Hegel vs. Kierkegaard

An example. Some people believe that Trump won the election. That statement is objective. But its objectivity is not a claim that it is true Trump won the election.
It's time for me to get stoned, Cousin. We'll have to work this out when I'm blasted.
I would not trust PMP to be a sage of wisdom on the trajectory of this world.

Intelligent young adults have always been interested in counter culture, avante garde, finding meaning in life.

That hasn't changed at least since the 1960s.

In all my years in college and university I never got any measurable impression I was a prisoner in an indoctrination factory. I really think the only people who say that are Deplorables who never went to college, and are parroting what rightwing media personalities told them.

I also do not think young adults necessarily have an aversion to tradition and ancient wisdom. Robert André LaFleur of Holy Cross College claims that classes in Asian and Eastern philosophy routinely have healthy and robust enrollment numbers at universities across North America and Europe.

That tells me there is an abiding interest in ancient wisdom among many young adults.

I've noticed that at my univ. too.
Einstein had a Phd in physics.

You are correct and the goat is wrong, of course.

"Born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was the most impactful physicist of the 20th century. He received a bachelor’s degree from Swiss Federal Polytechnic in 1900 and a PhD from the University of Zurich in 1905. Einstein’s career famously began at a patent office in Bern, Switzerland, where he had time to ponder big questions in physics after reviewing patent applications." ( https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.5.031434/full/ )
Student debt in a gig economy is the reality young adults are forced to deal with. It's the establishment who want to break the tradition of higher learning with online vocational training that doesn't allow for interpersonal skills or economic mobility. Amazon is a perfect example of the return to proletariat and bourgeoisie (us and them).

Einstein was a patent clerk and special relativity was his hobby. Our broken system no longer allows the cream to rise to the top. Bezos and Musk became billionaires because of corporate welfare and slave labor. Bezos lost money for 20 years until he was given a government contract to hand over all his customer information. This is the world we live in.

I do not pay attention to Besos and Musk, and have no interest in them.

Freedom to advance and succeed in science is better today than it was in the early 19th century, when Einstein was getting started. I do not look at 1905 as the good old days. Certainly women and minorities had almost no opportunities in science 100 years ago.

Einstein may not have been able to land a tenure track professorship after grad school. But the Bern patent office job obviously gave him plenty of free time to think and write. I would hardly call special relativity a mere hobby for Einstein. He wrote three landmark papers in 1905, any one of which would have made a physicist's career. Brownian motion, the photo electric effect, and special relativity. Physics was not a hobby for Einstein, even during his short stint at the Bern patent office - it was his passion.
I've noticed that at my univ. too.

Confucianism is making a big comeback in people's Republic of China, even though until the 1990s the Communist party actively discouraged any promotion of Confucianism as counter to revolutionary spirit.

It seemingly suggests, even after 2,500 years, people have a thirst for the ancient wisdom.

Confucianism is making a big comeback in people's Republic of China, even though until the 1990s the Communist party actively discouraged any promotion of Confucianism as counter to revolutionary spirit.

It seemingly suggests, even after 2,500 years, people have a thirst for the ancient wisdom.

Our human natures require more than just food, shelter, family, community.