Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

I've often wondered why he changed his name from the original "Perry Phimosis" he used to go by. Did someone finally point him to a definition of "phimosis"? Or did he get that condition painfully corrected by a 3rd-rate surgeon? :laugh:

LOL Good question. IDK the answer, but have noticed that he likes to change his name a lot. While mercurial personalities can be a good thing, in Perry's case, it's more likely to indicate a borderline personality disorder.

His obsession with labeling me a pedo using Gaugin and Prince Andrew is one example of him displaying anger against others. His eagerness to use "Helicopter Steve" when I disagree with him is another. Mainly, notice how he likes to portray himself as the smartest, most educated person in the room in his attacks upon Cypress.

Borderline Personality Disorder or a Mercurial Disposition?
Mood swings may be normal, but explosive anger and irrational behaviors are not.

When people hear the term "Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)," they may imagine that it means someone is “on the borderline” between possessing a normal and an abnormal personality. However, the term originally was coined to describe the bordering edge between psychosis and neurosis.

Individuals who are suffering from psychosis are unable to distinguish reality from hallucinations or delusions, maintain a stable sense of self, or practice healthy defense strategies or coping methods in the face of challenges. With neuroses, a person recognizes that they are struggling with some aspect of functioning, but they are in touch with reality. However, individuals with BPD fall somewhere between these two areas of compromised functioning as they display symptoms of neuroses, but struggle with maintaining a realistic perspective on people and events in their lives...

... individuals with BPD can display unbridled, explosive anger, fears that resemble paranoia, and impulsive behaviors that may yield lasting consequences. For the person with BPD, these behaviors all make logical sense as appropriate reactions to their misperceived understanding of a situation. Stress exacerbates the symptoms of BPD, but the consequences of the BPD-associated behaviors generate even more stress, which can lead to further spiraling for the sufferer.
We can also investigate the existence of God.

And we have.

Anything that has a relationship with the physical world can be investigated. If God is real but has NO RELATIONSHIP with the physical world then it doesn't matter if he's real or not.

No, we cannot scientifically investigate the existence of God. The fact that you make that statement indicates you either don't have a first grade understanding of science or you lack and understanding of the meaning of supernatural.

Your statement that 'anything that has a relationship with the physical world can be investigated' is utterly false and ignorant. Science can study only those things that behave consistently with our understanding of the physical world. For science to study something it must EXIST OR HAVE EXISTED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Period. Full stop. If it does not exist in the physical world, it cannot be studied.

You should probably stick to trolling other posters. You suck at that too, but less so.
I explained it that day. It stands for "pot shop". At least that is what they are called often around here.

My thinking was Doc claimed to have some "skill" and I thought I don't like art like Gaugin's and wouldn't it be funny if Gaugin was poorly painting losers at the dispensary?
Try again, but with a better explanation.

I live in a marijuana legal state and have never seen anyone substitute PS for a dispensary.

More importantly, I don't see any logical connection or thread between Gaugin living in Tahiti and "pot shops".
You sure do harbor a lot of hatred.

You should try to get a grip on that, Cyprissy.

How is believing lying is wrong or asserting the truism that sock puppets are a form of deception is harboring a lot of hatred, Perry?

Speaking of getting a grip, did you ever have your phimosis corrected?
Try again, but with a better explanation.

I live in a marijuana legal state and have never seen anyone substitute PS for a dispensary.

More importantly, I don't see any logical connection or thread between Gaugin living in Tahiti and "pot shops".

Perry is obviously lying to cover up what he thought was a clever ruse to accuse me of pedophilia. Same goes with his repeated use of Prince Andrew pictures.
LOL Good question. IDK the answer, but have noticed that he likes to change his name a lot. While mercurial personalities can be a good thing, in Perry's case, it's more likely to indicate a borderline personality disorder.

His obsession with labeling me a pedo using Gaugin and Prince Andrew is one example of him displaying anger against others. His eagerness to use "Helicopter Steve" when I disagree with him is another. Mainly, notice how he likes to portray himself as the smartest, most educated person in the room in his attacks upon Cypress.

Borderline Personality Disorder or a Mercurial Disposition?
Mood swings may be normal, but explosive anger and irrational behaviors are not.

It's obvious even to us non-psychologists that he harbors intense envy, fear, and hate of Cypress because he wants to be seen (as you said) as the smartest person here. It's clear that he is not, hence his rage at those of us who truly are intelligent, educated, witty, and just overall better. lol
Try again, but with a better explanation.

I live in a marijuana legal state and have never seen anyone substitute PS for a dispensary.

More importantly, I don't see any logical connection or thread between Gaugin living in Tahiti and "pot shops".

You sure are hung up on "argumentum ad populum". If you've never heard of it then no one has. LOL.

Sorry but apparently you don't live near me. :)
No, we cannot scientifically investigate the existence of God. The fact that you make that statement indicates you either don't have a first grade understanding of science or you lack and understanding of the meaning of supernatural.

Unless God has ZERO interaction with our physical reality then I guess the question is: WHY? If God is real and he has an impact on reality then he should be "testable".

Your statement that 'anything that has a relationship with the physical world can be investigated' is utterly false and ignorant. Science can study only those things that behave consistently with our understanding of the physical world. For science to study something it must EXIST OR HAVE EXISTED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD. Period. Full stop. If it does not exist in the physical world, it cannot be studied.

That sounds like "special pleading"
It's obvious even to us non-psychologists that he harbors intense envy, fear, and hate of Cypress because he wants to be seen (as you said) as the smartest person here. It's clear that he is not, hence his rage at those of us who truly are intelligent, educated, witty, and just overall better. lol

Agreed on all points...especially the latter ones. :thup: His stealing Cypresses username is akin to his pedo accusations using Gaugin in Tahiti and Prince Andrew; he thinks he's being sly but he's not fooling any normal or better adult.

Perry's greatest incongruency, IMO, is his claim of accomplishments compared to his obvious lack of maturity. From there it's downhill into what you've observed and described; his envy, his fear and his hatred of others.
Unless God has ZERO interaction with our physical reality then I guess the question is: WHY? If God is real and he has an impact on reality then he should be "testable".

That sounds like "special pleading"

Once again, you seem to lack a basic understanding of science. God is, by definition, supernatural. His 'existence' cannot be measured, only assumed with no evidence. Period. Full Stop. We can measure things that have happened in the natural world. We cannot in any way hypothesize that God did those things. It is impossible. That you do not understand this shows you should stop posting on the topic and read something.
Way to completely dodge what I actually asked you, but I will let you make this recovery:

If God has ANY RELATIONSHIP WHATSOEVER WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD IT CAN BE TESTED. There have been studies on the "power of prayer". There have been studies on supposed "Miracles".

I can't explain what caused the big bang,
I can't explain the meaning of creation,
I can't explain where the physical laws and precise ordering of the universe come from,
because there are no scientific tools to investigate them, and there are some questions science is not designed to answer.
Once again, you seem to lack a basic understanding of science. God is, by definition, supernatural. His 'existence' cannot be measured, only assumed with no evidence.

That is the definition of "special pleading".

Period. Full Stop. We can measure things that have happened in the natural world.

So is it your belief that God has never interacted with humans directly at any point and has never created a miracle in the physical world?