Heels Up Harris is at it again

No one ever said Kamala Harris had sex with Mayor Willie Brown. Willie Brown never said they did, nor did Kamala Harris.

All that is on record, is that Kamala and WIllie were said to have dated, on occasion, during the year 1984.

I've been divorced for over 10 years now, and I have dated several women, since being divorced. And I can honestly tell you, that there were several women I dated, WHERE "I" MADE A DECISION "NOT" TO HAVE A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP WITH. In fact, my first wife, and the mother of my two children, dated for well over a year, got engaged after the first 9 months of dating, and did not have sexual relations until we were already legally married 12 months after dating steady for a year. And we were happily married for well over 15 years.

And here is the deal, I could care less about what other people think about my sex life, or dating experiences.

Because, I really should not have to explain my sex life to anyone, because it is no one's business but mine, and the ladies I dated or befriended throughout my life.

What we have here is a Republican party full of HATEFUL AND JEALOUS TRUMPTARDS that are hellbent on trying to DEMONIZE their competition, by suggesting there is something somehow immoral about dating the opposite sex.

Well, all I can say here, is consider the source of the Demonizations, Jumping to Conclusions, Dirty Minds, Jealousy, Unproven Accusations, and GENERAL HATEFULNESS and BAD WILL!

Perhaps you should not judge others before taking a good look at yourselves!

Willie Brown was married.
Was Donald Trump married when he fucked Stormy?

Donald Trump started dating Melania in 1998, and dated her for a year before his Divorce with Martha Maples was finalized in 1999!

And he started dating Martha Maples, long before he ever even filed for divorce with his first wife- IVANA

So, I am not sure what point you are trying to make here- except you seem to be making a point of being such a FUCKING HYPOCRITE AND JUDGEMENTAL SON-OF-A-BITCH!

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Was Donald Trump married when he fucked Stormy?

Donald Trump started dating Melania in 1998, and dated her for a year before his Divorce with Martha Maples was finalized in 1999!

And he started dating Martha Maples, long before he ever even filed for divorce with his first wife- IVANA

So, I am not sure what point you are trying to make here- except you seem to be making a point of being such a FUCKING HYPOCRITE AND JUDGEMENTAL SON-OF-A-BITCH!

Was Donald Trump married when he fucked Stormy?

Donald Trump started dating Melania in 1998, and dated her for a year before his Divorce with Martha Maples was finalized in 1999!

And he started dating Martha Maples, long before he ever even filed for divorce with his first wife- IVANA

So, I am not sure what point you are trying to make here- except you seem to be making a point of being such a FUCKING HYPOCRITE AND JUDGEMENTAL SON-OF-A-BITCH!

Brown gave Harris her start in politics. Stormy didn't give Trump his start in politics. NEXT!