Hegel vs. Kierkegaard

When I examine the tree using DNA, it will look half human. The entire multiverse is made of the same elements. Hegel was unaware of this at the time.

Not sure what you are referring to. Why was Hegel supposed to know about the multiverse hypothesis?
it depends on one's goals.

I leaned a lot of physics without ever having actually read Newton's Principia or Einstein's landmark 1905 paper on special relativity. I certainly never read the original research papers of James Clark Maxwell or Niels Bohr, nor were they required reading in any physics class I took.

On the other hand, I have made it a project in the last three years to learn something about 2,500 years of western and eastern philosophy.

That simply does not leave me the time to read the collected works of Plato, Aristotle, Laozi, Mencius, Boethius, Abelard, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sarte, Heidegger, etc.

The only realistic way for me to approach this is to learn about these thinkers and their philosophies by reading survey books and learning from scholars who are subject matter experts.
When I go down a rabbit hole, I look for reality but I always learn something new about myself. When I first got to the net there was nothing here but string theory and conspiracy theory. It didn't take me long to realize that everything is about politics.
Metaphysics is a human description of how the world is. Force is a function of how it is defined. They are subjective the way all our knowledge is subjective.
By the age of 3 we realize we live in a physical world. We can touch a tree and know that it is real but shortly after that we are told about an abstract world that cannot be touched, only imagined. Some kids have a wild imagination and should not be taught that thoughts are objective.
"86. Inasmuch as the new true object issues from it, this dialectical
movement which consciousness exercises on itself and which
affects both its knowledge and its object, is precisely what is
called experience [Eifahrung]. "

This section seems available to understand. Hegel's project is explaining experience. By phenomenology he means the science of experience.

The passages I quoted do not seem to be too hard to comprehend.

The phenomenology of experience is not what Hegel is widely acknowledged for. Empiricism and and the phenomenology of experience go back to Locke and Hume.

What was uniquely original about Hegel, and what I am trying to learn about, is his philosophy of history -- how spirit or God is known and manifested through the process of unfolding human history.

I am just not going to read his entire collected works to get the gist of it. The reason Encyclopedias have been in business for 300 years is because people want stuff explained to them by subject matter experts, without having to read the collected works of Plato, Aristotle, Newton, etc.
Hegel basically inspired nationalism

Hegel’s philosophy of history

Hegel’s philosophy of history is perhaps the most fully developed philosophical theory of history that attempts to discover meaning or direction in history. Hegel regards history as an intelligible process moving towards a specific condition—the realization of human freedom. “The question at issue is therefore the ultimate end of mankind, the end which the spirit sets itself in the world”.

He regards the relationship between “objective” history and the subjective development of the individual consciousness (“spirit”) as an intimate one; this is a central thesis in his Phenomenology of Spirit (1807). And he views it to be a central task for philosophy to comprehend its place in the unfolding of history. “History is the process whereby the spirit discovers itself and its own concept” (1857: 62). Hegel constructs world history into a narrative of stages of human freedom, from the public freedom of the polis and the citizenship of the Roman Republic, to the individual freedom of the Protestant Reformation, to the civic freedom of the modern state.

The phenomenology of experience is not what Hegel is widely acknowledged for. Empiricism and and the phenomenology of experience go back to Locke and Hume.

What was uniquely original about Hegel, and what I am trying to learn about, is his philosophy of history -- how spirit or God is known and manifested through the process of unfolding human history.

I am just not going to read his entire collected works to get the gist of it. The reason Encyclopedias have been in business for 300 years is because people want stuff explained to them by subject matter experts, without having to read the collected works of Plato, Aristotle, Newton, etc.

You never read Hegel and are blabbering about nothing. My god, have some humility!
Cypress, I think I finally understand what you are doing--philosophy criticism. Like an art critic who writes about painting but never paints, you comment on philosophy but never actually do philosophy.

You just want to comment on what other people are doing.
I am not responsible for your rage and resentment.

No one is forcing you to visit my threads.

No, I will comment on the topics, but you are right. You're too immature to debate ideas and I should not respond directly to your posts.

You are much happier talking to yourself and congratulating yourself for being a bright guy.
Cypress, I think I finally understand what you are doing--philosophy criticism. Like an art critic who writes about painting but never paints, you comment on philosophy but never actually do philosophy.

You just want to comment on what other people are doing.

You should point to any actual post I have written claiming I am a subject matter expert in philosophy.

They do not exist.

Or just admit you have invented some mental fantasies about me in your mind to conform to assumptions and pre-conceived notions you have about me.

I do not think it is healthy for you to be thinking this hard about me
You should point to any actual post I have written claiming I am a subject matter expert in philosophy.

They do not exist.

Or just admit you have invented some mental fantasies about me in your mind to conform to assumptions and pre-conceived notions you have about me.

I do not think it is healthy for you to be thinking this hard about me

Like I said, you are much happier talking to yourself. I will comment on a topic if it interests me, but I will not respond directly to your posts.
Like I said, you are much happier talking to yourself. I will comment on a topic if it interests me, but I will not respond directly to your posts.

You weren't interested in discussing Hegel or Kierkegaard - you just showed up with a chip on your shoulder.

I ask that you try to keep your rage to youself, and if you have something interesting to say about Soren Kierkegaard, write a post.
Because it confuses kids to the point where they don't know what is real. It's the beginning of their indoctrination to an us and them mentality that leads to illusory superiority or an inferiority complex. These damaged kids become dysfunctional adults who have their own kids before they work through their disorders. That's why we're all here.