Hegel vs. Kierkegaard

Because it confuses kids to the point where they don't know what is real. It's the beginning of their indoctrination to an us and them mentality that leads to illusory superiority or an inferiority complex. These damaged kids become dysfunctional adults who have their own kids before they work through their disorders. That's why we're all here.

Sorry, not following your argument. I think you are talking about subjectivism, something I was critical of.
It has been claimed that Hitler found inspiration from Hegel(nationalism), Nietchze (concept of ubermensch), Darwin (social Darwinism).

I do not know if it is fair to lay Hitler and Hegel's feet anymore than it is to lay the Gulag at Marx's feet, but it is a topic which has been circulating for 80 years.
Because it confuses kids to the point where they don't know what is real. It's the beginning of their indoctrination to an us and them mentality that leads to illusory superiority or an inferiority complex. These damaged kids become dysfunctional adults who have their own kids before they work through their disorders. That's why we're all here.

I think it is entirely feasible to wait until college to teach kids about the experiential phenomenology of Locke, Hume, George Barkeley.

They do not need to know at age five that physical material can be both a wave and a particle at the same time, nor that seemingly solid objects are actually mostly empty space.
I think it is entirely feasible to wait until college to teach kids about the experiential phenomenology of Locke, Hume, George Barkeley.

They do not need to know at age five that physical material can be both a wave and a particle at the same time, nor that seemingly solid objects are actually mostly empty space.
We live in an upside down and backwards world that quite a few young folk refuse to be complicit in. Yesterday PostmodernProphet told me these kids will grow up and go along with the narrative. He may be partly right but that leaves plenty of young adults who still believe they can change the world. They need to be encouraged to trust their rationale.
We live in an upside down and backwards world that quite a few young folk refuse to be complicit in. Yesterday PostmodernProphet told me these kids will grow up and go along with the narrative. He may be partly right but that leaves plenty of young adults who still believe they can change the world. They need to be encouraged to trust their rationale.

What are you talking about?
We live in an upside down and backwards world that quite a few young folk refuse to be complicit in. Yesterday PostmodernProphet told me these kids will grow up and go along with the narrative. He may be partly right but that leaves plenty of young adults who still believe they can change the world. They need to be encouraged to trust their rationale.

I would not trust PMP to be a sage of wisdom on the trajectory of this world.

Intelligent young adults have always been interested in counter culture, avante garde, finding meaning in life.

That hasn't changed at least since the 1960s.

In all my years in college and university I never got any measurable impression I was a prisoner in an indoctrination factory. I really think the only people who say that are Deplorables who never went to college, and are parroting what rightwing media personalities told them.

I also do not think young adults necessarily have an aversion to tradition and ancient wisdom. Robert André LaFleur of Holy Cross College claims that classes in Asian and Eastern philosophy routinely have healthy and robust enrollment numbers at universities across North America and Europe.

That tells me there is an abiding interest in ancient wisdom among many young adults.
I would not trust PMP to be a sage of wisdom on the trajectory of this world.

Intelligent young adults have always been interested in counter culture, avante garde, finding meaning in life.

That hasn't changed at least since the 1960s.

In all my years in college and university I never got any measurable impression I was a prisoner in an indoctrination factory. I really think the only people who say that are Deplorables who never went to college, and are parroting what rightwing media personalities told them.

I also do not think young adults necessarily have an aversion to tradition and ancient wisdom. Robert André LaFleur of Holy Cross College claims that classes in Asian and Eastern philosophy routinely have healthy and robust enrollment numbers at universities across North America and Europe.

That tells me there is an abiding interest in ancient wisdom among many young adults.
Student debt in a gig economy is the reality young adults are forced to deal with. It's the establishment who want to break the tradition of higher learning with online vocational training that doesn't allow for interpersonal skills or economic mobility. Amazon is a perfect example of the return to proletariat and bourgeoisie (us and them).

Einstein was a patent clerk and special relativity was his hobby. Our broken system no longer allows the cream to rise to the top. Bezos and Musk became billionaires because of corporate welfare and slave labor. Bezos lost money for 20 years until he was given a government contract to hand over all his customer information. This is the world we live in.