my fallen angels comments..........Does the Bible not talk about them? Yes..it does. Does it not say that they had sex with Human women and produced offspring? Yes,..it does. I posted nothing in those statements that is not found in the Bible. Those posts werent something I just dreamed up out of thin air. They were taken straight from the bible. You are mocking the wrong person as I did not write the Bible. You might mock the Bible for what it says but IMO that would be very unwise. Mocking ME for believing in something has ZERO effect on me , its not like you or anyone else could possibly ever get me to change my mind. The only person your mockery could ever have an effect on is YOU. Again,..an unwise choice IMO but in the end the choice is yours to make.
An admitted adulterer and Trump-supporting white supremacist preaching the Bible is expected from a known liar and oath-breaking traitor.
.......Does the Bible not talk about them? Yes..it does.

If you say so, Stoner, I will take your word for it.

Now the next issue is....

show me why the Bible is a more valid source
than, say, for example,
a Mickey Spillane Mike Hammer novel.

That's a rhetorical question disguised as a request, actually.
Don't spend the weekend drafting an explanation, please.
If you say so, Stoner, I will take your word for it.

Now the next issue is....

show me why the Bible is a more valid source
than, say, for example,
a Mickey Spillane Mike Hammer novel.

That's a rhetorical question disguised as a request, actually.
Don't spend the weekend drafting an explanation, please.

I wont be able to. If you do not know after 80 years of life ,then sadly you likely wont ever know until it is too late. I DO hope you prove me wrong on that though.
"Faith Journey."

Is that actually a thing?

Does one partake in a pilgrimage to enhance one's faith in something or other?

Considering the expense of travelling,

my own pilgrimages were all designed to have a few laughs.

If anything, I lost my faith in roulette

and concentrated on the sports book instead.

I was usually too well oiled to be trying to count cards at blackjack.
And then there are the deliberate distortions concocted to create wiggle room, like "murder" vs "kill." :rolleyes:

It's not a deliberate distortion. It's a common discussion point.

According to Strong's Concordance the original hebrew is רָצַח, "kill (a human being), especially to murder".

The reason this point is important is that it allows the differentiation between say killing a housefly and the murder of an innocent.

I don't know if anyone ever read it to be like Jainism where you kill absolutely nothing whatsoever. In this case it appears to be a bar against murder as opposed to just any killing.

It is a further irony that in the OT killing was not uncommon for the ancient Israelites, especially after this in Joshua as God helped them slaughter countless people. I still struggle with 1 Sam 15:3 where God commands a genocide (via his prophet, Samuel) and when said genocide is not carried out God turns himself away from Saul as punishment. But that's a whole 'nother area of discussion.
Ok if it wasn't created by "an accident of cells coming together", which i have heard atheists say btw, and it wasn't a created by a creator, was it just "nature"? I've heard that from atheists too.

What atheist has said that the universe was created by an accident of cells coming together?

I won't hold my breath while you find a link to an atheist saying that.