Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

Has your caretaker changed your diaper yet? You are spewing shit all over this forum.
No need, dumbass. You're the one who loves to spread shit, Arbie. You, like TOP, came after me when I first arrived. I fought back and you, being the spineless little twerp you are, twisted my words and followed me around the forum for weeks with the same type of bullshit you are posting now.

You're only a few years younger than me, Arbie. Have you ever accepted responsibility for your own actions, or have you always blamed someone else as you so often do on JPP?
No need, dumbass. You're the one who loves to spread shit, Arbie. You, like TOP, came after me when I first arrived. I fought back and you, being the spineless little twerp you are, twisted my words and followed me around the forum for weeks with the same type of bullshit you are posting now.

You're only a few years younger than me, Arbie. Have you ever accepted responsibility for your own actions, or have you always blamed someone else as you so often do on JPP?

You lying coward. You came after me, you sick and twisted pervert. Lie all you want, it makes no difference to me. You are what you are, a fat, bedridden degenerate looking for attention.
You lying coward. You came after me, you sick and twisted pervert. Lie all you want, it makes no difference to me. You are what you are, a fat, bedridden degenerate looking for attention.
Arbie always overreacts like a schoolgirl PMSing for the first time.

Take a Midol, dear. You'll feel better. :thup:
What does that have to do with the discussion of the Bible? This is a THEOLOGY discussion...not a Popularity Contest. Why can't you have a philosophical/theological discussion without getting so bent whenever someone so much as questions the Bible?

Not interested in a 'philosophical' discussion with a known liar and sock puppet

You can keep hollering ad nauseam about how the Hebrew prophet Samuel makes Christianity look like a terrible and barbaric religion. You obviously have an agenda.

Einstein said militant atheists, were usually people who had a bad experience with their church, became alienated ànd are looking to press their lingering grievances

[spam deleted]

The Following User Says Thank You to Cypress For This Post:
ThatOwlWoman (Today)

I'd just like to point out that ThatOwlCoward and Terry have gotten into the habit of thanking Cypress for posting spam and denial-of-service attacks.

Has anyone noticed that leftists are exactly what they project onto Trump?

I'd just like to point out

Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
The Nazis were also socialists.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism
No doubt Truth hurts you, son, but it doesn't hurt me. Truth is truth. It's reality. Learn to deal with it, Arbie.

I have yet to hear truth from you. You live here all day, every day lying and being obsessed with killing Americans and sucking cock.
That is reality, coward. Unfortunately, this forum has to deal with it, probably because you've been banned from most other forums.

Not interested in a 'philosophical' discussion with a known liar and sock puppet
Translation: "You know what you're talking about and I don't, and Quora is insufficient for me to hang with you. There ain't no way I'm going to humiliate myself by allowing you to trounce me. I'm outta here."

You can keep hollering ad nauseam about how the Hebrew prophet Samuel makes Christianity look like a terrible and barbaric religion. You obviously have an agenda.
Translation: "My excuse for saving face as I flee to the hills with my tail between my legs is that you have a point of view."

Einstein said militant atheists, were usually people who had a bad experience with their church, became alienated ànd are looking to press their lingering grievances
Einstein never said this. This is what happens when you pull arbitrary quips out of your 5-second Google search on a topic about which you know nothing. Often you regurgitate someone's absurdly stupid comment without realizing that it is absurdly stupid and absolutely not true. You have no way of knowing the difference ... so these types of errors happen quite frequently in your posts.

Man, are they funny!

Cupressus won this round. You blew chunks. Get cleaned up and get ready for the next round. I suggest pulling out of Terry's ass first.

I have yet to hear truth from you. You live here all day, every day lying and being obsessed with killing Americans and sucking cock.
That is reality, coward. Unfortunately, this forum has to deal with it, probably because you've been banned from most other forums.
You've got it bad, son.

You've got it bad, son.

At least I have something. You have nothing or no one, except for your lies and fantasy life. I should feel sorry for you...but I don't.

Doc Dutch
Join Date
Mar 2020

That is not what atheism is. Atheism literally means no theism. It neither denies nor acknowledges the existence of any god or gods.

Atheism isn't a religion.

Those are religions.

Actually you're wrong. Atheism vehemently denies the possibility of there being a God and a creation and they will proseletyze you until the ends of the earth to

get you to change your ways to seeing it their way, or else you're stupid.

Agnostics just say they don't know and are 1000% less annoying than Atheists and Jehovah's Witnesses.

Agnostics don't try to push anything on you or be always trying to prove their point and be judgemental, Atheists do.

A little story. I was in a group of about 100 people, worldwide. Now, the focus of the group was nothing about religion at all. However there was this one guy that had to

just always had to keep bringing the Atheism up. He just could not stop.

They kicked him out. I can still go back there to this day, but he's long gone. I believe in God, but I'm not trying to push it onto anybody.

By the same token, I don't need anybody ridiculing me for my beliefs or trying to push theirs onto me.

Atheists always do that, always. That may sound absolute, but I haven't seen a time where they didn't.

Owl Woman does it, "Doris" does it. Yeah. Probably Cypress and Dutch too.

I was around 20 something Agnostic people, they were nice people, no talk of religion happened at all. Wait, a little bit did, but it was nothing major to distract from a

human sense of camaraderie and togetherness.
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At least I have something. You have nothing or no one, except for your lies and fantasy life. I should feel sorry for you...but I don't.

Doc Dutch
Join Date
Mar 2020

Probably because he's such a cretin.
At least I have something. You have nothing or no one, except for your lies and fantasy life. I should feel sorry for you...but I don't.

Doc Dutch
Join Date
Mar 2020
If you want to cling to being obsessed with me as having "something", sure, go for it, son. God bless America and our Constitution.

Ask your socks, such as Stringfellow Hawk, about my count. Like Sybil, you can have a conversation with yourself. :rofl2:

Ask Matt and his sock Wolverine the same question. You two belong together. :thup:
Probably because he's such a cretin.

Thanks for proving, once again, Arbie, that you are not a Christian except by claim only.

Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?
Not interested in a 'philosophical' discussion with a known liar and sock puppet

and someone who clearly knows more about this topic than you do. Got it.

You can keep hollering ad nauseam about how the Hebrew prophet Samuel makes Christianity look like a terrible and barbaric religion. You obviously have an agenda.

And you can't debate topics.

Einstein said militant atheists, were usually people who had a bad experience with their church, became alienated ànd are looking to press their lingering grievances

You post like a holy roller.