Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

Einstein wasn't a practicing Jew and thought the conventional monotheistic religions were superstitious. But he is admirable in that he wasn't militant about it, and did not spend his time searching the Old Testament for random quotes in a quest to prove Christianity was barbaric.

It would more interesting if you actually understood Christianity and its history.
Unless they're very committed to fucking with us.
There have to be at least a few like that, no?

Yes, but isn't that indicative of the type of person they are? Cruel, mean, angry people spreading hate while venting their spleen regardless of the harm it does to others?

Consider ExpressLane, a self-proclaimed medical doctor, who spurned masks and vaccinations while not only supporting an anti-CDC stance, but prescribing HCQ and Ivermectin as COVID cures. Not once but continuously. Does it matter if he truly believes it or if he's just a sadist seeking to get people killed when the results are the same?
The real question is this:

With my obvious contempt for the internet,
which is palpable,
why do I spend so much time here?

I don't have a precise answer,
but I assume it's some combination of boredom and senility.:thinking:
Those are valid reasons.

It also depends upon what you are doing while online. If you are in a darkened backroom posting and waiting for replies and that makes you happy, fine. If you are in your living room, laying back in a recliner watching the news, movies, etc. making moves on a tablet video game and posting on your laptop, that's fine too.
Yes, but isn't that indicative of the type of person they are? Cruel, mean, angry people spreading hate while venting their spleen regardless of the harm it does to others?

Consider ExpressLane, a self-proclaimed medical doctor, who spurned masks and vaccinations while not only supporting an anti-CDC stance, but prescribing HCQ and Ivermectin as COVID cures. Not once but continuously. Does it matter if he truly believes it or if he's just a sadist seeking to get people killed when the results are the same?

That's one potentially valid perspective, I will agree.

However, made up internet characters
could very well assume that they're fucking with other made-up internet characters.

If one regards one's own posts as playful bullshit,
one may assume, correctly or incorrectly, that everybody else does as well.

Sometimes jawing back and forth with others
in a harmless setting like this forum
is more fun than just playing Microsoft Solitaire.

Then again, I confess that not everybody holds the internet
in the same dismissive contempt that I do.

I lived a long time before it even existed,
and I sometimes like to try to convince myself
that it's just a fad!:laugh:
Chukka chukka chukka chukka...HELICOPTER STEVE!
LOL I love it when you prove me correct by acting like the mentally challenged man-child I know you to be, Perry.


That fact you keep making the same erroneous assumptions is proof.
Here's my opinion: you are on the fence about whether God exists or not but you were raised in the Church so you can't really let go of the God Thought. So you go with "agnostic" because that sounds cool and it "fits" your belief that God might not exist but you don't know and you are afraid of offending God so you go with "agnostic" hoping that God will be "OK" with that in case he exists.

There's literally nothing else on earth that you apply that sort of thinking to. If someone told you there was an invisible 1" tall elephant in your fridge you wouldn't shrug your shoulders and say "I guess we'll never know!"

I don't neccesarily like labels, and I don't play on teams when it comes to religion.

You can literally investigate if there is a pink polka dotted unicorn in the kitchen.

We don't have any answers and no tools to investigate what caused the big bang, what is the meaning of creation, why the universe is ordered on a presice mathmatical scaffolding, or what the origin of the physical laws were. Did it all happen literally for no reason at all? Or is there a deeper organizing principle we don't scientifically percieve.

Humility and the admission of ignorance is the best approach in the face the absence of knowledge.
I don't neccesarily like labels, and I don't play on teams when it comes to religion.

You can literally investigate if there is a pink polka dotted unicorn in the kitchen.

We don't have any answers and no tools to investigate what caused the big bang, what is the meaning of creation, why the universe is ordered on a presice mathmatical scaffolding. Did it all happen literally for no reason at all? Or is there a deeper organizing principle we don't scientifically percieve.

Humility and the admission of ignorance is the best approach in the face the absence of knowledge.

We can also investigate the existence of God.

And we have.

Anything that has a relationship with the physical world can be investigated. If God is real but has NO RELATIONSHIP with the physical world then it doesn't matter if he's real or not.
That's one potentially valid perspective, I will agree.

However, made up internet characters
could very well assume that they're fucking with other made-up internet characters.

If one regards one's own posts as playful bullshit,
one may assume, correctly or incorrectly, that everybody else does as well.

Sometimes jawing back and forth with others
in a harmless setting like this forum
is more fun than just playing Microsoft Solitaire.

Then again, I confess that not everybody holds the internet
in the same dismissive contempt that I do.

I lived a long time before it even existed,
and I sometimes like to try to convince myself
that it's just a fad!:laugh:
Which indicates they are idiots. That, too, is often borne out over multiple posts. Let's be honest, most Trumpers on JPP aren't rocket scientists, deep thinkers or very well educated. If they are, then they are sinking into cognitive disorders such as dementia or suffering from some other mental condition. Regardless, it's part of who they are.

Playful or not, their personality comes out in their behavior. Do they admit mistakes or are they never wrong? Do they gloat? Are they sore losers? Do they answer questions with questions? Do they tell jokes? Are they ever self-deprecating or do they always demean others?

Jawing is fine but if they are always antagonistic and/or angrily attacking anyone who disagrees with them, that's a behavioral pattern.

More mockery of the disabled.

Thanks Trump.
While it's interesting that you are confessing to be disabled, Perry, the fact you think anyone mocking you is mocking all disabled people further indicates you don't have the mental wherewithal to complete a college education.
While it's interesting that you are confessing to be disabled, Perry,

I never did that. Not once. I never claimed to be disabled. One doesn't have to be a person under attack to recognize a bigot and bastard who thinks the disabled are funny.

the fact you think anyone mocking you is mocking all disabled people further indicates you don't have the mental wherewithal to complete a college education.

Why do you find the disabled funny?
You mean the kind of stuff you do all the time?
Have I called anyone a pedophile, Perry? No.

Have I lied about my education in order to play one-upmanship games with them? No.

Have I demeaned others simply for disagreeing with me? No.

Have you done any of these things, Perry? Yes, you have.
I never did that. Not once. I never claimed to be disabled.

One doesn't have to be a person under attack to recognize a bigot and bastard who thinks the disabled are funny.

Why do you find the disabled funny?
That's because you're too fucking stupid to recognize you did, Perry. Doing it once doesn't matter, but doing it several times is a pattern of behavior, son.

Correct. OTOH, a fucking moron who is called on his bullshit and then screams someone is mocking all disabled people truly deserves to be a laughingstock.

I don't, Perry. If you were both smarter and saner then you might understand why.